Some time when people say "my heart goes to you" and "I'll pray for you" ,we may forget to do so. But this time,this morning, my heart goes across the oceans to Michelle and Pants. As Michelle is our nice friend,and Pants is an adorable nature's creation that belongs to our friends heart,let's pray for him.
And this is the letter from Michelle ,some of you might recieve it already.
Hi Friends:
Just wanted to touch base with all of you and let you know how horrible of a day I am having.
This morning my chocolate baby (puppy) "Pants" who I simply adore...has taken a seizure.
When I found him...he was listless, wet at the mouth, and stool tarry.eyes rolled back into his head....My boy was in coma state.
First thought was with fast thinking ran and got the Nutrical and Nutridrops...and administered to him. ...his eyes stared to blink and he went into the doggie paddle movement (all typical of a low blood sugar).
I then drove 110 miles(seriously) an hour to our animal emergency clinic where a nurse was waiting at the door for him and they swooped him away.
After about an hour they called me back in to the room.. There he laid still in coma state and on a heated air pillow...with a nurse massaging him....They had also started the little guy already started on IV drip..gave him dextrose and ran his blood work.
He tested negative for liver shunt (thank God) but his liver was slightly elevated. possible infection..not sure at the moment...his electrolytes were also off the wall..
After about 2 additional hours my little boy has still not pulled out of the coma like they moved him to an incubator...after about another hour he gave a big yelp and started moving and his eyes opened for a brief moment...then he went back into coma state.
As you can imagine... I am mortified...My dogs are like my children and care deeply for them. I had to leave the vet office...
He will not be coming home tonight as expected.
I am sick to my stomach...however I do know these things can and will happen...BUT still, it is never easy to deal with.

Pants... has passed away few minutes after I wrote this blog spot.
I 'll keep praying for him with hopefully hope he will be in heaven.
I feel so bad for Michelle and Pants. I love mine so much too. We all feel so helpless when they are sick. It would be a little easier if they could tell us when they don't feel right.
I will keep them both in my prayers. We all know this can happen but it is always so hard to take.
Pants... has passed away few minutes after I wrote this blog spot.
I 'll keep praying for him with hopefully hope he will be in heaven.
So sorry to hear about Pants. It is incredibly sad to hear what happened esp because we know how much you love your dogs and take care of them. Pants looked like a great little guy in the pics. Much love Michelle.
oh my I am in tears as I write this note... I am so saddened to hear such horrible news... May GOD keep him safe and happy in Chihuahua Heaven because we all know what a doll "Pants" was... grieve well my friend.
I'm so sorry for michelle's loss. Pants was loved and will be loved by us forever. He is missed as right now he's in heaven but i believe he knows we love him.
Michelle is heartbroken...she is so brave, and she did everything she could to save this puppy.
It is so unfair that this should adorable little Pants, just starting life; and to Michelle, who really loves and cares for these members of her family.
All of us need to pray for both.
So sorry for you.... little Pants was an adorable little puppy and I do understand the chock you must be in.
I will pray that you will recover soon from this tragic lost.
The only thing I can think of to say to you is:
"Wonderfull is brief...far to brief"
Love Carina
Michelle, we send you all our love! I will always be his number one Swiss fan, he has my heart, your beautiful boy!
We are so sorry!
Love from us all,
Thank all of you for your beautiful notes of encouragment.
I laid my head down last night to sleep hoping and praying this horrible nightmare would be just that...a nightmare!
Unfortunitly, I have woken up to the heart ache again.
I appreciate all your beautiful notes and emails to me personally as well as our friend Joom for taking the time to have everyone pray for "PANTS' OR at least have him a passing thought in all your heads throughout the world. That to me speaks LOVE in volume!
If I could just ask all of you one more favor...and that is to keep me in your thoughts as I go to pick up my boy and lay in to rest in my flower garden.
With love to all of you
Michelle Brislin
I am sorry to hear this....
My condolences to Michelle .This is the heartache of being a breeder:(
may Pants' memory live on her heart!
Karen...with love to you for your thoughts to take a moment and write..
I have the meet the best bunch of people here on Joom's blog...
But it is a horrible thing to go through as a breeder.
I understand that dogs will come and go along the way...but I had no intentions on him ever leaving me..
I knew that when he was born that he was my boy. my baby...his eyes just seen right through me almost as if he knew what I was thinking and he knew he was the golden I never gave myself that seperation distance and unattach from myself from him.
I have laid him to rest this afternoon in my backyard by my flower beds.
Frozen ground of course because we are still having the season of winter here.
But when my tulip bulps, and daffodils bloom this spring I will have that smile on my face knowing he is right there.
This is the place I spend all summer gardening and I know he will be right next to me to give me peace
So sorry to hear about Pants' loss Michelle. My prayers are with you.
It's really hard to accept things right away especially when they are dear to us...
God bless you.
Hugs from me,
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