Panjo went with my family almost everywhere. He always slept in a bag with Pear, my 3-legged female Pomeranian - they were buddies. When at home, Panjo slept on his cushion at the end of my bed. Every time I walked anywhere he followed me, not ever letting his crippled legs become a burden; he was like my shadow.
The look Panjo gave me, always full with love and loyalty - there are no other looks that can compare to how he looked at me.
Yesterday, I was talking to an architect about a house I am planning to build and move to with some of the dogs. While I was talking to him, Panjo was at my feet as always, listening, but he might have thought he was a burden or was being abandoned - which is not true and would never have been true.

My husband took this pic of Panjo last night, I think it was a few hours before Panjo took his breath out of his body and went to the rainbow bridge
Panjo and Pear during our family 's vacation at Samui last year. Panjo was always a big part of our family.
this was one of Panjo's favourite corner
Panjo decided to take his breath out of his body and went to the rainbow bridge last night. My husband found him sleeping, frozen with his eye closed at the place he always slept. It's just that this morning, he didn't wake up to look at me with 'the look' that nothing else compares to. He didn't stand up on his two front feet to run after me when I went out to offer food to the monks or exercise. When I walked back, there was no Panjo to wait for me at the same spot with the loving, loyal look as always.
I knew this day had to come. I just didn't expect that I wouldn't have the chance to say good-bye to tell him I love him or to tell him how much he meant to my heart and my every day life.
Life my continue. But my life, my every day atmosphere in the house will never be the same without the look and breath of Panjo.
Very sorry about your loss na ka. I'm sure he knows how much you love him. He has gone in peace, with no suffering. There is no need to say goodbye because he has never gone anywhere, I'm sure he will always be in your heart. Big big hug na kaa.
With love,
Gift and Viva!
Oh my Lord..I am so sorry for your loss..these words do not even come close to how I feel..but are the best that I am able to heart is with you ♥♥♥
am so sorry Joom.. I know just how hard it is to say goodbye to one so cherished. My heart is breaking, I did not know Panjo, I wish I had. he sounds like a wonderful dog.
One day we will be with all those family members who have traveled across the Rainbow Bridge. They will be waiting patiently for us. My prayers are with you and family
as you go through this. I wish we were closer so I could help you.
Please know that I love you and I am with you in thoughts. xxxooo
Heartfelt sympathy,
Dear Mrs. Joom,,,
This is so sad but we all have to face it someday,,,, I know when Kia's time comes .. God will give me the
strength ,, Thank you so much for sharing this story with us,,,, Hugs and Kisses from Kia and Yammy
♥ He will feel your love :)
OH MY!!!!
With no sign at all? Just like that???
I know him... We have him with our family-together photo...
So sad to hear the news. Hugs to u Sis... So sorry for the lost.
I have no doubt that Panjo knew how he was loved and treasured by you & your family, he was so lucky to have found you. Know that you gave him comfort & love and his memories will always be alive in your heart.
Rest in peace, dear Panjo.
I am so sorry... I understand that you all will miss him so much.
He was a big part of your life.
I am happy that Panjo had the good luck to be living with you, having your love....
and he pasted away feeling safe and lowed.
Big hug Joom from me to you and your family.
Joom, your history with Panjo is surprising, sad and fine!
Very much for a long time, when I was still the girl and went to school.
I too have rescued one dog of breed Dobermann from its cruel owner-alcoholic.
She is unhappy dog became happy and has lived with us more than 10 years.
I remember she was so is grateful and happy to live with me and she followed always me on heels also as yours Panjo!
Thank you, Joom that you are among us in this difficult World and you are always ready to help our small "brothers"!
I think God is proud of you already now!
I am proud of you always too!
Thank you, Joom!!!
Love, love........
We send HUGE hugs to you and your family. Panjo had a very happy life with such a wonderful family to love him. I'm sorry about your loss. Our hearts are with you :)
My Dear Joom,what can I say?? My Heart and my Love go out to you and your beloved Family.Panjo will alway's be in your hearts as you are in his Soul. He could not have wished for a better family. He took the steps over the Rainbow Bridge knowing that you would alway's love him,he knew that you would understand why he had to leave.You did not have to say Goodbye to him as he has not left you spiritualy.He is still beside you and always will be.He is Resting now. My Love is with you all Dawn xx
He really was a sweet little guy! I remember him well, and I'm sure all of his friends will miss him, too - especially Pear!
Joom, we are so sorry for your loss, words can not express how sorry we are. Panjo is in heaven looking down at you, thankful that you resqued him, and made his life beautiful as he was!
Hugs from us,
Ellika and Peter
I am so sorry and sad with you Joom! But Panjo knew he was loved, even without words. Your little shadow, by your feet... his spirit and love will be with you, always. He is taking a rest from life at the Rainbow Bridge where he is whole and healed. I am sending my love and hugs to you!
I am so sorry for your loss Joom. Panjo will always live on in your heart and he knew how much you loved him by the wonderful care and attention you gave him each day. Panjo was a very lucky fella to have you and you were just as lucky to have him. That was a very touching story you wrote in his memory. Thank you for sharing that with all of us. God bless.
My heart aches for you, just remember, life is always better on the other side of the rainbow bridge.
such a sad story and a very sad day for you but cheer up, the best memories of Panjo will nvr be lost.
im soo sorry for your loss. much strength to you and your family.
Don't worry , Mrs.Joom . Panjo will be okay and lives happily at the Rainbow Bridge :)
How lucky you all were for the love and deep understanding you each shared. I am so sorry for your loss and he most assuredly knows how much he was loved. After I lost one of mine ( in bed with me and I did CPR) my husband saw her vision here3 different times wagging here tail to tell us she was ok and happy--- we actually finally got another pup.
What a special person you must be to have given him such a wonderful life! They ask so little and give us so much, unconditionally. You were blessed to have him and he will always stay with you in your heart.
Awww Joom....... A special part of your life is now in heaven.. But I agree with Carol, he knew he was loved. It's thats one of a kind heart you have for the animals that always made me smile and all the rescues you helped no matter what condition they had they were all treated equall. Sending healing hugs this morning xoxoxo
Oh,dear Joom, how well I know your heartbreaking loss; Panjo knew it was his time to go and wanted to spare you the agony of his passing! He already said his goodbyes to you everyday of his wonderful life with you. He is,in many ways, still very much by your side!
I am so sorry to hear this, Joom. But he knew how much he was loved. He could feel your love every day and now he went to rest over on rainbow bridge. He will aways be in your heart and wait for you.
I'm so sorry to hear this, Joom, but I'm sure that Panjo doesn't want to see you so sad, he'll always live inside you and watch over you with "the look". :-) Hope you'll be fine soon, I understand it won't be "soon", you didn't just lose a dog, what you lost is a family member, your child, your son, not just anything. ♥ ♥ ♥
My dear dear friends, I thank you all so much for supporting, for caring, for being next to my heart every time I need. (and I have often needed.^_^) I read every word time after time, to myself- my heart and to little Panjo.
It's morning h...ere in Thailand. It's the first morning that I walked alone, without wonderful shadow at my feet, without the look that no one can replace. It's a hard morning but I hope to go throgh well. I know Panjo is still around here, somewhere not far from where am, looking at lme lovingly as always. I know he will never stop loving me and I will never stop doing so to him.
Life., is not the same indeed but will continue. Malee and I will show today and tomorrow. I know Panjo will go along to support us. Come, Panjo come, before leaving back to your new truly home that we call "heaven".
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