I have been with my hubby for 25 years, high school sweetheart. We have been married for 20. We have two beautiful daughter's age 14 & 18, who absolutely LOVE our chihuahua's, as we do! We have Ch Tanner that was specialed & was in the top 5 ranking & Ch Diamond Girl. We bred Ch Deja Vu & Calmont's Mattinee Idol, that my dear friend Jill owns & is currently specialing, I think he was ranked in the top 10. We also bred Ch Deja Vu's Lord Calmont, who Jill also owns & has specialed, I believe he was ranked in the top 10, as well. We have our own company, but, chihuahua's are our one true love, so they are our fun on the side!! A true passion for us. We meet a lot of very kind people through the chihuahua's! And we provide a very loving & good home for chihuahua's. They live very well, they are our lap lovers!

Well, we have seen her girl Ch.Diamond recently and I'm happy to reshow Diamond with Gina's picture again. And I'm exited proudly to presend some pictures of her boy "Tanner", the American's no.4 chihuahua long coat of the year 2006. Tanner needs no more tribute!!

And look at her house!!! These are only some parts of the place that she calls "House". I can't feature all pictures of her house I have in hands. Not only because I don't have enough spaces to put them all but the main reason is"I envy".!!!! LOL

Dear Gina, I can't write every good thing in you that has touched my heart. It's not because your rich,not because your perfect life (that I envy) but because of your truly kind and nice.

And look at her house!!! These are only some parts of the place that she calls "House". I can't feature all pictures of her house I have in hands. Not only because I don't have enough spaces to put them all but the main reason is"I envy".!!!! LOL

I know you don't need anything more for your birthday. I still want to say "Happy Birthday to you".
Hope nothing but happiness come through your door on your Birthday.
Hi Gina,
Now i recognize you from your Tanner....he is so perfect in every way! We are a small breeder in Ontario Canada...maybe someday we can meet...
Thank you Joom for showing me this...Just beautiful!
Wonderful Gina,
Awesome Tanner and Diamond,
Exelence house and family.
Happy Birthday to Gina.
Thank you Joom for letting us know them all. (and yes, I honesty say that I envy her too)LOL
Happy Birthday to Gina.
Kisses & Hugs to Tanner and Diamond.
Dear Gina,
Happy Birthday! We send you many warm wishes on this special day.
Love from Switzerland!
Roxana and family
Hi Gina!
Happy birthday wishes from Sweden.
I hope you have a wonderful day... today... and all that comes... =o)
Gina...you are blessed my dear..Happy Birthday...and congrats on your chihuahuas...
As Joom said you are young at 43!
So will have to do the song... (LOL)
Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday Dear Gina...
Happy Birthday to you....
and many more...............
Love Miohelle Brislin
TO MY DEAREST JOOM & All OF YOU VERY KIND & DEAR LADIES that made postings for my Birthday!
Your words have touched my heart and yes, indeed, MADE MY BIRTHDAY, A VERY SPECIAL ONE!
I treasure my friend's Every Day, but, especially on my birthday, they are My Blessing from The Lord, as My Birthday's are!
True Gift's from God!
I am very grateful to ALL OF YOU, for the warm and loving words that I feel are very heart felt and genuine.
But, please do not envy me or my life, because of what I have.
Because I am ONLY VERY RICH, for having friend's like you!
This is what I consider true wealth.
Friendship's surpass the test of time, these are the REAL RICHES in My Life.
ALL of the Money & material things in our lives can come & go, but special friend's are EVERLASTING!
Without friend's where would we be?
What would we actually have? Nothing..............
If I had ALL of the riches of the world, but was an unkind, mean spirited person, I would have nothing........
Yes, my family, myself & our chihuahua's live a very, very comfortable life, but ALL of this would mean absoluetly nothing without meaningful relationship's and kindness & love showered upon other's.
Friend's bring you the happiness money cannot.
Friend's are a keepsake!
I choose everyday to surround myself with wonderful, special friend's & family and do not allow any negative spirit's in my life, I have No room for unkind people, only kind spirited people,
this makes my spirit very rich, and it is good for my soul.
I share my wealth & I spread my love (these are our true riches) to everyone I meet, even people I do not know.
If I can make one person's day a bit brighter by helping in some way, listening & bringing comfort, or just offering a hand or a smile, then I am very rich & my cup runneth over!
I do indeed love my life, but, I do share my wealth with others.
Your friendship's have made me very wealthy & rich!
So, thank you,from the bottom of my heart, I am sincerely grateful to each & every one of you!
Michelle, your Birthday Song was fabulous, you were not even a bit off key!!!!
You are all tremendously rewarding to me, I treasure the friendship's that I have made with you!!!!!!!!
Sincere Gratitude and Blessing's to each & every one of you!
So nice you write about friendship...
The part when you say;
..."or just offering a hand or a smile"...
It can mean so much ... just to smile to a total stranger... and get a smile in return!! =o)
Love from Carina in Sweden
Lovely Gina,
You look wonderful on your 43rd birthday.
Like Joom says, it is a perfect life, and I bet your Chis contribute to that!
May you always be surrounded by beauty and peace.
Dear Gina,
Happy Birthday!
We wish you the sea of smiles,
Ocean of happy eyes around
And the whole army of kind and devoted friends nearby,
Light in eyes of relatives and fire in hugs of favorites!
With love from Russia,
Kristina & hugs from mom
Dearest Gina, Your words Touched my heart!!!!
Thank you!
May The Lord bless you with a DOULBE Portion of Love and Happiness!!!
May He give you back, everything you have given times 2!
May ALL your hearts desires be added on to you!
Happy Birthday, once again! May there be many more!
Dear Gina,
sure you had a grat birthdayparty.Your house is looking great and you the same.You live on the sunny side of life-you are blessed!I just love your house and chis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Many greetings,Carina from Germany
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