A small country like Thailand has also suffered from the economic crisis as well as what every other country has to face. Since Thailand is a hub, producing many products in the region, we have to face the situation of a high unemployment rate. People get laid off everyday, every week- a thousand people a week. This crisis affects both Thais and foreigners (who work in Thailand). This cruel situation "shocks" some people and they just solve the problem in a selfish way ignoring lives of people they used to love, who still love them.
There was a Korean couple, both high-powered executives, who managed a car manufacturing business in Thailand for many years. They had a male and female pug couple that they loved so much. Later, these pugs had puppies. They kept one for them so they could have a father, mother and child family. The pugs lived happily with the best food, an air conditioned room, a big comfy bed, and with owners and so much love..
One day, recently, the couple told a maid, who is Thai, that they had to return to Korea because their company went out of business. The maid asked when they were leaving and they said in 3 days. On the 3rd day, they paid the last paycheck to their maid and left to Korea without looking back or saying goodbye or asking anybody to take care those 3 pugs they once showed so much love for and who also loved the Korean couple back. Those pugs cried and tried to run after them, but it was useless. The maid asked the couple, "What about these pugs?" they only said "You take care of them" and left.
A Thai maid told this story to a clerk at work, who agreed to take care of these 3 pugs. She said she would take them back to her house in another province to 'guard the house.' She said would only treat them in a 'whatever' way. But what do you expect? She had just lost her job too. It was generous enough that she agreed to take care the pugs.
The Thai maid cried, feeling bad for the dogs she had been raising. She took a bus to Bangkok to visit her sister, who works as a maid for me. I had to hire one more old maid, but that is how I found out about this. I told the maid to call the clerk, who takes care of these 3 pugs and tell them I want to take care of them myself. But... this maid couldn't contact the clerk anymore. Her number says it is no longer in use.
I am feeling terrible about this. I wonder why the 3 dogs are too much for the couple to bring back to Korea.
I think back to the incident when there were protests in my country and a mob closed up the airport creating so much loss for the country; some of my friends, including Diana Garcia offered me to flee to stay with her in Florida. I told her the situation was not that serious or even if it got to that serious point one day, I couldn't think of how my family and i would leave the house and all the dogs behind.
Diana understood that because when her house and other people's house in the neighborhood were attacked by a hurricane years ago, she refused to accept the aid or moving anywhere if her injured horses did not get any help or weren't also moved.
The Korean couple must have been affected badly by economic crisis. But although it might be terrible, it is not a war that they have to flee away, give up everything and abandon every life like this. It is so awful that they would leave behind 3 lives that they once said they loved so much.
Such a heart wrenching story. My heart goes out to those pugs that were left behind..........
My chihuahua's are as close to me as my daughter's are, I could never think for one minute of ever leaving them behind. I do not know these people's situation, so I can not judge anyone, nor will I, but, I can say, my beloved chihuahua's are always at my side, they ARE my children.
With chihuahua's or pets in general, there is an unconditional love that is mutally respected, they love you, no matter what, if you're having a bad hair day, they don't care, you are still beautiful to them, they comfort you when others sometimes hurt your feelings, they are always there, to love, to cherish and to SPOIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think those people that leave without any thoughts about their pugs never loved them realy.They found another place,another life and that seems to be perfect without their pets.
I am sure they wanna feel the same one day.There is a justice in heaven for sure and meaby years later they wanna feel all what their pets felt as they let them alone.
All humans that did anything wrong to others will be go an harder way at another situation.Then they ask:"Why me?"and never wanna learn anything.Only be sad because life is so cruel...
You brought tears to my eyes just like the stories i first read when i found your website....Joom some people are just not like you are your friends from all over the world, and so many other who would do anything to keep their pets/family members.
Abandoning three little dogs...
I understand, like Joom says, what it's like to be devastated because of catastrophic loss. After Hurricane Andrew, I was homeless, without electricity for three months.
Staying on my property and living in the ruins of my house was horrible, but abandoning my horses and animals (the ones that survived) was not a choice for me.
That's why it's difficult for me to imagine this Korean family abandoning their three little dogs.
When they arrived in Korea...how could they have eaten, slept in soft beds, ...? after having discarded these three lives?
Here in the US, the newspaper proclaims the abnormally high incidence of people abandoning their dogs on the streets because they are losing their homes and moving to flats.
It appears that many people feel that their pets are disposable.
They are missing the most important lesson life has to teach us, which is that unconditional love is a precious gift from Heaven.
Joom !
I feel so sad when I read this...
It's a shame that people change so....!!!???
..and forget the most important things of all:
LOVE and caring for those who dippends upon us...
I really hope that the little pug family are in good hands....
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