The "Lee" Family has the passion and intention for Shopper to show his potential as a beautiful dog and deserving of a great champion. So, Shopper will be flying to be shown by Karen Hamling, Cash's breeder, in Omaha, USA. There, Shopper will get to see Star, Cash's mother, and his very own grand-mother.
Hope the grandma and grandson will live happily together while Shopper shows there. Star who was a ROM of 2005, will get to pass on the qualities of a good showing dog to her grandson, Shopper.

OOOOOH! another wonderful dog of Saiyai kennel will make a wonderful adventure to the show ring in the US.
Shopper will easily be a super star in Karen's hands!
WOW! Shopper will get to see his very own grand-mother in the state. Oh! I also hope they live happily together while Shopper shows there. Star will get to pass her love to Shopper ,not only the qualities of being a good show dog which I am sure they have in veins.
Yes Joom!
Shopper really is worthy a puppy that will be shown in America!
I am glad that Saiyai kennel does excellent successes in breeding Chi's!
Joom, I am proud of you!
Good luck to you Karen and Shopper!!!
Thank you friends for making my bwcomes not too empty.
Marina, I am proud of you too.
Thank you Joom, and Pimporn for this opportunity to make Shopper an American Champion.
I will do my best for all of you :)
To Joom and the Lee family,
Shopper is a very pretty boy. Im sure that he will do very well showing in the US.
Good luck Karen. Wishing you many wins.
Go Shopper! The American Championship is awaiting you! Good luck to Karen, Joom and Pimporn and the Lee family.
Wow !
This is great news Joom!
Shopper will show great in the Us!
And fun for him to visit Grandma!
Best of luck to Shopper and Karen! Joom, what an excellent breeder you are! Soon you will hopefully have a several of Cash´s offsprings being Champions!
And you know we will be proud owners of two of them!!!!
Love // Ellika and Peter
On behalf of the Lee family and myself, we thank you so much for good wishes to Shopper.
Ellika& Peter ,you know how I am proud to have you as the loving owners of my pups. How kind you are ,not only buy them ,but let them show in the US andin your country. I am bless to have all of you into my life.
I forgot to sign my name again. Sorry.
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