"Typhoon" is not just a cavalier who is loved by me and is an inspiration to me. Typhoon also emphasizes the size and meaning of the phrase "unconditional love," to me. Furthermore, he is an important reason why I fight so hard when I was sued by my neighbors. I tell myself, and to the public, that I will fight until the end so that I can have Typhoon with me and my family forever.
However, sometimes the deities can test us, in a surprising way.
I say to everyone that cavalier king charles spaniels are lively, loving, look after other people's happiness more than their own, and do they best to please others. Their tails will always be wagging when they are awake. Unless they are critically unwell, their tails will always be wagging. This must be the reason why by the time I realized Typhoon was ill, the vet already diagnosed that Typhoon does not have a lot of time left.
We just found out that Typhoon has been infected by a kidney disease for 3 weeks. He is already at a critical level. We treat Typhoon with various efforts to the best of our abilities. However, in the mean time, I've noticed his lymph glands have been growing everyday, and he struggles to breathe. So we took Typhoon to the hospital to be tested. His cells were taken to be tested, and he was x-rayed. The vets are quite confident he has lymph gland cancer. They also found, on the x-ray film, that there is a white sheet covering almost the whole of his lung. They don't know if it's just inflammation or lung cancer. It makes him breathe with great difficulty.
The vets said if the lymph gland or the lung, or both, have cancer, especially the former, Typhoon will have just 3 months left.
The vet recommended that I admit Typhoon into the hospital so he can receive oxygen treatment. However, after a long discussion, I decided to order an oxygen cell, and bring Typhoon back to be treated at home. I do not want to leave him at the hospital. If he is to have only 3 months left, I want them to be 3 months where he sleep in my room every night, as he has always done.
Art, my friend, kindly brought the oxygen cell to me. Actually, Art was the one who carried Typhoon from America to Thailand, for me, 5 years ago.

Typhoon still sleeps in my room, but not on the bed as usual, but in the oxygen cell, which is placed next to the bed.
I try to spend as much time as possible with Typhoon. Of course I still go to work at the office, but I always rush home without stopping anywhere. When I return, no matter where Typhoon is, be it in oxygen cell or outside it, he would wag his tails and look up at me lovingly, as if to say, "no matter how much time is left, every moment we share is valuable."
I still hope that no matter what the result of my law case, which I was sued by 2 of my neighbors, is I will still have Typhoon with me. I've already made plans that no matter the result, I will move Typhoon and his friends to Hatyai. I really want Typhoon to be in my plans, no matter what those plans are, forever. I do not know how I can beg this from. Whoever it is, please grant some more time for Typhoon and me to be together.
Joom.... the endless amount of love you give your animals is what I found so attractive about you right from the beginning of our friendship. TO THIS DAY, you still will go to the end of the earth to make sure the animals have what they need and never go without. I pray Typhoon STAYS with you has long as the Holy wants him to be on earth or at least until you can find peace in your heart and soul to know its his time to pass onto the better life! Know as always you are in my thoughts and prayers. He looks so sad in his tank, my heart breaks for both of you. But I would have done things no differently than yourself ;o).... I want and need my babies home where my own eyes can watch!!! Sending love across the miles. Michelle
Joom, I had been speechless, didn't know what to say before writing this. I remember Typhoon, never forget how lovely he is, how lovingly heart he has had to you and the world. Someone special above has always tested us in some different ways.
My family and I are keeping you and Typhoon in our thoughts, our hearts and prayers, indeed Joom.
Hugs Typhoon tightly for us everyday, okay?
Oh dear Joom, a million tears between us are now flowing like rivers! I will pray to Holy to stay with you the whole time and get well, not pass on. As you may know I used to have Cavaliers and much to my dismay several developed mitral valve prolapse and it was not to be for them or us. Now educated further I will always love the magnificent Cavalier, but cannot bring myself to fall in love with another at this time. Time to heal before another can come. We love you and pray daily for good outcome. It seems that the one you will love the most will leave the first. I am so very very heartbroken for you. A million stars are shattered and fall like diamonds over you. All of our love & prayers sent your way...Jan & family
I'm SO sorry about this! I hate to hear about what Typhoon has to go through. It is unfair that he has to suffer when he is so innocent, but at least Typhoon has you nearby and knows how much you love him.
My Dearest Joom,
My heart and prayers are with you and Typhoon. I know how heavy this is on your heart. Typhoon has a special place in your heart and the love you feel for each other is evident. I am praying to the Holy that a cure can be found and that he is not suffering. I am hopeful that he will do better at home where he knows everyone and where he knows that he is loved. You did a wonderful thing for him to get the tank. I know your love for animals knows no boundaries. Your heart is giving and kind and I hope that all the prayers combined will help.
I am sending you and Typhoon my love, prayers and hugs across the sky!
Oh Joom....
I am so sorry that Typhoon is sick....
I will pray that miracles will happen, but if it wont... I can only say that Tyfhoon is a very lucky cavalier who has the best owner and family he could have...
You are so right about all the things you describe the true way of how a cavalier is... allways wagging ther tail... allways...
Joom, my friend... give Typhoon kisses from me...
Love you!
My Dearest Joom, I am so very sorry. I know how much you love Typhoon, and he you. I applaud you for getting the tank for him to be near you. Surely he is so much more comfortable there. I also offer healing prayers to the Holy for sweet Typhoon. I pray that HE sees the love the two of you share and chooses to allow Typhoon to be healed. I shall also add you both to our prayer list. My prayers are for you also. To heal your heart so you can be at peace. My heart is also breaking for you. I wish I could be there to hug and support you Please, Joom, know that I am there in spirit and love you very much!
I'm speechless. I wish the best. If Typhoon must leave to the rainbow bridge, let it be a nice journey with not much pains for him. When the time comes, he may not be there physically, but he will surely be in our heart, in nice memories...
So sad Joom,
Sebby (my son) often talks about Chester's dad (as he calls Typhoon).Thypoon is a lovely beautiful soul and I think that reflecting on the loving beautiful souls that he lives with. Hugs during this difficult time.
Thank you dear all for being with us during this difficult time. I may not be able to thank you enogh as much as my heart does, but please know that your kindness mean so so so much to me and Typhoon.
Joom, may your final days with Typhoon be filled with the love and joy that only a dog can bring! Their unconditional love is such a blessing.
Hugs, love always,
Oh my ... Typhoon I love you for all that you do as a loving companion... I pray to the GODS that all will get better.
Oh joom, i'm crying as i type. i'm so very sorry to hear this and wish i could grant you and your typhoon all the time you need. xoxox
I wish miracle exist and happen to Typhoon. He is such an adorable dog. My best
I am so sorry. There is no easy way to hear those words. When my Barney (a labrador) was diagnosed with liver disease, we tried to make everyday his best day ever. . I am glad you decided to keep Typhoon home because that's where his heart is and there is no other place he would rather be. I wish you all the time that you need with him and that you will find peace with all that is going around you. ♥
This is the saddest picture ever, I am so very very sorry Joom. Tears flow like a river from our heart. We know how much Typhoon means to you and the whole family. Prayers ongoing. Peace, love and prayers sent to you. Remember you are bonded in this life and beyond.
I am so sorry to hear that and hope that your tender loving care and medical skills of the doctors and the grace of God will give him a lot more time than what was predicted. Thinking of you.
:( soo very sorry to read this but lovely that you are able to have him with you for the rest of the time he graces the earth and enjoy his love and he yours, take care you are in our thoughts.
I have just seen this photo and read your post. I am so very sorry that Typhoon is so ill. Like everyone I hope something can be done. If not, I hope you have a long time with Typhoon, filled with love. You are doing so much for him - so nice you can have him at home. Sending all my love to you and Typhoon xxx
Ohhh, dear Joom... me and my heart are crying when read ... crying for sorrow about your dearest Typhoon deasease and crying for your deep, wounderful love you two have ♥. Wish Typhoon will be able to take your love for many more time ... take care, my thoughts are with you both ♥♥♥
Ohh! Joom,I am so very sad after reading this. I did not realise that Typhoon was that ill. I will Pray so Hard for you and Typhoon that you have a long time together,also that the court case will have happy outcome. God Bless you my friend and Hugs & Kisses to you both xxx
Dear Joom, we wrap our arms around you and Typhoon and send hugs and love to you, Jo Alfie and Del xxx
My heart broke after I read this ,my eyes just teared up I pray for you both,as you go threw this ,my heart is with you both GOD BLESS xxxx
Love to you both you have my heart I'm here for you always if you need me xxx
My heart goes out to you & Typhoon, Yupayao...I'm sitting here reading this and crying, because I know what you are going thru, we had a AKC Keeshond that was the love of our lives also, and he had the same thing your beautiful Typhoon had, we also took him home with us to spend his last days, but when he was suffering so badly, we had to let him go, for I couldn't bear to see the one we loved soo much, suffer anymore...I will pray that you & Typhoon have a very long time together before that time comes for you Yupayao, for I know how your beautiful heart is breaking, Gentle (((HUGS))) for Typhoon & you...
If love and prayers can cure Typhoon illness, my love and my prayers would absolutely heal him. There are no words that I know that can express my deep willing for him to recover and for you to feel better. May a miracle happen and Typhoon recover soon. I love you Joom, and I want you not to suffer and Typhoon to feel better. I send you hugs and kisses.....
Joom.. I first contacted you after reading about the love you had for your animals. I know Typhoon knows you love him and you have been doing your best to help him. He looks sad and it makes me sad for you both. But I know you have done the best you can as you always do. Hugs from our family to yours and Typhoon too.
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