I miss Malee so very much , and am in the mood to repost pictures of her at different ages: as a baby , a little young pretty puppy girl and a beautiful lady...elegant champion lady.:-))
Thanks to all the great friends here for loving and supporting Malee ever since she was just a baby.
I know that you will support her forever. You love her too much to ignore her, yes?
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Looking forward to meeting two new additions
I am sooooo thrilled , looking forward to meeting our two new additions, 2 girls from our good freinds Peter & Ellika of Sugarhills Sweden. The 2 girls are Sessan and Miss Arwen. Ellika said that Sessan and Miss Arwen are sweet and funny!! That's the type of chihuahuas I love. Most important part is : they are from our family's good freinds!! Sessan and Arwen have been raised with love, warm and good care, no doubt how lovely they are!!!
Arwen and Sessan will arrive Thailand tomorrow morning , along with Mr.Eru ,a gorgeous boy of Sugarhills that Ellika & Peter kindly trusts my handler to show and finish him as a Thai champion before going to show in America.
Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I am toooo thrilled!!!!! :0)))
Arwen and Sessan will arrive Thailand tomorrow morning , along with Mr.Eru ,a gorgeous boy of Sugarhills that Ellika & Peter kindly trusts my handler to show and finish him as a Thai champion before going to show in America.
Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I am toooo thrilled!!!!! :0)))
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Rose : new American Champion at the Chihuahua Specialty
We've got a new American champion today.
Rose won Winners bicth ,Best of Winners ,Best Puppy and Best of Variety and the Puppy GROUP 2 !!!!!!!! at the Chihuahua Special in New Jersy, ofcourse -by Erika Lanasa.
Now Rose's title is: Am.Th.Ch. Saiyai's Dancin Rose Garden to Sollette.
Congrats to Roxana ,the devoted owner , Rose will fly to her warm loving home in Switzerland soon.

Rose won Winners bicth ,Best of Winners ,Best Puppy and Best of Variety and the Puppy GROUP 2 !!!!!!!! at the Chihuahua Special in New Jersy, ofcourse -by Erika Lanasa.
Now Rose's title is: Am.Th.Ch. Saiyai's Dancin Rose Garden to Sollette.
Congrats to Roxana ,the devoted owner , Rose will fly to her warm loving home in Switzerland soon.

Saturday, March 27, 2010
Bouquet - a new Thai Champion!!
Bouquet got her last CC with the Best Puppy of Breed at the show in Thailand today and she has become a Thai Champion!!
Bouquet is ten months old.
From now on ,she is counting the days to go to her co owner , Michelle Brislin, in USA.
Bouquet is ten months old.
From now on ,she is counting the days to go to her co owner , Michelle Brislin, in USA.
Sire: Am.Th.Ch.Marlisa Dancin Away Baron
Dam: Th.Ch.Fandango Secret Garden "Brooke"
Some nice results of "Malee" and "Rose"
I was informed by Erika Lanasa from the New Brunswick Kennel Club that Malee won the Breed!!
Rose was second last night in the class , but today she won winners bitch ,Best of Winners and Best of Breed for another 5 point major!!!! :0)
The judge was Elizabeth Muthard.
Tomorrow is the specialty, finger crossed needed.:-)
Rose was second last night in the class , but today she won winners bitch ,Best of Winners and Best of Breed for another 5 point major!!!! :0)
The judge was Elizabeth Muthard.
Tomorrow is the specialty, finger crossed needed.:-)
Owner: Roxana Hossli
owner: the breeder (Saiyai Doghome)
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Amex destiny changes
I've always believed that Dogs have their own destiny. No matter how much we try to determine their lives, fate will inspire them onto their own paths.
Comes the day when Amex has to change his life course!
Amex is one of the best son of Cash and Star, the super dam. Amex is a famous puppy of mine, and many friends know and love him. I tried to determine his life into another path, but fate forced changes.
Amex will be travelling to Mrs. Donna Jensen of Dazzle Chihuahuas, Texas, in May.
Mrs. Donna Jensen, kindly paid attention to Amex. She fell in love with him the very moment she first saw him.
Mrs.Donna Jensen has been breeding chihuahuas for 12 years ,seems not very long ,but one of her Dazzle chihuahuas was # 1 smooth of the USA in the year 2008-2009. She has won Best of Breed and many other awards at the National Chihuahuas Specialty , Eucanuba Best of Breed , and offsprings from her dogs have won at Westminster.
If I'm not showing off too much, I think the two of us have one thign in common. We started breeding when we're already older, so we try to only do, show and produce the best.
Comes the day when Amex has to change his life course!
Amex is one of the best son of Cash and Star, the super dam. Amex is a famous puppy of mine, and many friends know and love him. I tried to determine his life into another path, but fate forced changes.
Amex will be travelling to Mrs. Donna Jensen of Dazzle Chihuahuas, Texas, in May.
Mrs. Donna Jensen, kindly paid attention to Amex. She fell in love with him the very moment she first saw him.
Mrs.Donna Jensen has been breeding chihuahuas for 12 years ,seems not very long ,but one of her Dazzle chihuahuas was # 1 smooth of the USA in the year 2008-2009. She has won Best of Breed and many other awards at the National Chihuahuas Specialty , Eucanuba Best of Breed , and offsprings from her dogs have won at Westminster.
If I'm not showing off too much, I think the two of us have one thign in common. We started breeding when we're already older, so we try to only do, show and produce the best.
Amex' picture taken yesterday.He is in the shading season and is compleatly hairless
I thank you George Lee for falling in love with Amex since he was still a baby, even before he opened his eyes. You made me proud, and you gave me the confidence that Amex is so special. Thank you George Lee.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Look! What Malee and Rose won!!! :0)
At the Sunday show of Delaware Country Kennel Club , by Erika Lanasa ,under the jude Jan Paulk,
Malee won BoB!!
So...what Malee colected at the past week are: 4 BoB and 2 Group four!!!!!!!

Malee won BoB!!
So...what Malee colected at the past week are: 4 BoB and 2 Group four!!!!!!!

And what for and by Rose...the wonderful young lady , beautiful daughter of Baron and Brooke, Rose was winners bitch , best of winners and then....she won THE BREED!!!!!!!!
Congrats to dear Roxana Hossli, Rose's devoted owner.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
US Champion NIMBUS!!!!
Today! I would love to share love and pride to my dear dear freinds , Ellika & Peter of Sugarhills -Sweden!!! :0)
Their beloved chihuahua ,Nimbus, has become US Champion!!!
Here are Nimbus's show results at the show past weekend with our dear freind, Erika Lanasa:
Nimbus won a 4 point major, Best of Winners...and Best of The Breed over two specials, at the Wednesday show, York Club , under the judge Mr. John Stanton from New Zealand.
Thurday ,18/03/2010, Lancaster Kennel Club ,Nimbus won Winners dog and Best of Winners , a Major!!! with the judge Phyllis Wolfish.
And finally on Friday 19/03/2010 , Nimbus was winners dog and Best of Winners for a four point major!!!! And ofcourse NOW! We have a US Champion Nimbus!!!!
Please see more pictures and info in the blog of Ellika & Peter.
WHOOWHOO!!!!! Where are you Ellika & Peter???? You are on the moon!!?????? :0)))))

Their beloved chihuahua ,Nimbus, has become US Champion!!!
Here are Nimbus's show results at the show past weekend with our dear freind, Erika Lanasa:
Nimbus won a 4 point major, Best of Winners...and Best of The Breed over two specials, at the Wednesday show, York Club , under the judge Mr. John Stanton from New Zealand.
Thurday ,18/03/2010, Lancaster Kennel Club ,Nimbus won Winners dog and Best of Winners , a Major!!! with the judge Phyllis Wolfish.
And finally on Friday 19/03/2010 , Nimbus was winners dog and Best of Winners for a four point major!!!! And ofcourse NOW! We have a US Champion Nimbus!!!!
Please see more pictures and info in the blog of Ellika & Peter.
WHOOWHOO!!!!! Where are you Ellika & Peter???? You are on the moon!!?????? :0)))))

Thursday, March 18, 2010
Malee & Rose won Group places!!!
I feel like I'm fine now!! :-)
Malee won a Breed and a Group 4 at the Wednesday dog show, York Kennel Club.
Rose won Reserve to a four point major , HER FIRST SHOW IN THE STATES, Best Puppy and a Puppy Group 4!!!!
The two precious girls are showing by Erika Lanasa.
The judge for the Group places was Mr. John Stanton , New Zealand.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Presents from two freinds, different parts of the world
Actually, other than love and care from my family, the care from my friends, from all corners of the world, also mean a lot to me. Every email, every comment on facebook, and message in my message box, all contain the love and care, which means a lot to my heart and health.
Today, I want to share presents from two friends, who live in different parts of the world. They made me smile on a day I am sick and tired. Roxana from Switzerland, tried to take pictures of her four dogs - all of which are of my breeding - Richie, Princess, Nayla and Roger. But it's not easy to have them all be together in one place at the same time. So Roxana had Nikkie call them, and all of them ran to claim a place on her lap. What a surprise to see the lap of a little girl to be a warm comfortable place for four dogs. It's one of the cutest picture.
Michelle Brislin, my close friend, and family, who live in Pensylvania, kindly arranged to send a bouquet to me. It was an acoss the ocean arrangement. Can you imagine, me sitting by my bedroom's window, I saw a car parked by my house. I saw a guy carrying a big beautiful bouquet. My maid accepted the bouquet and carried it up to me. While my maid was carrying up the bouquet, I don't know why I told myself that that bouquet is from Michelle. The card was filled with sweet words, and kind wishes. Thank you Mitchelle.
Thanks everybody. Not often that I would be ill for so long , but I hope I will recover in the next few days. :-)))
Today, I want to share presents from two friends, who live in different parts of the world. They made me smile on a day I am sick and tired. Roxana from Switzerland, tried to take pictures of her four dogs - all of which are of my breeding - Richie, Princess, Nayla and Roger. But it's not easy to have them all be together in one place at the same time. So Roxana had Nikkie call them, and all of them ran to claim a place on her lap. What a surprise to see the lap of a little girl to be a warm comfortable place for four dogs. It's one of the cutest picture.
Michelle Brislin, my close friend, and family, who live in Pensylvania, kindly arranged to send a bouquet to me. It was an acoss the ocean arrangement. Can you imagine, me sitting by my bedroom's window, I saw a car parked by my house. I saw a guy carrying a big beautiful bouquet. My maid accepted the bouquet and carried it up to me. While my maid was carrying up the bouquet, I don't know why I told myself that that bouquet is from Michelle. The card was filled with sweet words, and kind wishes. Thank you Mitchelle.
Thanks everybody. Not often that I would be ill for so long , but I hope I will recover in the next few days. :-)))
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Roger is relaxing at his home.
I hate to say I'm still sick , but I am!!
Thanks dear freinds for kind wishes that supports me and means a lot to my heart and my health.
Roxana kindly sent the latest picture of Roger Federer at his loving home in Switzerland to make me smile , and it worked!!!
Look at Roger relaxing , making himself at home , on the first days after arrival. He is happy . He seems to know that that it's his home.

Thanks dear freinds for kind wishes that supports me and means a lot to my heart and my health.
Roxana kindly sent the latest picture of Roger Federer at his loving home in Switzerland to make me smile , and it worked!!!
Look at Roger relaxing , making himself at home , on the first days after arrival. He is happy . He seems to know that that it's his home.

Friday, March 12, 2010
Feeling better ....
still sick ,but this nice card from a dear freind, Carina helps a lot. Cavalier King Charles is my heart and soul ,and look at this one....

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Thanks everyone for Roger Federer today
Please allow me to express my happiness again for Roger Federer's arriving happily, safely and sound ,at his truely loving family, Hossili family in Switzerland.
Roxana said Roger adapted very well. He was running aroud in circle playing and chasing after the children.
Allan, who kindly carried Roger from JFK airport to Swizerland said that he did great on the plane. He was quite the whole time! Good boy! :-)
Thanks Erika Lanasa for showing & finishing him and being such a great foster mommy while Roger was there in the states.
Big big hugs & thanks to Roxana Hossili ,the devoted owner. If it wern't for you, Roxana, Roger would not be great today.

Roxana said Roger adapted very well. He was running aroud in circle playing and chasing after the children.
Allan, who kindly carried Roger from JFK airport to Swizerland said that he did great on the plane. He was quite the whole time! Good boy! :-)
Thanks Erika Lanasa for showing & finishing him and being such a great foster mommy while Roger was there in the states.
Big big hugs & thanks to Roxana Hossili ,the devoted owner. If it wern't for you, Roxana, Roger would not be great today.

Sunday, March 7, 2010
What a brilliant day!
What a brilliant day I am having!!!!
Winky -our beautiful Cavalier King Charles , delivered 1 boy and 3 girls black-tan cavalier puppies , in Indonesia ,at BL's place. It's the first litter of "Saiyai & Divine Cavaliers". The puppies are healthy and adorable.
Choco & Bono arrived NY and continued traveling with Erika to PA and they arrived Erika's place safely. Erika drove 10 hours round trip and they are happy at home now.
Roger Federer flew from NY , with Allen -Saiyai's freind, arrived Switzerland safely and enjoyed his new loving family , Hossili family , so very much.
Bouquet : Saiyai & Brislin 's Dancin Bouquet , won 1 Best Puppy of Breed and 2 RCC at the dog show in Thailand.
Wow! I am so happy. What a brilliant day!!!!
Winky -our beautiful Cavalier King Charles , delivered 1 boy and 3 girls black-tan cavalier puppies , in Indonesia ,at BL's place. It's the first litter of "Saiyai & Divine Cavaliers". The puppies are healthy and adorable.
Choco & Bono arrived NY and continued traveling with Erika to PA and they arrived Erika's place safely. Erika drove 10 hours round trip and they are happy at home now.
Roger Federer flew from NY , with Allen -Saiyai's freind, arrived Switzerland safely and enjoyed his new loving family , Hossili family , so very much.
Bouquet : Saiyai & Brislin 's Dancin Bouquet , won 1 Best Puppy of Breed and 2 RCC at the dog show in Thailand.
Wow! I am so happy. What a brilliant day!!!!
Another litter , another pride
This is another litter, another pride...of Saiyai Doghome.
The puppies are one month old. They are out of our beautiful young lady "Luna Tuna" Th.Ch. Fandango Moon Struct_L and sired by the wonderful "Cash" man : Int.Am.Th.Ch.Fandango Wheel of Fortune. It's an amazing line breeding that we are so proud of.
All the puppies are under observation for good freinds in various countries. We are so proud of their future lives, future loving homes.

The puppies are one month old. They are out of our beautiful young lady "Luna Tuna" Th.Ch. Fandango Moon Struct_L and sired by the wonderful "Cash" man : Int.Am.Th.Ch.Fandango Wheel of Fortune. It's an amazing line breeding that we are so proud of.
All the puppies are under observation for good freinds in various countries. We are so proud of their future lives, future loving homes.

Friday, March 5, 2010
Baby I Love Your Way
Enjoy this handsome boy, Tommy. The only thing wrong with this video is the appearance of my fat lower half, and my ugly flip-flops. The producer was mean for not getting rid of the appearance of my fat lower half, and my ugly flip-flops, LOL.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Just Believe Me....Believe in Tommy Boy
Another day that I feel like showing my dog!! :0)
Look at him...if it was you , can you restrain from showing him? LOL
Name: Am.Th.Ch. Believe in Tommy Boy
Sire: Am.Ch. Bayard Just Believe
Dam: Maestro Make Believe Bayard
Breeders: Erika Lanasa & Kenneth M Saenz
Owner: Saiyai Doghome , Thailand

Look at him...if it was you , can you restrain from showing him? LOL
Name: Am.Th.Ch. Believe in Tommy Boy
Sire: Am.Ch. Bayard Just Believe
Dam: Maestro Make Believe Bayard
Breeders: Erika Lanasa & Kenneth M Saenz
Owner: Saiyai Doghome , Thailand

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Beyonce & Aki
Just in the mood to share pictures of Beyonce and Aki ,the two beautiful daughters of Cappuccino and Chao-Kuay. This litter belongs to my brother, Tor.
Aki is sold to Julian , a nice French freind who lives in Thailand.
Beyonce is picked to be her mommy's company.
Just...look at their head ,look at their face, look at their eyes.....
Aki is sold to Julian , a nice French freind who lives in Thailand.
Beyonce is picked to be her mommy's company.
Just...look at their head ,look at their face, look at their eyes.....
Monday, March 1, 2010
Norish & Chuichai , mother & daughter
The mother is Th.Ch. Buabaan's Nourish , Thailand 's number one long coat chihuahua of the year 2006.
The daughter is Saiyai & Buabaan 's One Moment in time "Chui-Chai" , 10 months old.
Chui-Chai's father is Int.Am.Th.Ch. Fandango Wheel of Fortune "Cash".
Nourish and Chui Chai are the mother & daughter that very close and loving of each other. We have a plan of sending Chui Chai to show in America. But there is still the problem of this mother and child being so close to one another. We discussed this with the great handler, Hiram Stewart, about sending these two together. Chui Chai can go show, and Nourish, can accompany her daughter. Hiram laughed, and said he disagree. He said that this will be too costly in terms of travelling and boarding fees. LOL

The daughter is Saiyai & Buabaan 's One Moment in time "Chui-Chai" , 10 months old.
Chui-Chai's father is Int.Am.Th.Ch. Fandango Wheel of Fortune "Cash".
Nourish and Chui Chai are the mother & daughter that very close and loving of each other. We have a plan of sending Chui Chai to show in America. But there is still the problem of this mother and child being so close to one another. We discussed this with the great handler, Hiram Stewart, about sending these two together. Chui Chai can go show, and Nourish, can accompany her daughter. Hiram laughed, and said he disagree. He said that this will be too costly in terms of travelling and boarding fees. LOL

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