Roxana said Roger adapted very well. He was running aroud in circle playing and chasing after the children.
Allan, who kindly carried Roger from JFK airport to Swizerland said that he did great on the plane. He was quite the whole time! Good boy! :-)
Thanks Erika Lanasa for showing & finishing him and being such a great foster mommy while Roger was there in the states.
Big big hugs & thanks to Roxana Hossili ,the devoted owner. If it wern't for you, Roxana, Roger would not be great today.

We knew he travelled so well and I am even happier to know he is settling in just fine .Im sure he will be much loved in his excellence family. How lucky he is to be a memmber of Hossili family , after Saiyai doghome.
I 'm appreciated for everybody involves for your devoted mission to Roger 's traveling.
Can't wait to see Roger's next step.
Glad to know everything went well and that Roger is happy!
Congrats to everybody who devoted to this little handsome boy.
It is so nice to read about all good things here..=o)
Roxana and family; kiss sweet Roger from me.
He is so gorgeous Joom. I am so happy everybody loves him and gets involve to have this little heart toching boy to become a big champion and arrived home safely and sound. That's reaaly cool.
How pleased you must be to know your precious one travelled so well and is enjoying his new home,what a relief eh ! .
Im sure we will hear good things about this lovely one he has so much to offer.
It is so nice to hear he has children to play with in such a loving family.
I would also like to thank everyone involved in making Roger who he is today.
Starting with the careful breeding and planning of Mrs. Joom. A thank you to "Tana" and Baron the super parents.
Another special thank you to Mrs. Joom for Roger's Thai Championship and for recommending me to send him to Erika in the US to make him US Champion!
And thank you Erika for training and showing Roger in the US for me. Thank you for finishing him!
Roger is now a multi champion and hopeful more to come very soon!
I would also like to thank all of you on this blog for your great support! Your kind comments always touch my heart! Thank you.
Carina, I will give him that kiss for you! Jennifer, Mary, Margeta, and Toni ; thank you so much!
Roger sends his love !
Hi! Sorry for being late.
I am too happy to see everything alright and excelence by everybody involved , and that how Roger is today.
He arrived his wonderful home safely and sound , that great too.
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