the Bassett Hound is about more than 10 years old. I saved Sam from improper care about 5 years ago. At the time, we thought he would not last very long, because he was already quite old. Every morning, I would ask my maids who were looking after the dogs, "Is Sam still alive?" I asked that question for years, until eventually I stop asking. Sam seems healthy and happy, and we hope to look after him until his time is over. Sam is no burden for us. In fact, Sam bring us joy with his funny face and movement. Sam is joyful, lively, and friendly.
Eventually, the two families that sued me about my dogs (which they won both in the initial and appealing court) indicated that Sam was the problem. They claimed Sam was loud, smelly, and made it difficult for them to breathe (in fact Sam is very clean, hundreds of other neighbors like to come and play with him.) But no matter how the two neighbours lie, they have already won.

My family and I continue to fight for the other dogs in our family.
I am so sorry to hear that, Joom. Yes it seems that you can have a few miserable neighbors around in any part of the world. I have had this sort of experience with former neighbors when I stayed at a different place and this woman absolutely hated dogs and they tried to make our life and that of the dogs miserable, even some of my dogs died very mysteriously. So this was one of the reasons I decided to leave that place for the sake of my dogs because I don't need this sort of people around me. But where I am now things are not like that and this way it is a lot easier.
I am sure you found a good place for Sam so he can enjoy his last years but I know it is always hard to say good bye to a loved dog. Sending you a big hug :-)
this enrages me that neighbors can be so cruel. im very sorry that u had to give sam up. keep fighting eventually there will be some real justice. huggs
Hope Sam has many more happy years with his new family xx Keep up the good work you do xxx
this is just tragic, joom and i'm choked up reading this. stay strong...
I'm flooded with years all the way here in Pennsylvania this Morning. Sam was so lucky to have you to care for him.
This story touches the heart deeply..
I'm glad he has a new wonderful home. I wish to take him home to me.
Bless your heart .. I have no idea how you hold together every day. My dogs are my heart and soul.. I truly believe if they were to be gone then so would I.
Sending tears of sad AND joy for Sam and hug for you.
Michelle Brislin
Oh Joom, my tears are your tears of a broken heart. Do they not know what they do to you and your family? No! They do not! I know it's much like tearing a child from your arms. Sam will be o.k. I am sure in his new family. Yet there is heartache & tears within your home and everyone who love you & family too. We are so very sorry you have to go thru this about your dogs. It's everywhere, a few complain and then later on it's them who move away leaving a trail of destruction & heartbreak behind, never looking back. These people have no compassion for human or dog. They know not nor care what you do in rescue and showing for the good of dogs. Your family is unique in that you rescue from the bottom of throw away dogs to showing the most beautiful and elite of dogs to championships...therefore most compassionate to treat them all the same. My heart bleeds. There MUST be a rainbow somewhere in all of this."
Heartbreaking, but you will heal. All that love and care is your foundation
For the love of dogs Yupayao & family..your world of friends are weeping with you. Some of us know first hand how this feels.
Oh, my dear Joom!
My eyes cry... My heart cries too!
I do not know WHY cruelty is in our world? And
WHY she wins sometimes?.....
I send you and your family my LOVE and SUPPORT, my PRAYS and LOVE again....
I trust in the end, but HAPPY END for each of you!
Let will be SO!
i know sam i was fortunate that i was able to meet him several times when i visited Mrs. Joom's place, not to mention that i personally love the breed..
sometimes life is unfair not all people can understand how we dog-lovers feel..
good karma will come along to people with good hearts.
stay strong madam,
-john uy (phil)
Joom! This makes me so mad and so very sad! It hurts my soul, that this happenr to you.
Sadly, there are neighbours like this all over the world.
I have no words!
I keep flooding tears, I am so sorry.
We will keep praying, that you and your family will win,in the end of all this. So you can start your life again! Xxoxoxo
I'm so sad reading sam's story, stay strong, prayers for you, your family, and dogs.xoxo
I am so sorry that your neighbors are so determined to win this "battle" that you have to say goodbay to a dear friend...Sam.
But I am also happy reading about his new family....
there are good friend who makes
the life a little bit easier when things get out of hand.
I do hope that things will work out for you so that you can live whithout this pressure.
Hugs to you and kisses to all your little loved ones.
Joom this breaks my heart even though he has a wonderful new home. Sorry to hear. Your neighbors are horrible. They have no love for creation. We are all sending big hugs xoxox for you and your family
Joom I am so sorry Sam had to leave and that you are still dealing with these neighbors. It is so very sad. Prayers for you.
This is truly horrible! The happy part is that Sam found a loving home and he is happy.
I know how hard it is to say good-bye to a beloved 4 legged child! It is heart breaking! My heart goes out to you Mrs. Joom! I pray that God gives you peace and deep, restful slept!
Love u!
Oh, my dear Joom...So all is sad it to hear. My heart is broken from grievance and tears.
Nobody would like to be on your place or on Sam’s place.
I hope, tomorrow the world will be better and kinder to you, than yesterday.
Prayers for you. Hugs and Love to you
My dear Joom, I am so sorry. I am weeping with you for Sam. I am sure he will have a good home with your friends. My prayers are still with you, and a few extra for Sam. Love you my dear friend!
Thank you everybody.
I didn'tsleep well last night and this morning is not a good morning. Sam...used to come and greet every morning. He would walked very slowly to me , looked at me lovingly , gave one front leg for me to shake. After having me kissed his head ,he walked away to sit or lay in a corner.
Life....is not the same....without Sam.
Your situation touch my heart. Picture tell more than words. You can be proud of yourself, don´t loose it ♥
Aw Sam I cry for him too but I am sure he will soon get used to his new home and strive again... people just cannot mind their own business.
I feel for you , my friend.
OH Joom I am so sorry for Sam and all those that love Sam and have taken care of him. I am sure you placed him in a good home. Sam was so Blessed to have you save him. I know you wouldn't place him without knowing it is a good home. He looks so sad but hope you will be able to still see him. We continue to pray for you and those neighbors. They are jealous of you.
Our neighbors deal us grief every chance they get. It breaks my heart why people have to be so cruel. We try to help all those that need it. We leave every one alone and mind our own business. If stuff goes on in their property so be it. It is their property. We talk about moving often. Colby is so settled here it is hard to make a decision. Then who knows if we move we might get the same type of neighbors.
I know your heart breaks for you dogs. Mine would too. You are such a wonderful person for helping and caring for all those animals nobody cares about. You have so many wonderful friends that are praying for you. So many that truly care about you. You will be Blessed. Stay strong and know you will come through this a better person. Hugs to you and all your wonderful pets.
Take care
Some people can be so cruel.They are just jealous of what you have....The love between you and your dogs. Glad Sam found a good family, he will be OK.
Dear Joom My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family that this sad story will finally come to the happy ending. You and your family and dogs are so wonderful.
I so much feel with you, Joom. Keep fighting for all your dogs ! The Golden Oldie Sam especially deserves loving and decent home.
This breaks my heart Joom.
Oh Oh Dear how sad . Joom this is heartbreaking .
I know how you must be feeling I am so sad for you
These photos show's your heart breaking Joom, I so wish there was something I could do or say to make you feel better
It is so unfair that you are all being punished for the lies your neighbor has told. I want to hold you both and tell you it will be ok.
My heart breaks for you and sam xx
I am heart broken for Sam...He probably doesn't understand why he has to leave, but he will adapt quickly, and hopefully he will be able to live out the rest of his life comfortably....We love you Sam....
The look in Sam's eyes says it all. Going with his favorite Winnie the Pooh blanket like a trusting child going from everything he knows, to nothing he knows. I cannot stop crying.
It is so sad. Hope we can here Sam´s news how he is doing in his new home, hopeing happy news.
The more I read ,the more it breaks my heart.
Dear Joom , My heart aches for you and I am so very sorry, it must be so horroble for you. You only want to give love and they take it away from you........Sam is such a wonderful dog and he knows for sure you always will be with him with your heart ♥.......this gives me tears in my eyes.........so sorry for you !!!
You have a heart of gold. You have touched so many lives both human and animal. Wishing you only the best things....as you so rightly deserve them. (((Hugs))))
Sam looks like a very sweet and happy boy who is so blessed that you saved him! It is obvious how much he is loved by your family and the maids! I am sure he will miss you as much as you miss him! Changing times are never easy but I am glad he has a happy place to live with your friends. Those 2 neighbors... grrrr, I do not like them! They must be very miserable people! I keep praying and lighting candles for you and your family and a happy outcome!
My thought, my heart, and my love is, and has been with you, always!!!
Bless you!!! You earned please in heaven for your good heart.
And those two lieing families - hell waits for you!.
Bless you dear friend...my heart aches and my eyes cry...you & your loving Sam are in my heart & prayers!! ♥
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