Lena arrived to Saiyai Doghome in Thailand, with great condition, both physically and mentally. In fact, we wanted to show her right away, but she was shading, which is normal for dogs who come from colder countries to a tropical country ,but Lena shades more than usual. The good news is, once her new hair grow, she will be most beautiful. Anyhow, we will have to wait until she has a full coat, again.
Lena is a good eater. So she's a little bit fat. My handler asked that she gets a diet. She received less food. This is difficult because she's lovely and always ask for more. My maids, my family, and I like to give snacks to her. That upsets my handler.
Today is her birthday. Usually a dog on their birthday, we will give extra snack, but that's forbidden for Lena. Oh, I want to cry. Lena won't be getting anything special on her first birthday at Saiyai Doghome. Okay, we will hug, love, and kiss her a lot. Oh, but that's what we already give her everyday. It means, Lena won't be getting anythign special on her birthday. Oh, I wanna cry.
So, what I want to ask you for her birthday is to send your love and blessings to our little Lena. Thank you.

Name :Am.Ch. Morgan Everybody's Sweetheart
Gender: Female
Sire: CH Mar-Rich Come A Little Closer
Dam: Mar-Rich's Good Morning Beautiful-L
DoB: 23rd January, 2008
Breeders: Rick Morgan & Fayrene Morgan
Owners: Rick Morgan & Yupayao Sakawee
Finished American Champion by: Jim Lehman
just beautiful you make me drool everytime I see your dogs. LOL
Happy Birthday my dear Lena , happy birthday to you.
Lena is beautiful, no doubt , she is from Morgan!! :O)
Love & hugs & kisses ,is what every dogs need, more than any snack. Lena is lucky enough to live in Saiyai's doghome and get all big love lot!
I am sending love & kisses & hugs to the sweet Lena on her birthday too.
Dear beautiful Lena,I hope your day is so special with your loving family in Thailand!
Happy Birthday, my little Lena, my little sweetheart, Everybody's Sweetheart.
Joom, dont you give in to those big beautiful eyes and sweet little face. She needs to lose weight...lol
Happy Birthday to Lena,
She is such a lovely girl from the lines I prefer !!
Wish her a wonderful new year of life and success on the shows.
Hugs to her and my best friend Joom,
Happy Birthday Beautiful Lena!
She is so beautiful! She will finish in a flash once she starts showing!
Hugs to you all on this day!
Happy Birthday adorable Lena!
I cannot treat you with something tasty (your Great Handler and your careful Mum will not allow to make it, lol)
BUT I send you my gentle embraces and my hot kisses for you in this joyful day!!!
I love you!
Happy happy birthday, Lena!!!
You're always be beautiful in my eyes.
Forget about the diet today. It's your birthday anyway. Indulge and be happy.
Continue your diet tomorrow. =)
Happy birthday to little angel,gorgeous Lena. You are so special , enjoy your special day.
I agree with Jasper, let her enjoy the snack on her birthday and restart diet tomorrow. Don't tell the handler, wink wink.
WOOHOO! my little sweetie Lena turns two years. Oh! my beautiful blooming flower. Joom ,it's her birthday! Let her eat,please. Just don't let the handler know! You 'd better let the handler take a break today and let my sweet Lena enjoy eating snack, very light snack , cheese, sausages ,cake , sugar toffee...for example.
Love fr your big fan
We send our love and blessings to beautiful Lena on her birthday!
Sweet Lana!
I know how it must feel, not to have extra candys... I am a little fat too... (but don't tell enyone... ;o))
Happy bithday kisses from us in Sweden.
We give you lots and lots of kisses!!!
Happy Barkday Lena!!
Tell momma not to be so hard.. It's your barkday.. Every dog deserves their treat.. A little nibble will not make a difference...
Kisses and hugs on your special day..
Hi, finally Lena got some treat on her barkday without having to bark. She just send begging eyes. LOL. That's Lena's style.
Charles, please forgive me for what I am about to say here. The basket of snacks you brought for Lena in our last visit, which you probably remember it containing cheese and some snacks, it turns out that Lady, Fergie, and Sam took care of the whole basket. Lena didn't get a bite out of it at all. Next time you visit Lena, please remember that she is on diet. Except once she has finished her Thai championship, I will let her eat even the Coce Cola (she likes Coca Cola.)
Lena has a happy birthday,anyway. Thank you so very much for thoughtfulness to Lena.
"A little nibble will not make a difference." This is something my maids and my family say all the time, every day. So, some dogs do have experience the difference, by getting fat. LOL.
OMG, What a pretty birtday girl!
Please give Lena all our love and blessings! and some thing good...just a little, little bit...maybee a carrot? Our dogs love them, and dont know they are healthy, lol!
Hugs From Ellika and Peter
Dear Ellika, Lena and the gang at Saiyai'doghome eat pieces of carrots everyday.Lena loves it! :))
Happy birthday !! Hope it is pleasant.
Hugs Kitt
OMG! Joom!
but it's OK , I love Lady, Fergie ,Sam too. Was the snack in a little basket enoogh for the 2 golden and 1 pretty Basset Hound?
Special kisses to Lena for me on her 2 years and one day old!
Lena is just a precious, beautiful girl! Gorgeous breeding Rick and I am very happy to see this girl with you Joom!!!!
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