Thank you Hiram.
Congrates to Mrs. Suchitra Sawatyanont , BB's owner and Marina Sukhinenko- my dear friend and Daffie's owner.

Daffie: Saiyai 's Dancin Daffodil for Masway
sire: Am.Th.Ch.Marlisa 's Dancin Away Baron
dam: Th.Ch. Fandango Secret Garden
breeder: Saiyai Doghome
owner: Marina , Masway chihuahuas ,Moscow

sire: Int.Am.Th.Ch.Fandango Wheel of Fortune
dam: Th.Ch.Jimlim of Saiyai
breeder: Saiyai Doghome
owner: Mrs.Suchitra Sawatyanont ,Thailand
That's FANTASTIC!! Congratulations to all concerned , especialy Daffie and BB.You both ROCK!!!
Way to go, the two cuties , the great handler and the fantastic breeder. Everyone is awesome here.
WaY to go !! thats great news both of them are so goegreous and Hiram
is such a talented handler you must be the happiest person to hear such lovely results.
Congrats Joom ,Hiram. the owners and of course the beautiful BB and Daffie.
best regards Toni
ooppps that was meant to be gorgeous ..LOL cant spell tonight
Awesome! that's so awesome!! Congrats!
Way to go....Very nice wins Joom :)
My congratulations for you Joom and Marina Sukhinenko – of your dear friend and Daffie's owner, also to Mrs. Suchitra Sawatyanont, BB's owner!!!
I am once again convinced, that you very successful breeder!!!
With love from Russia
So nice to read about all the succesful wonderful dogs!
Love! =o)
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