Gender: female
Parents: Baron & Brooke
Owner: Roxana Hossli ,Switzerland
Breeder: Saiyai Doghme, Thailand
Handler in Thailand: Mr.Prayoon Wichakanawut (finshed Th.Ch. at 6 months and a half old)
Handler in the US : Erika Lanasa (finished Am.Ch. at 10 months old)
These pics taken by: Linda McGuffey
Enjoy!!!! :-))))

WOW! gorgeous girl! wonderful showing results. I understand Rose got group places during showing in Thailand and America??!!
Linda is great in taking photos ,capturing beautiful movement.
And Joom, I'll never get enough in saying that you are great in your breeding.
I'm sooo happy with Roxana, Rose's owner too.Can't wait to see her showing in Switzerland. Hope to see her and Roger in person one day.
She looks gorgeous Joom. I love her movement too !
When will Rose fly to her loving home with Roxana's family. I'd like to see her join his brother Roger ,would love to them show together, would be beautiful sight.
Big Congratulations,
To all concerned Joom, you,as the breeder and the breeders behind the gorgeous lines you are producing.
Mr Wichakanawut and Erika who have done so much to promote our wonderful breed and your lovely dogs,theres nothing more I like to see than a beautiful Chihuahua doing so well and at group level .
Love these teffific pictures,Linda is a fantastic photographer they show Roses great movement ,this is so good to see. Poetry in Motion.
I can see the strong drive from
the rear,the nice brisk movement , the correct tracking,topline level, nice sickle tail/correctly held whilst in motion.... etc
Here I go stating the obvious again , but its nice to be able to see the obvious - often we admire wonderful pictures of great dogs when they are still and this is fantastic as well, but I really love action shots , movement etc .
Rose at such a tender age has hit the dog scene with a bang,cant wait to see what she and her gorgeous brother will achieve next.
Good Luck Roxana ,Rose and Roger..the next chapter.
best Regards Toni
I had the pleasure of being there in person as I was showing a smoothcoat puppy and Rose and Erika are quite the team. I spent time with Erika and "the girls" last weekend and so Joom I had a bit of Thailand around me. Congrats on these wins and once again on your breeding accomplishments. All your hard work is certainly paying off. We look forward to continuing your success with the arrival of Visa from "the credit card gang".
No other words....
Love her neck....very VERY pretty girl....
Love her ROX...SHE'S very pretty
Great breeding Joom!!
Can't wait to meet my baby girl as well ;o)
Rose is looking just wonderful!!Beautiful, beautiful girl....
"i just love your way!... ;o)
WOW! Thank you so much ,friends, for being proud with me to our little sweet fragrant Rose.
Toni, your compliment chapter (lol) is touching my heart. How great to have a friend like you who cares...
Tina, I know that ,I know you were there! I also know that your beautiful Eli finished his championship!!! Congratulations hundred times , my dear.
Margeta,Mary , Michelle , Carina - all my sweet friends, I thank you and hope you HAPPY EASTER. :-))
Thank you all so much for your supporting comments! A big thank you to Linda for these wonderful pictures!
Thank you Mrs. Joom for everything! I celebrate with you the great wins of our little Rose!!!!
I love you all and thank you once again!
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