For Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, I was inspired by Prince Sukhumpun Boripat, the current Gov'nor of Bangkok. He has a male Cavalier, named Khink, who is very cute. Afterwards, I studied this breed. I have some friends who can bring in good dogs from America and Europe. That is how Typhoon, Prince at Heart, Anton, Gigi, and Winky came. I wasn't disappointed at all because I daresay that Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is the most perfect breed. They have everything we can hope from a breed. They are sweet, polite, lovely, loyal, healthy, and friendly. Maybe too friendly, such that if there was a thief, it'll probably befriend the thief. But I find that people among the Cavalier circle is quite enclosed, with a "leave me alone" attitude. So I don't have too many friends in this circle. There is probably just Carina, from Sweden. We never dealed on dogs, but we share the same passion. I've never met Carina, but she makes me feel like she's all the friend I need. Afterwards, I met Elissa, an Australian. She just purchased Chester. I met Elissa in person, and something tells me that our friendship will be long lasting.

Now, about chihuahuas. Believe it or not, I started naively. In my first shows, the dogs I entered were asked to leave by the judges.!!! But because of my naivity, me and my daughter didn't know better and we still applauded, without any embarassment. LOL. But after a while, I soon realized that that wasn't it. I don't know why Karen named Cash, which she bred, Wheel of Fortune. But in the end, across the ocean, Cash, the Wheel of Fortune, became my Wheel of Fortune at Saiyai Kennel. Believe it or not, I found Cash by the suggestion of an agent, not be Karen. Anyhow, Karen has become a good friend of mine, and a kind mentor. Cash, transformed the name Saiyai Kennel, away from a naivity, over night. He is desevedly the wheel of fortune.

Another important turn of events for Saiyai Kennel was the arrival of Baron and Tommy. It happened because of JAne G. Kay, my senior friend, who came to judge in Thailand at a show I was host. Our friendship grew quickly, on the basis of her kindness, and the respect I have for her. That friendship last to now, and will continue to be so. Jane kindly introduced me to Erika Lanasa of Bayard Kennel, who was the breeder and owner of the legendary Teddy. "Teddy," Am.Ch. I Believe I Can Fly, the long-coat chihuahua who created American dog-showing history by winning 108 Best in Group 1 and 25 Best in Show. Erika, also introduced me to Matt Nicosia, Baron's breeder. That is the coming of Baron and Tommy (Tommy is Teddy's half-brother.)

If we really look at it, the coming of Cash, Baron, Tommy, and others are all fate, which I was given kindness. It's just that when I was given it, I had respected it enough to keep the high standards. I studied hard to keep the high standard.
The kindness and friendship of Erika, Jane G. Kay, Matt, and other brought about the reputation for Saiyai Kennel, and excllent friends such as you guys.
This is one reason that made me feel like helping people who are less fortunate than me, or just starting. Many people argued that I should not waste my time with them. But I realize that the reason I have today is due to the kindness and help of people who were better than me. So why would I not continue this gesture to others?
Of course, sometimes a helping hand brings about friends who were impressed by me, but some see them as worthless. Some people started off well with me, but later betray me. It happened often. When the latter happens, as a human being, I was of course very upset. Some incidents made me upset for 5 minutes, some for a night But afterwards, I chin up, and thought of all the help of my kind mentors. Strangely, the people who gave me, continues to give without betrayal of trust. So I will not give up on helping others. It might sound like I'm boasting that I'm good. I insists that I'm not good, just lucky, and just want to share the fortunes with my friends.



I would like to write this line, like a footnote that, my other studs, be it Piko, Cappuccino, Masa, or Donut, are all great dogs. You can see in their children. Their misfortune is that they share the place with Cash, Baron, and Tommy. That's all.
Dear Joom,
What an amazing post about a beautiful journey. Your love for your dogs shines through every word you wrote as does your love for your friends.
I feel a real sense of privilege at your mention of me in your blog. I believe you are right and rhat our friendship will endure many year.
Love Elissa
Good Morning Mrs. Joom, here in Switzerland!!!! Thank you for sharing your dog breeding history! I know we can all learn from you many things. Thank you for taking your time and sharing this with us. I appreciate it!
I wish you many years of great breedings and champions, but most of all lots of fun while doing it!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend! That is to all that read this too!!!
Dear Joom!
You are the Great Person! You have HUGE HEART which openly for all and always!
I think, any person will feel your sincere care and love if he approach to you. Thank you very much!
I am a small hobby kennel, but only Chihuahua kennel. Possibly I have smaller heart than yours and it can contain a lot of tiny Chi's only.
I love my small breed... I love my big friends... I love you, Joom... I am grateful to all!
I will try to be very much worthy your love, Joom, and not to disappoint and not to betray you, Joom!!!
My Love to you! Marina
Joom my friend!... =o)
So nice to read this: "from the beginning"
It's like Elissa says;
"a beautiful jorney"...
and Thank You! for your kind words about me...
I feel the same way about you.
Your friendship is true and I will be your friend allways.
It's so nice to read about all this people who came in to your life with the same intrest and passion for this wonderful dogs...
and the help and friendship they have given you.
A big hug to you!
and LOVE from me.
And a great weekend back to Roxana and all you dog lovers...
Cavaliers or chihuahuas or any other breed... it doesn't matter...
this dogs means so much for us all.
Love from Sweden!
Elissa,Roxana,Marina,Carina, I am so glad to have yor comments here. I am happy to express my feeling and my passions for my friends and my dogs. Both things are very valuable to me.
Yes, I agree with Carina that it doesn't matter if it's cavalier or chihuahua, the dogs mean so much for us all.
I am so proud ,that Cash has made your kennel be a success.
We all come from humble beginnings. It is my wish to share the Fortune, which comes from
these beginnings.
You are doing this, also.
God Bless You!!
I am so happy to learn your short legend. It's nice to know a great breeder like you used to be naively,LOL. It helped me dare to think of being great in the future.heheh
Thank Joom for kindly opened your heart. It was touching.
Dear Joom!
No matter where in the world, dog loving people are the same! No skin color or religion makes us different. We have so much in common! As for you, it is for us, here in Sweden, our dogs are like our children, and we are proud of all of them, even if they are from different countries and have different possibilities in life...some are ment to be big Champions and will be known world wide and some are ment to give birth to great chihuahuas in the future. And some are just our little friends!
When we started our relationship, we realised that you have the kindest and purest heart and you are a true Buddhist.
Thanks for sharing your kennel story! And thanks for showing others to be better!
And thanks for being our FRIEND!
We LOVE you Joom!
Ellika and Peter
I love your dogs and am proud to be your friend. Your legend and your attitude are so touching my heart.Thanks for sharing all good things and good wishes to us always.
Thank Karen,Jennifer,Mary. Can't imagine my life without you as friends...it will be dry....
Ellika& Peter, Your comment is the descibtion of my thoghts of my life. You are awesome!!
Good weekend to you too, Roxana , and to all as well.
Dear Joom..
Agree with our Karen...we all come from humble beginnings...
We live,grow and learn from mistakes and spread our wings girlfriend.
You are very special person..and so deserving of all things good that come to you & your family!
Heart breaks are a dime a dozen...smile......thats what makes us stronger people.
I am "strangly" happy to have had a tough start... These are all good lessons in life....This is what makes us tougher.
I have come to learn We will either meet good people or bad people in life....hang on to the good ones BECAUSE I AM FINDING THEY ARE VERY FEW FAR IN BETWEEN.
It seems you know how to over come all those and still be a beautiful hearted person....
Stay beautiful
Love to you & your family
I read this blog and it gave me goosebumps. I am so happy for you and so glad that we have become friends. You have some of the most beautiful dogs that I have seen. I feel like we have met even when we haven't These little dogs are my passion and you are right, it is very hard for someone trying to start out in showing and bettering the breed to find someone to mentor them and help them along the way. There is a lot of betrayal in the dog show world, but there are the select few, you and I including who are honest, we just have to find each other. Glad I found you.
Dear Michelle,
You are so talented at writing appropriately for a situation. When you write humourously you always make me laugh with funny vocabs that I had to ask Saiyai for definition. But once you write to move me, you also bring me tears, such as the comment of this blog post. Thank you very much Michelle.
To Kandra,
As I've told you in the email, you are one of my most loved friend in USA, even though I've never met you. There's something that connects between the two of us and makes me trust you. You sincerity, honesty, and respect make me happy. Thank you for coming into my life.
Dear Joom,
Many thanks that have allowed to be your friend and a particle your kennel
- spark which lives now in my house and my heart.
I appreciate your sincere qualities and your kind heart opening for all, how nobody another.
I hope, that I will manage to justify all your hopes in me.
I too wish you many years of great breedings and champions, but most of all lots of fun while doing it!
With love
Natalia from Russia
Joom, you are so inspiring and so loving and what an amazing legend about you and your dogs.....thank you so much for sharing!! I am so proud to be your friend xoxo big hugs XXXXXXXX
I’m very proud of your success, Joom. I know how you feel. A lot of us start with average dogs and build upon that as we educate ourselves and learn from others. I can proudly say that I have recieved help from generous people along the way and like you want to pass along any help that I can, be it a dog or just a little information that I was given along my journey. Joom, I wish you the best with Saiyai Kennel. May you continue to be one of the top kennels in Thailand.
Dear Natalia and Melina,
Thank you for your support, always. You both always make me feel like I'm always right, LOL.
Dear Rick,
Kind comments from a great breeder such as you makes me very proud. I wrote this blog not to say that I am great or good, but just to say that I've been blessed with opportunities and would like to share them to others. I would also like to complain about some sufferings, just as complaining women do. In fact, you and I used to exchange emails about this. Both our feelings towards this topic remain the same. Thank you again Rick.
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