I know Malee enjoys showing with her beloved handler. At the same time I think she is working for our names (mine & Saiyai's). I miss her so much. I am sending my big big hugs & my sweetest kisses across the sky to Malee...my little Thai florst.
I am in the mood of showing the picture of when she was a puppy.

Gender: Female
Sire: Int. Am.Th.Ch. Fandango Wheel of Fortune "Cash"
Dam: Th.Ch. Jimlim of Saiyai Kennel
DoB: 09.08.2008
Breeders: Mrs. Yupayao Sakawee, Ms. Saiyai Sakawee
Owners: The Breeders
just beautiful. I haven't met her but I miss her already too. LOL I am sure she will make you very proud Joom.
I remember. Malee has captured my eyes and my heart sinc she was a baby. I remember that litter was so precious! Malee, Mai Thai , Tubtimm. Love them all.
Her pic at the puppy age 's got tears to my eyes...don't know why...just appreciated.
She is beautiful since she was very young. Love her always & forever.
Beautiful!!! NO wonder she does well in the ring...she is gorgeous
I love Malee every day, every minute , since she was young. This pic of her is still on my computer.
I absolutely love her name and Malee is extremely beautiful! I am so happy that she is working with her handler, Erika and it proves that both are doing so well. I'm very proud of Malee and Erika. I somewhere think Malee does look like Master more because I think it is the eyes going on. However, Amex and Malee have the same markings. Like I said before and I will say it again. All of your dogs are always this gorgeous no matter what. All look same and beautiful!!! I am so proud of you and your breedings, Joom! Hugs!
Joom I have been with Erika and Malee at the show and they are well. We had a winter blizzard and most people had to go home not even sure they had the show on Sat. Snow and wind made conditions dangerous. I saw them on Wed and Thurs. Most chihuahua people left on Friday. Malee is one beautiful girl.
from a little baby to a huge BIG star
We remember the first time you posted Malees pics, and thank you for the remainder. So very lovley right from the start! Just think Joom, Malee is there, and at the same time reunited with our Divine, her half brother, and they met in a diffrent part of the world, lol! Divine was just with Erika to practice at that particulair show, but our Nimbus where shown, maybe Malees husbund in the future, lol! Who knows! Looking forward to hear some good news!
Oh! Dear Freinds, I thank you so much for your nice posting here today.
Tina, Thank you for letting me know that you met Erika & Malee at the show. I'm sure , if it was not because of the snow storm, you would go closer and kiss Malee for me :0))
Now I am thinking hard and worried for Erika and the dogs. I'll better write to her or give her a call right away.
Thank you my dear Tina.
Ellika, you make me laugh during my curious time!! :o)
You think about their marrige! You are too funny! But I must say I like your idea. That may be the destiny!!! :0)))
Finally, I found out today that Erika and the dogs are safe. Erika decided to leave the show since yesterday, and right now the dogs and her are resting at home. Good to know.
Before they left, Malee won a Best of Opposite Sex, and Roger Federer finished his American Championship.
Malee is the sweetest ever since she was a little puppy.
I love her and I cheer for her! I am so proud of little Malee, she has done so so wonderful in the USA! Saiyai Doghome is one of the great Chihuahua breeders of the world! I am so happy to be part of this family, Even though I recently havent been able to Blog so much. I miss you all so very much and keep you all close to my heart!
Thank you all for being so special and kind to my family and I!
Ohhhh precious angel...
I remember these pictures all to well myself.
She was stunning as a baby and developed into a show stopper.. I hear her movement is incredible.. And she had teeth to die for.. I hear each tooth is placed to perfection!!
You have bred a jem Joom..
I to am very proud to be part of yourfamily !
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