Monday, October 19, 2009

Everybody needs someone

The Jesusita Fire in Santa Barbara, CA this year caused these two to take shelter together. The fawn is about 3 days old and the bobcat about 3 weeks.

Animal Planet is reporting the bobcat kitten was rescued near Arnold Schwarzenegger's ranch, where it was dehydrated and near death. They rescued the fawn during the wildfire. The kitten ran to the fawn, and it was instant bonding.

You might have known this story and have seen the pictures so many time...
I just want to say....Thank you for everybody's friendship to me. Thank you for being here with me always.


Mary said...

Impressive story and pix. I 've seen it sometime. But like seeing it any time. Thanks Joom for sharing this nice story here. It's making my day.

Jennifer said...

Cool! This is coll for somebody's hearts who love giving ,not killing.

I know what do you feel today from what 'd met in FB. It was just a nightmare ,Joom.

Be happy with yiur own golden heart. We love you.

Thank you for sharing this touching story here today.

Margeta said...

Cute! Impressive!

Love you every minute Joom.

Have a nice week hun.

Charles said...

Joom ,it's absolutely right that everybody needs someone , and I am happy we have each other. Thank you for being the great friend to me and my family.

Btw/ I love the story. It's touching my heart.

Carina said...

Oh Hi Joom! =o)

I haven't seen this before...
what a wonderful story.
IIt warms my heart when I read and see theese photos.

Thank you for sharing.
... and it is soo true!
We all need love and friends.

Love you!


sugarhills said...

Oh,Joom! What a cute story, never seen it before!
And like you said we all need friends and you are a TRUE BEST FRIEND!
Love //
Ellika and Peter

Natalia said...

It's beautiful.
I had not seen it.
That most beautiful story.
The precious bambi with a nice pussy that tender.
Joom thank you very much for sharing with us.