I know that at this age there are many things to look forward throgh but her parents and the way she looks right now are so special.
The plan I have for her are so great that I dare not say now.If everything turns out well with her, I may need help from some friends in America and in Europe.
WOW! to have something to dream about makes every passing days lively. :0) I'm blessed to have such these days.:0))

My dear friend. Beauty is the most stunning brindle I ever saw !!
I love your dreams. People who have dreams and work to let them come true are the people I love. We are the same. In the moment I have two of those dreams ( and one is also brindle ;-)))
Tell you more in a few weeks.
I´m happy to be your friend
Big hugs, Eva
AWW!!!! Eva, I can't wait to hear your dreams. Tell me and let me be happy with you MORE and SOONER!!! LOL
Oh I love your dream !!!! I love to have dreams too, that's the way life goes on. Planning all kind of things is so wonderful. Beauty looks so outstanding Baby Brindle. She must have special temperament too. When ever she will come to Europe she will need the antirabies blood test done.
Joom, I love your passion to your dogs. It drives the world!!
Whatever you're planing forBeauty , I believe it will be so great. I really want to see what will be greater than what you're doing with Malee.
You said you dare not say it yet , but it already got my adrenaline rushing.!!!!
Joom, you are the lady with big ,clean, kind heart. You've always creat the world for the ones you love. Beauty is a beauty and so precious, no wonder you have a big plan for her.
I wish you nothing but the best for your great dream. Does this also include your other beauty, "Brindie"? Joom, you have a vision and I am looking forward to seeing the results in the future.
Thank you dear friends .I'm so proud of this friendship.I'll treasure this more than you know.
Joom, I wish for you that your great dream comes true. May all your dreams come true. And I just love that little Beauty.
Somehow I think you will make your dreams come true! You seem like a very special lady.
Great to know we have friends to join and be happy with our dreams. Thank you all dear friends. I'm blessed to have you all.
I think that everyone should have dreams, believe in them and follow them... May your plans and dreams come true ;) Good luck with your Beauty!! :))
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