My husband returned to Thailand the night before we went here, so there were just my kids and I at the Madison Square Park ,on the beautiful Thurday 13rd May ,to meet Ada, Michelle, and Brina, and some special doggies, including Tommie, my heart and soul. It was another excellent day in New York. Ada, I know that you are a very busy woman. Michelle, I can't thank you enough for coming to meet us. You only had thre hours of sleep and drove more than 2 hours each way. Not including Brina who had to skip school to come see us. All of you were also kind enough to bring along those little doggies for us to cherish. I also thank you for trying to understand my English. Michelle knows how limited my English is. Ada and Brina, you were kind enough to try to understand me.:-))) I might not be able to express how impressed I was, due to my limited English, but please know that I was very impressed. If there any word more valuable than thank you, that is the word I have for you . 
YAAYYYY!! We are happy together!!!!! I treasure this moment in my memories bank.

All together

Michelle with Mojito and Paris. The two little ones turned a year old that day.

Pretty birthday little ones.

Tommie left Thailand since he was 5 months old. This is our first meeting after that.


Brina, Michelle's daughter, had skipped her school for this meeting up.

My two dear ones, Michelle and Tommie. The picture is not very clear but it is clear in my heart.

Mommy foster

Michelle and Saiyai

Than Ong enjoyed eating too

Heart touching

Little sweet Paris, she is a good eater
Michelle took a picture of Than Ong
Tommie is a real mommy boy
my sweet memory

Precious moment!

Two pretty American ladies and an old fat lady from Thailand

Paris :0)

small Paris in a big hand at the big park

Thank you Ada, Michelle, Brina and doggies for making my 9th day in NY so special.

Tommie doesn't remember me , but the fact that he is in a big part of my heart will never change.

Than Ong and the park
Thank you for making my dream comes true.
Thank you for making my 9th day in NY meaningful.
Hi Joom!
Yes, I understand this is so special for you...
to meet people that you share so much joy and same thoughts with...
people you have in your life and love so much.
I love to see your happy faces and I say;
Thank you for sharing your special moments with me and all other friends!
Dear Joom-these precious memorable moments are so beautiful -I have enjoyed all your pics so much.
It has been so pleasurable to follow your trip through your pics so many lovely happy people and nice places.
what special memories you have made - I love the this day with your friends family and the beautiful dogs - how special for you to have had the chance to give sweet Tommie a cuddle again.
What a fabulous Barkday party it was !!!!
best regards Toni
I have enjoyed all your pictures so much you all have really enjoyed this trip,,, What Beautiful memories for all of you
like you say,,they will be deep in your hearts,,,,
Love all of you and the Doggies getting together,,, so Cute all of them!!
Enjoy your trip more and more,,,
What a beautiful day in the park! I am so happy for you all! It looks like you all had a wonderful time!
Happy Birthday to Paris and Mojito!
Please send the sun our way!!!! The weather is not so nice over here!!!!
Mrs. Joom, thank you for sharing all your great memories with us! I am so happy you are having such a great trip!
I so enjoyed seing the pictures,and your are not a fat lady..LOL....You do beautiful amercian language...I am impressed...
Keep posting your trips pics. I am truely enjoying your trip...I feel like I am on vacation myself when i read it..
Everyone is so beautiful...thank you for sharing! The chi's are soooo cute too...Love all the pictures!!!
It must have been wonderful for you to cuddle Tommy again Joom . What another lovely treasured day for you all.I too wish I was there sharing all that joy .
I so enjoyed the pics Joom, I really am mad that I couldn't come over earlier in the week to share the special moments with you.
I don't know where to begin...
But I do know it was truly a spectacular day!
I was so nervous to not be able to get into the city in time for our meet up... But I managed to be a half hour early which almost never happens anywhere!!
Anyhow I sat patiently .. In the park looking over my shoulders to see who was the first to arrive..
In rolls Ada who comes with a birthday party in a bag and manages to set the Birthday table up in middle of New York in seconds... What great suprise for pups.. In that bag was beautiful hand made doggie dress she designed for Paris. So beautiful!!!
THEN got to see Mojito for the first time since he went to his new mommie Ada.. Haven't seen since last August.
Ohhhhhhh I cry happy tears. I tube fed this boy for weeks so to see how well he was doing was incredible joy!!
THEN...... Got the call from Saiyai .. Asking where we were located ...
Well we were 30 feet from one another .... Lol
what a mix feelings of happiness, excitement, anticipation.. All wrapped into one.... Finally the day arrives! After YEARS of back and forth emails... To finally meet face to face... It was beautiful moment.. Like Joom said.. One to bank in the memory forever!
The visit was fun... We talked and laugh and had some burgers.... Sa was handsome young man.. Kawee a comedian.. Saiyai bright beauty and Joom a lady with a wonderful heart and is certainly NOT fat!!
Lol lol
I truly had a good time.. It was a lot of fun to celbrate Paris and Mojito's first birthday with Joom...Ada and family.
Saiyai ordered doggie ice cream for the dogs..Than Ong and Paris made piggies out of themselves lol!!
Joom got to see Tommie again since leaving Thailand...
And agree with Joom.. He is a big Mommas boy! Lol
Joom with so much talking we forgot to sing Happy Birthday... And I wondered why Ada brought the cake DUH??????? Lol lol
ohhhhh well the love was all there!
Sending you great big hug!
Thank you for everything... The gifts.. The hugs.. My family loves .... The elephants really touched Bob's heart!!
You remembered!!!!
Your brain much be like beautiful elephant!!!
Have safe flight home and be careful.. I see on news flights may be delayed until Monday...
Hi Michelle!
I loved to read your comment about your wonderful meeting and the good time you had together.
Such happines bring tears to my eyes... =o)
Thnaks for sharing this....
Love! =o)
I love the pictures, each and every one. The thought that there are women of all ages from different parts of the world, sharing friendship and love for their dogs on a sunny day makes my heart full of joy!
Joom and Michelle,
Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful visit with the rest of us. The love and friendship in those pictures and posts was so special and beautiful it brought tears to my eyes. Thanks again. And Joom my prayers are with you and your Thailand.
Love to you both.
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