This is Divine, a son of Cash and Minnie, belonging to Ellika and Peter of Sugar Hills, Sweden. Divine is Peter and Ellika's favorite boy. Peter will fly with Divine from Sweden to Erika Lanasa in Pensylvania in early November. Divine will then begin his great mission of becoming a champion, to much pride of his owner, and of course, his breeder too, LOL. Divine's parents info:Sire: Am.Th.Ch. Fandango Wheel of Fortune "Cash"Dam: Buabaan's Saiyai Minnie
Help! Divine steals my heart away!
This is further proof that Cash is a wonderful producer. He sires only champions. And Joom, you breed a lot of championship quality.
Way too go Ellika& Peter , you are very devoted owners. You deserve the awesome champion dogs, Divine is your one to die for!
Divine is anotheramazing pup of Cash. Heis handsome, will finish in no time. Erika will do another great job on him.
Keep us post.
Divine is my favorite boy too! Just gorgeous! He looks just like his Father!
Great luck to Divine! I know he will be a US Champion in NO TIME AT ALL!!!!
We will cheer for him across the oceans!
Wow what a handsome son!! He looks just like his father,,,Wow Wow Wow!!!
That is wonderful of Peter and Ellika. He sure is beautiful and I am sure he will produce beautiful pups just like his daddy, Oh how I want one of them Joom. Someday I will be able to afford it sometime next year I hope. LOL
Joom...Cash man has another gorgeous babe...looks like very handsome...the rate your going I believe youll have cash top sire like rick said in no time...hahahah
But waiting for my cash baby to...hahahahaha...
We are so proud of Divine!
And like many of you said, Cash will become one of the top sires in the US, if not the nr1!!!
And just think...we have two of his kids showing soon there!!!
We are very fortunate to have you Joom, as a friend and for beliving in us! And also making the contact with Erika Lanza and Stacia O´Hira what great people they both are!
So thank all of you for nice words about Divine! and also Celeb before. She will be just as divine as DIVINE!
Ellika and Peter
What a nice boy!
He sure does look like the Cash man:)
Good luck to all involved in his
show career!!
Hugs& kisses to Divine. He sure has a big part of my heart.
He is just Divine!!! LOL
Good luck with him Peter and Ellika. He will be back home before you know American Champion.
Wow, thats great !!! Good luck!
He looks really Divine!! Am sure he will do very well..
Yes, this BOY is beautiful very much!!!
He has an elegant snow-white coat and "Hollywood" smile.
There are no doubts, he becomes the American Champion, quickly!
Good luck to you, Divine!
My great congratulation for his successful breeder and his happy owners!
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