I heard from Erika Lanasa who just got back home from the Chambersburg KC show where Malee won the breed and a group 2. !!!!
Erika said Malee worked very hard at the shows to be so beautiful ggg. It seems that Malee and Erika high trust ,are proud of each other so very much. That's why they have always done very good jobs together.

Yahooo for Malee and Erika, that is wonderful news Joom, Congrats.
Whenever I see Malee's winning for Group again, I wonder if it's an old one? Then I realize no, it's not the old one , it's TODAY. Malee and Erika won group as if it was an easy achievement. No, it' not! It's very difficult for a chihuahua to win the froup BUT MALEE AND ERIKA HAVE DONE IT AL THE TIME!!!!! Ahhh... they are a miracle matching!
WOW! That 's amazing!
I must agree to Jennifer that Malee and Erika have won group as if it was an easy achievement. Everybody knows it's not easy at all! BUT it happens because they are wonderful. Malee is absolutely beautiful and Erika is way to outstanding in training and showing dogs. They are a dream team.
Congrates! Congrates! Congrates!
Anothe Group placing?! Aren't you tired of hunting group places , Malee?? But I'd love to say Way Too Go! I mean "more groups"!!!
Way to go, Malee. Congrats once again, Joom.
Way to go Malee!!! What a great team! Erika and Malee!!!
Wow! We are so proud with you Mrs. Joom!
Countless hurray !!!
Get those points girls!! Anxious to see where ya'll place ar end of year..
Next year will also be facinating!!!
Kisses and hugs
Love Malee's ears... Lol
well all of her is sure purrrrty!! :0)))
Very Nice win:)
Congrats to Malee,
Erika, and to you Joom!
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