This is little Xena. Hope you remember , we prayed for her when she was young and sick. Now she turns 1 year old, healthy , happy and adorable.
Xena had a beautiful Birthday party. Here are the pictures. Her mommy ,Andrea and her auntie,Roxana send her love!
WOW! Xena has grown up beautifully and healthy! How great! She had a very special birthday.The bakeries looked yummy! Somepieces looked like chocolate, hope they are not. I am sure her mommy knows that the chocolate is not good for dogs , I am just curious.
Hi girls!! It's great to hear from you! My little Xena is a big girl now! I'm proud of her! She enjoyed her treats (I only let her eat 2 because there were too many)! And no, they did not have chocolate! I got them at a doggie bakery! Specially made for doggies! Thank you for the birthday wishes! God bles all of you! With love, Andrea
Xena is adoeable. Thank Good Lord for kindly listened to our prayers and allow her to grow healthy beautifully. Xena is the gift from Lord to all of us!
Happy Birthday oops! I may say Barkday , like Michelle just said.
Happy Birthday little Xena!! Auntie Roxy misses you very much. I send you hugs and kisses from across the ocean. I love you!
I love my little 4-legged niece. She is our little miracle baby. We are thankful for her life. Thank you dear loving God for blessing us with little Xena and for restoring her life.
Thank you Mrs. Joom for sharing this special moment.
Thank all of the dear friends here on this blog for their loving and warm Birthday Wishes!!!
I love you all very, very much! May the love, mercy and kindness of God be over all of your lives... always and forever!
Yes, I see that Xena is really absolutely healthy and cheerful and happy! AH! AS all was tasty for little Xena this her happy Day!! I rejoice to all of you!
Xena says thank u for all the birthday wishes!! She is pleased to know so many people love her around the world! I thank God every day for my little girl! God bless, Andrea
My main career is as the editor of Telecom Journal, Thailand. But my favorite activity is talking about dogs. I share the news with all my dog-caring customers. There are 5 members in my family. My husband, my three children, and I.
WOW! Xena has grown up beautifully and healthy! How great! She had a very special birthday.The bakeries looked yummy! Somepieces looked like chocolate, hope they are not. I am sure her mommy knows that the chocolate is not good for dogs , I am just curious.
Xena, I wish you a happy birthday.Kisses & Hugs.
Pretty mommy Andrea and lttle Xena!
I wish you a super happy birthday and many many more happy birthdays to come , little Xena.
Thank you Joom for sharing these precious pictures, I enjoy.
Of course we remember Zena!!!!
How could we forget! We thank the good Lord she is alive !
Happy Barkday Zena!! Hope you had a bow wow day with your momma and family! Your treats look scrumptious :0))
lots of chi kisses from our family to yours! Whoof!!
wow xena what a birthday party you had going on there... hope you have another great year in this world woof woof
Hi girls!! It's great to hear from you!
My little Xena is a big girl now! I'm proud of her! She enjoyed her treats (I only let her eat 2 because there were too many)! And no, they did not have chocolate! I got them at a doggie bakery! Specially made for doggies!
Thank you for the birthday wishes! God bles all of you!
With love,
Michelle made me laugh with her funny wishing.
Xena is adoeable. Thank Good Lord for kindly listened to our prayers and allow her to grow healthy beautifully. Xena is the gift from Lord to all of us!
Happy Birthday oops! I may say Barkday , like Michelle just said.
Dear Mrs. Joom ,
God Bless you so much,, Thank you for having our Xena on your Blog,, she is a little Miracle of God,,
We also are praying for your and the court case,,, we will see God's Hand in this also,,,
Love and God BLess you and your family,,, your very special and a dear friend of our
family,, you have a very special place in Our Hearts,,,,,,,,,
Yes I remember Xena. =o)
So nice to see her and theese photos of her and all the sweets.. ;o)
Andrea! Give her a kiss from me.
Happy Birthday little Xena!!
Auntie Roxy misses you very much. I send you hugs and kisses from across the ocean. I love you!
I love my little 4-legged niece. She is our little miracle baby. We are thankful for her life.
Thank you dear loving God for blessing us with little Xena and for restoring her life.
Thank you Mrs. Joom for sharing this special moment.
Thank all of the dear friends here on this blog for their loving and warm Birthday Wishes!!!
I love you all very, very much! May the love, mercy and kindness of God be over all of your lives... always and forever!
Yes, I see that Xena is really absolutely healthy and cheerful and happy!
AH! AS all was tasty for little Xena this her happy Day!! I rejoice to all of you!
Xena says thank u for all the birthday wishes!! She is pleased to know so many people love her around the world!
I thank God every day for my little girl!
God bless,
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