Am.Ch. Saiyai 's Miracle Moment for Brislin.
I'm sure you know , but I still would like to say it again, that Tommie's parents are Am.Th.Ch. Believe in Tommy Boy and Saiyai 's "Yardtip" the Super Star.
Tommie lives with, and is loved and owned by my dearest friend, Michelle Brislin and family in Pennsylvania.
Pictures below track some of Tommie's progress since he was a litte puppy at Saiyai Doghome, Thailand to the day Tommie became to be a big champion with Best Puppy in Show record by the excellent handling of Mr. Jim Lehman . And today he is a very handsome guy, proud daddy of his puppies and beloved 4 legged kid of Brislin family.

From young puppy to him maturing into a handsome adult.. It's LOVE all the way!!!
He is as sweet as he looks to!
Very much a mommas boy. When people come to my house they are simply amazed how he sits at my feet and will not leave my side!
I must say that love he shares with me goes full turn.
Thank you for sharing his handsomeness ..
I think Rose needs to come visit Tommie lol..
Hugs Joom.. He sends you smooches across the sky today
I love Tommie's looks since he was a baby. Now llok at how he turns to be a very handsome guy!!! His life is full of love from his family ,that's a big part of his life.
Michelle ,you are lucky and you are absolutely deserve. Joom says you are a very devoted mommy to your kids ,both 2 legged and 4 legged , and I see it! GOD IS BEING WITH YOU.
Joom , you are a great breeder, I'll never stop saying this.
Way to go Tommie and all Saiyai's breeding! We love Tommie. He is a sweetheart, like his daddy Tommy.
Tommie and Tommy are super hand some indeed.
All the pictures of Tommie are beautiful! And i am sure he is even more beautiful in real life! him.
Michelle, please hug and kiss the super gorgeous champion Tommie for me. <:->
Joom, he is so gorgeous , another handsome boy from your kennels and he has a wonderful owner who loves him to bits ..what more could you wish for.
He deserves the title of Champion and also the record for Puppy in Show - congratulations Joom and Michelle - well done .
Fabulous pictures that show this enchanting boys sweet temperment.
best regards Toni
Dear Michelle, Tommie must want to make up for the time when he was showing with Jim Lehmann and Erika Lanasa. At the time, he must have missed you so much, he tried to finish as fast as possible. That's why he won the Best Puppy in Show. That's why he sat at your feet and won't leave your side. Every minute must be valuable to him. I know that you and your family love him to death.
You're right Toni, I don't want anything more, except some Best in Shows, hahaha.
Thank you, friends, for commenting. It warmed my day. I know that this is a busy weekend for you all. Thank you and Happy Easter to you all.
Oh, Tommie, Tommie, Tommie!!!!
What can we say about this little guy!!!!!! He is PERFECT maybe! Or gorgoues!!!! STUNNING!!!! HANDSOME!!!
Well, I can go on and on!!!!!
I love Tommie and always will! I will always be his #1 Swiss fan!!!
If Rose lays eyes on Tommie she might not want to come home! LOL
Ah Joom -
I think we all want Best In Show ...LOL
Wouldnt it be wonderful eh !!!
You never know Joom - One day you maybe blogging that nice news to us all.
best regards Toni
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