Friday, November 5, 2010


It's Friday morning, November 5th, 2010. I checked my mail as usual, there was a mail that got me excited.... very excited . It was an email from CCA telling me that I was approved to be a member of CCA. This is one of the best news of 2010.

Thank you all Board Members of ...the CCA for valuing a small exhibitor/breeder from Thailand. Your kindly approval means the world to me and every life of Saiyai Doghome,Thailand. I think I'm the first Thai member of CCA.

Thank you Mrs. Jane Kay and Erika Lanasa for being my sponsors (and for many other things). You all already know how meaningful Erika Lanasa has been to me, but I would like to thank her again here.

I'd like to say something shortly about Jane Kay, my best friend and my mentor who always supports me in everything. It's more than I can list here. There is already a big space in my heart filled with great things Jane has done for me.

Jane Kay is one of the senior judges who judges all breeds in the US and aroud the world for decades. She has been invited to judge all around the world, including once in Thailand. It was the show I hosted in 2006, which is when I met her. She has become an important part of my life in the dog show world. I can easily say that without Jane, there would be no Saiyai Doghome name. Thank you, dear Jane for bringing MANY sunshine into my life.

I also want to thank Karen Hamling for supporting. You have guided, asked, and concerned about my CCA membership. Karen even kindly offered to be my sponsor. If CCA needed more than 2 sponsors, Karen would be one of them.

Thank you many of my Chihuahuas who show so well and work so hard, and for placing footsteps from Saiyai Doghome in the US. Without these chihuahuas, I would never have reached this honorable membership.



Linda said...

HOORAY!!!! congratulations Joom!!

Carol said...

Congratulations Joom!! I am so happy for you. I an also so, so proud of you. You know what you want and you go after it. You have worked hard all these years to get where you are, and you deserve every bit of it. It touches my heart when one (you) are rewarded for their dedication and hard work. Congratulations again. ;o))

Tracy Storck said...

Congratulations!!!! I'm happy for you!!!

Renee Harris said...

Yay Joom!!! Welcome to the party!!! Congratulations!

I love Jane Kay also!!! We also have Cardigan Welsh Corgis and she is quite an astute authority on them as well! Besides all that, she's a kick in the pants!!!

Roxana said...

Congratulations Mrs. Joom.
May God keep blessing you greatly!

Carina said...

Congratulations Joom!!

I am so HAPPY for YOU!

Big hug!

Love! =o)

Melina said...

Congrats Joom, Im so happy for you!! Hugs from all of us xoxox

Claudia said...

Congratulations dear Joom. All your devotion has given you what you truely deserve! I am very happy for you!

Mary said...

I'm so happy with you and for you Joom.
You deserve this and with great friends all the way , you get it!!!

Toni said...

What a great day for you , such exciting and wonderful news and you deserve it .

Everything you do is done with love , dedication, intelligence and generosity ,good things will keep coming.

I am most happy for you Joom, all things that make you smile make me smile.

lots of hugs and my love always we may be far apart but we are close in spirit.

I may have some nice news in the mail for you soon too ..but you have to

Yupayao - Saiyai Doghome, Thailand said...

Thank you all dear friends.
I'm proud having you as my good friends who have always supported me , my family , my beloved dogs.
I love you all.