Peter and I with little Bono and Choco. The two precious chocolate boys will show with Erika Lanasa ..soon

Bono ,the smooth one ,belongs to Sussi Bjorn and Choco belongs to Ellika & Peter.

Erika will make the two boys shine in America...soon

My husband and my kids enjoyed...at a corner of the show

Tina Bregman had Visa in her arm, I held my heart-Malee, Sue Repash smiled so much happily with her Stela and Peter was holding his son "Divine" after Divine finished his American championship in this show!

The lady with brighten smile in the purple dress is Barbara Toczek, the co owner of the sweet little Bouquet.

Peter with my Malee and I had Divine in my arms, one of the miracle moments.

Malee and I

Kawee , my youngest son, with "Honey" ,the little girl from Dazzle Chihuahuas. We left Honey under Erika's wings for being shine.

My whole family with Erika and Peter
BISS Am.Ch. Saiyai's Thai Little Florist "Malee" and Am.Ch.Saiyai Fandango Cash's Dividen for Sugarhills ,with Peter and me

Peter,Divine,me, Malee and my husband

Erika and I with Divine and Malee
WOW! Suoer fantastic memories of your trip to America. Graduation, visit to DC, the dog show at Mercer, and all your fabulous family and friend moments. So happy to be a part of your visit and sad that I could not make it back to NYC for lunch today. All your wonderful pictures show a great and happy family enjoying their special times together.
Oh! I relooked this blogspot again and again. That is precious all the times , right? Everybody looked happy and it made me happy with all of you too.
What a wonderful time for your family to be together for Saiyai's graduation and trip to Washington, DC. It was a special time for all of us at the show....so many special memories!!!! Meeting you and your family and Peter.....AND getting my beautiful puppies!!!!!!! I will NEVER forget that day!!!!! LOVE THE PICS!!!!!
Thank you dear Joom you for sharing your wonderful pictures from your trip in the United States. I was moved to tears when I saw the pictures with which Bono is. I yearn for Bono more and more.
You and your family seems to have had a wonderful time with everyone.
Hugs from Sussi Bjorn/Bjoornstugans kennel
Love all these pictures. It looked you had a big great moment with those wonderful friends. I'm so happy for you.
How fantastic was this day - . beautiful warm friends, gorgeous dogs and a show where you took some beautiful pics.Well done.
An exciting time watching your beautiful girl show herself shes a true showdog.Erika and Malee what a team such dedication and devotion.... beautiful.
I especially loved the ones of sweet Malee, congrats on her win and for Divine, how proud you all must be ,Peter taking home a Champion and in such a short space of time so great.
Such joy and fun shown in all the pics so many beauitful smiles cant help but smile along with you .
Unforgetable treasured moments... life can be so good .
best regards Toni.
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