Friday, November 20, 2009

Princess and Nayla arrived home !

After long journey both on the plane and at both airports, from Thailand to Switzerland , Princess and Nayla arrived thier loving home safe and sound.

Roxana said "There are no words to describe my happiness!!! " Michi, Roxana youngest child is looking his mommy in love....

Little Princess in mommy's arms.

in love...

Nayla and the first moments in Mommy's hands‏. Nickie loves her dearly.
Sophie and Princess‏, they waited for one another for ten months.


Melina said...

A beautiful family to join....they all look so peaceful. :)

Jennifer said...

Aww!!! So touching! So lighthearted! Very beautiful family! Nayla and Princess finally arrived thier happy home. Roxana is beautiful. The 2 girls are adorable and look so happy with thier new true friends....ahhh long journey to true love....congrates to you all.

Kandra said...

What a perfect ending to a long journey. They all look so happy.

Margeta said...

What a beautiful family....touching sight. Where is Richie?

Anonymous said...

Always a wonderful feeling knowing they are in their new homes safe. They look like they are going to be loved and spoiled!

Marina said...

I am glad to full reunion of this fine family!
The happy end to all excitements!
My congratulations!

Carina said...

It must be so nice for Nayla and Princess to come to this varm family!

Hugs to you all.


Roxana said...

My dearest friends, thank you for all the prayers and support. It was a long journey but now they are here and they are resting and setting into their new home. I must thank God for answering our prayers and protecting Nayla and Princess. Thank you Kind and Loving Lord!
Mrs. Joom, you have my heart! Thank you from the depths of my heart! Thank you so very much!

The girls sleep now.
Richie was a bit jealous but very excited to have new friends. I took him for a walk with his best friend, a Yorkie that lives next door. They always have a great time together and he needed some fun time.

Once again thank you all. There are NO WORDS!!!


Carina said...

God bless your beautiful heart.


Yupayao - Saiyai Doghome, Thailand said...

I believe in map of life. Everyone has a map that dictates what they will face in life. Dogs are the same. They all have maps, which dictate where they end up. Isn't it amazing that a dog from one corner of the world will end up in another corner of the world? It's their destiny.

I'm lucky. I believe I have good karma, which is why most of my dogs always have good destiny. Fate brings good friends into my life, as the loving homes for my dogs. The Hossli family is one of the best loving home, which I am so proud my dog gets to go to. We can see that Ritchie, being there, is like Roxana's 4th child after Nickie, Sophie, and Michi. Now, Princess and Nayla have become the 5th and 6th children of Roxana and her husband. Soon, Roger Federer will become the 7th, hahaha. After that, Rose and Joy will follow. Such a big family, LOL.

Unknown said...

I want to go meet my new nieces!! They look adorable!

Roxana said...

Thank you Mrs.Joom for your kind comment. My heart goes to you my dear Mrs. Joom!
Today I was at the super market with Michi. I was explaining to him that "hijo" was son in spanish and "hija" was daughter. He would ask what is Nikkie, and I would say "hija", and Sophie I would say "hija". And Richie "hijo" and Nayla "hija", Princess "hija"....etc
Although Nikkie and Sophie say I am the GRANDMA!!!! LOL But I am not quite ready to take that name! LOL

Hugs to you! THank you!!!!