My family went on vacation at Samui Island, a paradise island with sun, sand & smile, located in the South of Thailand. It was a short period of time that everyone in my family was there together so every minute was precious. We stayed at a hotel, which belongs to my husband's friend so bringing dogs with us wasn't a problem. The dogs that went with us in this trip was Pear and Pan-jo, the 2 handicap pommeranians, which are my beloved ones.
I was not sick nor drunken, but I forgot my sunglasses in the car. It was too much sunshine so I hid from the sun on my husband's shoulder. He laughted at me.
The hotel that we stayed.

Kawee was the first one to go. How his brother and sister loved him! They let him go first.

Saiyai and Kawee were looking at Sa's acting.
At the resting point together.
The views that the children took while they were resting on the top of the cable.
Joom, you know how I am happy with you and your family. It must be a wonderful vacation. Samui is very very beautiful land , like paradise.
Your children looked enjoy the cable very nuch. You took pictures?
Thank you for sharing Joom.
Your vacation sounded fun! I love all the pictures. Very nice family ! Pear and Pan-jo were looking happy and they are beautiful. Samui is so beautiful...ahhh .... I wish I was there.
Wow!! Beautiful vacation! Everyone looked happy in a paradise spot!
Thank you for sharing, gorgeous pictures!
joom, you are taking my breathe away, it is so beautiful, all the pictures are perfect. You your family and the dogs look so happy, what a treasurable vacation. I loved the pictures, it is so beautiful there.
My heart melts with all pictures that showed how happy you and your family were together. That was precious moments. I am so happy with you. Pan-jo and Pear looked sweet and happy. AND YES, SAMUI IS SOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL. I hope I can be there once in a life time. I used to visit Phuket and it was paradise.
Samui looks beautiful kapun ka for sharing the pictures... one day I will visit that part of Thailand as well... the hotel looks gorgeous... the kids look so happy and great together... I love when I can get all my kids together too...
Samui is my next dream vacation! Beautiful photos of you and your family plus your precious Pomeranians as well. I laughed so hard when you were hiding by your husband because you forgot your sunglasses. Now that is quite hilarious. So funny!! Well food does look so darn good and I am a huge food lover so I'd love to eat all of that delicious food you just shared it with us. Such a nice vacation, Joom!! <3
So nice! =o)
I can see you all had a wonderful time together.
Thank you so much for sharing,
now I must look again...
I just loved the photos. ;o)
How beautiful EVERYTHING looks.. From the family to the ocean, adventures, and yummy food!
Maybe one day I could visit lol
I'm laughing because I fear to fly.. But I know my children want to do so much and one day Iust set those fears aside!
When I first met my husband he took me to Jamacia many years ago... Only time I seen waters this blue!
Wish I was there!
Thanks for sharing!!
I had to come back and look at these beautiful photos again Joom, And show my family. it is just breath taking where you vacationed. My husband and daughter said they want to do the cable ride. LOL
Thanks to all friends for being happy for my happiness. I know the pictures aren't great and we didn't look too good, especially me, LOL. But because all of you love me and my family, you are happy when we are happy. Thank you so much.
To answer Mary, yes at the time I was the photographer, but when they were taking the top views, they have someone accompanied them to help take the photos.
Kandra, it's very nice for you to visit this blog, many times. I also want you to visit Thailand. Not just Samui, we have many islands which are like paradise. I swear that if you come, I will be a great guide for you and your family. How about you going to Hawaii with Ellika, Peter, and me in August, and next year you can visit Thailand.
Stacia, it's very nice of you for liking Thailand very much. You state Hawaii is already like a paradise. Why don't you plan to visit Koh Samui in your next visit to Thailand, which is not too far away from now.
Geroge Lee, my favourite boy, I know you're a good eater. Seafood at Samui was very excellent. I really want you to visit Thailand. The plane ticket from America to Thailand isn't too expensive. Why don't you plan to come and pick up the puppy by yourself?
My dear Carina, I know that you are a friend who's happy every time you see me happy. And I am happy everytime I see you here. Thank you for being here, always.
Michelle, stop being afraid of flying, and plan to visit Thailand. You have many reasons to visit. Bring your husband so it is your second honeymoon. Samui and Jamaica probably aren't the same. It's probably a nice change of scenery. You know that I badly want you to visit.
Joom: LET'S DO IT!!!!!!! I do want to bring my wife as well. I hate to flying alone. Thailand will be my first time being go out of this USA. Well I did went to Canada and Mexico but I bet it is nothing compared to Thailand and that is for sure. I was born in Oahu, Hawaii and I am bored of it already lol. Now I am going to have a talk with my wife about this trip. I'd love to!!!
OHHH WOW when we looked at the pics of your trip to the paradise Samui, we just hope time will fly fast until we will go to Hawaii in august...It is very similair what we can see... shame on you, George can you be bored of "our" paradise Hawaii...LOL
We are so looking forward to se you, Joom and Kandra, and Stacia etc, we will have the best of times!!!
Thank you for giving us this beautiful line of pics!!! You have such a great family, love to se all of you united!
Hugs Ellika and Peter
Joom those are some wonderful pictures. you have such a lovely family. the food looked great and good to eat. the hotel was so nice. as they would say 5 star hotel. i love seeing these pictures the ones you took to the other ones...alll were great
This is for Sugarhills:
Yes I didn't mean to say that but for me? I am tired of it already because most of my family lives in Oahu, Hawaii and I always visited them almost every summer time. That is why I said I am so bored of it already but Thailand? It is something I'd like to give it a try!! :) But Hawaii is still a paradise and that is for sure. But I wouldn't want to live there because it is REALLY small town lol.
Lee, sometimes people say they want to go places and do things, but they end up not going or doing. But you said you want to come to Thailand, and you have already booked the tickets!!. You are a serious person.I admire you very much. I am thrilled to be seeing you this April.
To Charles Lee,
Oh, we understand. We are also living on a small "paradise" Island, but in sweden...we dont have palms but we have a lot of tourists and when it is summer here, we would rather go away to a "diffrent" paradise, LOL!
As we say over here; "the grass is more green on the other side of the hedge"
And Joom, your country and Asia is so beautiful as well, and there are small paradises in a lot of countries...and some day we like to se alot of them, but next year will be extra special to us!
Ohh. not next year... ment this!
wow, Let's talk about a magnificent hotel to stay at and the beautiful, lush surroundings, a paradise indeed!You are a lovely and obviously happy family enjoying a wonderful vacation. Thanks for sharing!! Thailand is a beautiful country with a rich heritage .... Love,grace and peace Ada
Thailand is truly a special place! So beautiful.
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