Monday, March 29, 2010

Looking forward to meeting two new additions

I am sooooo thrilled , looking forward to meeting our two new additions, 2 girls from our good freinds Peter & Ellika of Sugarhills Sweden. The 2 girls are Sessan and Miss Arwen. Ellika said that Sessan and Miss Arwen are sweet and funny!! That's the type of chihuahuas I love. Most important part is : they are from our family's good freinds!! Sessan and Arwen have been raised with love, warm and good care, no doubt how lovely they are!!!

Arwen and Sessan will arrive Thailand tomorrow morning , along with Mr.Eru ,a gorgeous boy of Sugarhills that Ellika & Peter kindly trusts my handler to show and finish him as a Thai champion before going to show in America.

Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I am toooo thrilled!!!!! :0)))

Miss Arwen




Mary said...

I am happy and thrilled with you Joom.

The two girls look gorgeous and Mr.Eru looks nice too.

Keep us post , darling.

Margeta said...

I haven't heard you get new additions for a big time. What we have heard is your expoting dogs to the world.

Getting in ,is not very often for for you ,yes?

So...what I assume is this is must be very special addition!!!

Toni said...

Oh wow !!! this is exciting for you - nice new blood lines .

These girls look so sweet Joom, Im sure they will love it with you.

How nice is Mr Eru as well - fun times for you.

Congrats , sending my best wishes.

regards Toni

sugarhills said...

Ohhh Joom we miss them so much, but we are sure you will love them as much as we do!
So nice for them to come to a warm wheather to! And a warm familly!!!We just checked and thay are boarded and off for many houers now... so soon they will be at your house!
Kiss them from us!!!
Ellika and Peter

Carina said...


So nice... I understand that you are looking forward to this.

They look so beautiful!

Hugs from me!


kandra said...

congrats Joom, are either of these girls out of Sweet Star? that is the mom to my chloe and I thought I had seen that one of her sisters were coming to you. I absolutely love my chloe from peter and Ellika. I can't wait to see more pics. and good luck to the boy that will be shown

sugarhills said...

kandra! Yes you are right!
Sessan is your chloe´s littermate!
WithAustrailian and NewZealand CH as well as SE CH in their lines.
And The other two are from Stars next litter, but this time it was Nimbus that was the father! So both litters have exciting lines. And now Nimbus also became a US CH so we have high hopes for Mr Erú to! His and Arwens Grand sire is and European Multi CH Chistoso Jerry Cotton. The picture of him was taken very early the in the morning, and you will see later how pretty he is as well as the girls!
Thank´s everyone for nice words!
Ellika and Peter

Yupayao - Saiyai Doghome, Thailand said...

Hi freinds, I just would like to make a quick update that the 3 precious kids from Sugarhills have arrived Saiyai Doghome ,Thailand ,safely and sound.:-)))

Toni said...

Hi Joom,

So good to hear they made it safely and are now with you settling in.

We always worry when they travel.

Its interesting to hear they have Australian and NZ CH Titles , would love to know which Australian prefix is in thier lines.

Have fun with them

best regards Toni

Roxana said...

Oh, how exciting!!! I wait with you!!!

Roxana said...

And now I celebrate with you!!!!1