Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy Mother Day

These are some nice pix and exelence words that friends kindly sent to me on mother day. I am really appreciated and want to share ,even if some of you here are not a mother. This is just too beautiful not to share.


Roxana said...

Thank you Mrs. Joom for sharing these very true and wise words with us. They made me laugh and cry! They are so, so true!!!

Thank you and I hope all of you had a wonderful Mother's Day!


Jennifer said...

Joom, you are great in the mother roll. I hope you had a great mother day and every day.

Thanks for sharing the beautiful cards and wise words. They are awesome.

Mary said...

I agree they are so true and all are very lovely!!

Hope you have a happy day.

Thank you for sharing.

Charles said...

Joom ,you are a great mother and your family is awesome. I know you're a happy mother.

Carina said...


These cards are very very nice.... the photos...I love the one with the small feet... =o)
and all the words!.... so true!
