I should start by saying that someone made a recording error at the York shows and had Rose at only 14 points, this meant that in the eyes of the AKC she was not finished unless we could prove the accounting error. Rose was already entered in the Specialties so Erika decided to show her to insure that she would be finished. In the morning she was Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, Best Puppy and Best of Opposite Sex to the Variety at the Specialty..... Then she actually went Best Of Opposite sex To the BREED!!!! Another 5 point major and 2 specialty winners bitch wins, one specialty win and one best of opposite win, Rose has 3 5point majors and one 4 point major and is NOW DEFINITLEY A CHAMPION!!!! Roxana, I am sooooo happy with the great result of your devotion to your Rose! :0))

Erika said Malee showed beautifully, but was not chosen for the breed on Friday or Saturday, but won the breed today (Sunday, in Virginia) and was pulled in the group!
HUGS HUGS HUGS!!!! across the sky to you ,my Malee, mama loves you.

Divine showed on Friday and got 4th in a large open class at both Specialties, this was his first day in the ring and I was very proud of our Shy little guy!!! On Saturday, against the same competition, Divine got 2nd in his class and then went Reserve to the major.... what improvement. Today on Sunday in Virginia Divine was Winners dog and Best of Opposite sex to Malee..... YEAH DIVINE! He has come a long way and improves every day.
Erika also showed Nimbus as a Specials dog this weekend, on Saturday and Sunday he didn't get the breed, and today on Sunday he went Best of Opposite Sex. He is such a wonderful show dog .
Congratulations to my dear dear friends Ellika & Peter of Sugarhills ,Sweden , for the nice wins of your Divine and Nimbus . (I wish I had some nice pictures of Nimbus to show here)
At another part of the states, "Pudding" and Stacia Ohira , the super happy ones in Hawaii on Sunday show. Oh my my...they won Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Oposite sex. They seemed enjoy showing together and I am so proud of them. LOVE , HUGS , THOUSAND KISSES across the ocean from me to both of you , Stacia & Pudding.:-))))
Th.Ina.Ch. Quilymon Yagathon El Mishrah "Anton"

Well ,speaking of the dog show in Thailand today, I smiled broadly from ear to ear with "Joy" 's show result; 1 CC , 4 first places, Best of Winners, Best of Puppy Breed, Reserve Best of Breed , and Best Local Born of Breed. Joy needs only one more CC to finish Thai championship.Joy's full name is Saiyai's Jumping for Joy to... Sollette. Joy is a beautiful daughter of Cash & Jimlim , it means she is Malee's sibling. Joy owned by Roxana Hossli, Switzerland.

WOW!!!! WHAT A WEEKEND!!! :0))))
I'm flying with you, my dear Sis..., flying with you....
Oh!!! What a weekend of your wins!!! How can you hold them all in your arms??! It's too much wins in many countries.
Wow! I'm happy with you more than you know.
Congrats to everybody involves that deserve all these wins after your great devotions.
I am on cloud nine with you, what wonderful wins and accomplishments you should be so very proud and I am sure Peter and Ellika are also.
Oh MY GOSH !!!!!!!....
Joom I am speechless...!!!!!!
and that doesnt happen very often.!!! but Ill try to say a few words just the same...LOL
Seven Dogs that have excelled in ONE weekend across the Oceans .
to all involved for these wonderful achievements.
Joom is smiling and happy again this most certainly will have brightened her up ,much needed at this time.
I am so happy for you all, you have also made my day.
We will never get Joom of cloud nine now, but the way things are going Joom ,you might as well stay there, because these lovelies are not finished with the good news yet !!
Once again Well done everyone involved.
Once question Joom can your heart take all this great news without exploding ..LOL
best regards Toni..a happy for you all Toni.
EXCELENT!!!!! That's what I can say.
Allow me to second Toni that that doesnt happen very often.!!!
Seven Dogs that have excelled in ONE weekend across the Oceans . WOW! WOW! WOW! Joom I think the moon is not high enogh for you to fly to!!!!
You've got more than million reasons to be proud of them. It's indeed a wonderful week end. Ahhh...it's the week of the great Thai breeding victories.
As an Asian fellow (lol) ,I'm sooo proud of you and your heart touchig dogs. They are way too wonderful.
Congratulations again.
you are so blessed because you have a beautiful heart and beautiful dogs... Pudding did so well today and of course everyone always says she is such a dream and shows so pretty she is non stop.., wait till you see her she is a changed woman...
WOW...................we are so happy for you and Erika....................you both have done so WELL with your dogs.............CONGRATULATIONS..........I am planning on showing again this year......hope I do well also....
Matt and Georgia
Thank´s everyone!!!
WE are with you Joom!
Faar over the moon.... Wow... we are so happy for everybody involved and so proud to get Sugarhills firts Foot print in Asia shows, with our breeding! Thank you so much for everything Joom and Mr Erú´s handler and Erika offcourse!
And that Divine is doing so great for his first show, we are speachless..But offcourse can a "Cash" son do bad...? No!
And that Nimbus loves shows everybody who know him can see,
A Thousand THANKS to Erika our trouper, who drives to the moon and back for us! Last but not least,
Stacia, congrats to you to!!!
Ellika and Peter
wow! big big congratulations!!
more wins to come...
i am so proud to be part of the growing Saiyai Doghome winning streak..
Wow Joom...many congratulations.
Dear Joom, I am speechless! Not very often we can see many wins of many dogs at the same time.
You stay there on the moon ,Joom, you deserve. And I see Erika, Ellika & Peter and Roxana , Stacia,BL and Mr. Prayoon Wichakanawut are sitting smiling happily with you there. YOU ALL DESERVED!!!! :0))))
My coutesy to the great beautiful Malee, Divine, Pudding ,Rose, Joy,Nimbus,Anton and little boy with a brave heart Eru.
AWW! Did I say I am speechless??? I know ,I know, this is way too much for the word "speechless" ,but that 's too big archieve!!! I can't help saying too much. lol
Elika and Peter.
I can tell Joom is so proud of your Boy.. Eru ..doing do well at his first show and so soon after arriving to a whole different climate and to a new place - he is a real show man !!
Congratulations what a debut !!
best regards Toni
Congrats Joom-what a fantastic week end! I would be flying too. Such gorgeous dogs! There will be more to come!!
Wow! what a week-end indeed! , sure am enjoying the pictures of all your champions and puppies! wow! what a week-end and what a treat to see them! Ada
That is an INCREDIBLE weekend!!!!! WOW, you deserve to be on the moon! You have the most beautiful dogs and deserve the wins! WOW AGAIN!
So many BIG wins OMG!
Wow that's so amazing...so many wonderful wins...Joom I am so happy for you...love you lots!! xo
Thanks all friends. It's great to have you all sitting smiling on the moon with me. Hope you have a big enough holidays ,coz I plan to stay on the moon longer...a big while, it will be so lonesome without you all.
It's a really winning weekend---
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