Malee and Roger won Breed, again, on Sunday. Erika said she was very pleased that they did so well this weekend, especially Malee. The competition is tough this time of year and the 2 judges that picked her, on Friday Ruth Zimmerman and on Saturday, Steve Hayden are well respected toy judges. Saturdays judge Steve Hayden was a Chihuahua breeder, so that win was extra special for me as a breeder who lives in another part of the world. He awarded her over many best in show dogs. Malee is exceptional. He loved her.
My bitch is winning at a very high level by Erika Lanasa. And Roger, the charming boy, which is already a Thai Champ, only has to become an American Champion, and he will be going home, in Switzerland. His family, the Hossli family and Ritchie, is awaiting for him.

Malee in her recent win.
Awesome!! Way to go Malee & Roger, Eika-the great handler and of course, Joom-the great breeder.
Another fabulous weekend for team Malee :) Congratulations Malee, Erika, Roger and of course JOOM!! I'm sure Roger's family is hoping he gets to them soon! And Joom -you must be missing Malee too. She is quite a show dog!
that is wonderful Joom
I am so excited for you.
great news! keep up the good work!
I'm so happy for you Joom. Keep up the good work Malee, Erika, Roger.
Wonderful news!
Hurray, hurray!
I am so happy for you and Erika.
Congratulations and hugs from me.
another big WOW congratulations to everyone...Malee is a top ranked Chihuahua... I love Roger too go Roger...
In this beautiful picture I see EXCELLENT dog MALEE and OUTSTANDING HANDLER ERIKA, but behind this picture I feel presence TALENTED BREEDER JOOM!
My warm congratulations to each of YOU!!! Marina
Another nice win of Malee & Roger & Erika! another congratulations from my heart to Joom and all who involve.
Oh my, I didn't write here!!
Well, I must say I am so proud of these two little ones! I am also proud of Saiyai Doghome because they breed with passion and dedicate their lives to saving abused dogs, dogs that have no hope and no future! THESE DOGS HAVE HOPE and A FUTURE at SAIYAI DogHOME. They are given a home and love! Love that no one was willing to give them! LOVE that no money can buy!
I am proud and honored to be friends with this great DOGHOME!!! MAY they be blessed 2x as much as they have given to those in need!!!!!
Thank you for every thing you do so wonderfully!
Best wishes,
Roxana Hossli
Your nice and kind words are toching my heart and moving me so much.
We are blessed to have you as a good friend , friend who never cease to support.
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