Kristina Chernova wrote me one more letter to tell the condition of her mother, Natalia Chernova , that is getting better.!!!
I'm so exited that I have to report to you all right away,even I'm traveling to another province as I had told some of you.
Below is a part of Kristina's letter , and upper is a picture of Natalia with her shihtzus ,of course it was taken before she had the acident.
I 'd like to congratulate to you all who have prayed for her. Our prayers have been answered.!!!
I come to mom in the Center of rehabilitation every day.
I necessarily bear to mom somebody from hers dogs, she blossoms in their embraces and she becomes the happy. And every day we have conversations about you, about your dogs and your friends and about that as it is remarkable, that people can be so far apart and so are close in a shower to each other.
Mom is convinced, that hers magical returning to a life, it is a care not only of doctors, but big part yours - Joom care and desire to pray and your friends also. It is the truth. I with it, absolutely, agree.
because doctors say till now, that - hers case was very heavy, after all she has broken a skull to a crack and usually it badly coBmes to an end, but that she so has quickly gone on improvement and that there is to it now this Miracle!
Certainly, she should protect now more than: she should to accept medicines, to wear glasses always now, but the main thing it she is live, all has recollected and even how this misfortune was to happens with her, though lapses of memory still happen.
Now she becomes similar to herself more and more, as wants self all to supervise and do that all hers hands. She is most of all excited today, whether will resolve to her and whether she can drive again the car. Lol