My dear friend Michelle Brislin and Linda Mcguffey kindly informed from the ring that Malee showed beautifully, and had her head, ears & tail up, very brave and nice with the judge( Mrs. Zimmerman). She won winners bitch, and best of winners -so she beat all the females and males that were not champion AND today was a 3 point major!!
That was not bad for the first show,right?
When Malee arrived to Erika, Malee was quite shy and lack selfconfidence. So for Malee to have shown very well and bravely , it was a great job by Erika Lanasa.
Michelle kindly took this photo for me. I thank you.
Malee's clear photo is in my current contenders page.

WOW! WOW! WOW! great jobs of Erika and Malee. I know how beautiful Malee is and how great Erika Lanasa is. Congrates to Joom for having the wonderful matching. Wayyyyy to go Erika, Malee and Joom. I am soooo happy for you.
Way to go, Malee. Congrats to Joom and Erika. She looks very nice in the photo. Cant wait to see the show photo. That way we can see her close up.
Thanks Michelle for taking and sharing the photo.
YAHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!Way to go Malee and Erika
oh wow congratulations... I better practice more with Pudding so she can do as well as Malee... way to go...
I am soooo happy for you and soooo proud of you Joom,Erika, Malee.Way to go
This is a great sauturday morning, to wake up with a cup of coffie and turning on the computer...and se this!!!
Great job! Congrat´s Erika and Malee! This must be the greatest news for you Joom as well, first show and all!!!So happy for all of you! Ellika and Peter
Wonderful news!!!
Malee looks great! Erika, great job!
Excited, excited for Malee, Mrs. Joom and Erika!!!!!!!
Michelle, thank you for the pictures so we can see also from so far away!!!!!
Many hugs to you all!
I am so happy for Joom and everybody involves.Malee is the classy chihuahua. Erika is wonderful. All of you deserve the best. Congratulations!
That is wonderful Joom!!!
Congratulations to you, Malee,
and Erica:)
She is on her way to be #3 of
Cash's get to be ,
an American Champion.
very nice picture.She looks great!
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