Pistol won Best of Breed and Best of Winners by Garry Stiles at the show at Lynden ,WA.
As a friend who has known how much Kandra has her high hope to Pistol and how Kandra has put her nice effort on her special boy , I'm soooooo happy with Kandra and so proud of little handsome Pistol. Way to go Kandra and Pistol.

Congrates Kandra and Pistol. Pistol is beautiful , much more beautiful than the first time that Joom posted his picture here last year.
Many more wins to come!
Congrats to Kandra and Pistol! Great handling by Gary! We have always thought Pistol is going to be a Ch! But we have also seen alot of nice pics of Pistol thrue the year. With Kandras dedecation we know he will be a Ch! And we are so proud to say that we have bought his gorgeous daughter, we named Angel! A snow white princess, she will start showing with Erika as soon as she is old enough! Thank you Joom for posting Pistols and Kandras story! Love Ellika and Peter
AWW!! congratulation! I agree Oistol is gorgeous. As you said Kandra has put a strong effort to have her boy showing , that make us proud even more with Kandra and Pistol.
Pistol is Gorgeous! Congrats Joom! xo
Melina , thank you for your greet, nice as ever. Pistol is not mine. I didn't breed him , I don't own him. I just am happy so much with our good friend, Kandra.
Thanks everybody. I'm sure Kandra is happy and thankfull.
How nice of you Joom to share this beautiful boy again with us on your blog.
I have been following his show career since I saw Kandras posts about him on F/B with great pleasure .
He is so gorgeous and will do extremely well. We can tell by Kandras posts she loves him so much.
I wish him the best and will enjoy continuing to see how he does.
Congrats Kandra and Gary ,
cheers Toni
Thank you everyone. You bring tears to my eyes. I am so proud of my boy. and After last weekend of him winning. I am proud to say that he won both Saturday and Sunday of this weekend too for both of his majors. He is showing again today and tomorrow and if he can win both days he will have finished in 4 weekends. WOW. Joom you are the best for sharing my wonderful boy and story. Ellika and Peter, Your angel is starting to get a little cream on her but boy she is a little show off. LOL Thank you all again
AWW!!! Pistol is SUPER!!!
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