Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Chihuahuas on vacation
This is a smile sent from Roxana Hossli , my dear friend in Switzerland who has many pieces of my heart with her - Richie , Nayla, Roger and Princes .
Roxana and her family were a few days in Germany for a vacation. They took all the dogs with them. They had their bed by the window but the doggies decided that under this tiny table was much better! :-)
Thank you dear Roxana for this big smile
Hugs to you all.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
One moment in time of "Classic" to me
Just...one moment in time of my boy "Classic".
Now he lives happily in USA and has become an American champion and becomes a father, time flies so fast...just miss him.....
Thursday, August 16, 2012
"Coffee" enjoys Life !! :-)
I had never known "Coffee" could swim when she lived with us in Thailand. But look!! "Coffee" enjoyed swimming at her cuttent home in Norway :0) Her human parents Ole and Torild Lybekk assisted her and found her ability that we didn't know she had it before!
I should have known that nothing can stop "Coffee" from fun! She enjoys her life everywhere.
Her mom Torild said " She went totally crazy after the bath, running around on the beach, and rolling around in the sand. She will go to a big show this sunday, so she need a bath with shampoo too, hopefully she will turn in to black again, now she is grey. LOL!" Ahhh!!! I hope so :-)
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Gigi's routine
Gigi, our pet female cavalier, spend most of her day with daddy (my husband.) She sleeps on his head. She eats with him. She breathe down his neck. She also goes everywhere with daddy, except when dad has important meeting or has to go to parliament. My husband often say that Gigi's attached to him. My children and I don't want to ask him, who exactly is attached to whom, LOL.
In this photo, Gigi was on the car with daddy. She was stuck in traffic for an hour, but Gigi didn't care. She only asks that she is with Dad.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Anniversary of Typhoon passing away to heaven
10th of August, 2011, was like the end of the world for me. After trying to save Typhoon from cancer, eventually we, my friends who got involved, and I, lost. Typhoon passed away. Some say Typhoon traveled the rainbow bridge to wait for me in heaven. I hope and pray that Typhoon goes to Nirvana. Regardless of where he ended up, the sad truth is, he is no longer with me. After Typhoon passed away, my family suffered the loss of many loved ones. Some passed away naturally due to old age, but some passed away in unbearable fashion, such as Pudding, recently. However, no matter how many loved ones we lose, the lost of Typhoon was, to me, incomparable.
In the past two days, a year since his death, I haven't written or spoken of Typhoon. I led my life normally. However, there were probably only a few seconds I didn't think of him. In fact, in the past year, I've missed him every day, many times a day. In the past 2 days, I thought many times that if I could travel back in time, I would have done everything I did to keep Typhoon alive as long as possible. The answer in my heart is that I would have still done all I did. Typhoon and I were unlucky that at the time, I didn't yet meet the treatment which would later on, cured Malee of cancer in just a few months. Every time I see Malee, I regret that I didn't find the cure when Typhoon was sick. At the time, I searched all corners of the world for a cure, but I failed.
However, when I think of Typhoon today, I am no longer sad, because I know that Typhoon is in a better place, no longer in pain. If Typhoon is resting in heaven, before traveling to Nirvana, may that heaven not be too far, for Typhoon to feel the love from mom and family, that has been sent to him always.
Thank you again Typhoon, for giving all the wonderful things in our 5 years together, which I can't even write them all here. When you passed away, you still left a wonderful thing for mom, which are the friends who tried to help us. Many of those friends became close family friends. That is the most valuable thing Typhoon left for mom. Typhoon only gave good things to mom. Thank you dear Typhoon. Mom and everybody love you, and will forever.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
A small tribute to EVERYONE who have made "CASH"'s ROM
"Cash" : Int.Am.Th.Ch. Fandango Wheel of Fortune
has become a ROM (Record of Merit of CCA.)
This journey has not been easy, especially since I, Cash's owner, live in a different corner of the world from America. On this tough road, there have been so many friends who have become involved. Even if I wrote a hundred pages of tribute to all the friends who put faith in Cash's puppies, and took Cash's puppies to become champions all around the world, it won't do them justice. Ten of them became American Champions, and made their daddy, Cash, become a ROM.
I cannot not recognize my highly respected friend, Jane G. Kay, who offered her very kind hands, to help me in every thing. Cash would not be able to become a ROM, if I was not a CCA member. Everyone knows that it's not easy to join the CCA. Jane G. Kay, kindly used her lifetime membership to sponsor me, along with Erika Lanasa, another friend who never hesitate to help me. I proudly became a CCA member, last year.
Since I live far away, possess weak English, and careless, my membership expired, this year. The year that Cash becomes a ROM, when his 10th child became an American Champion. I almost went mad when I found out that my membership expired. The board of CCA, kindly allowed Cash to use his ROM title, and since I never done any misconduct, they allowed me to find two new sponsors to renew my membership before the end of August, 2012. Of course, I didn't ask Jane G. Kay. A lady of her status already once offered her help , since the mistake was mine, I should not ask her again. However, the CCA board said that the reason they let Cash has his ROM title right away is because I was once sponsored by Jane G. Kay!
I've been blessed with another sponsorship by Erika Lanasa. Gayle Essex, my good friend and all-tuime mentor, kindly became my 2nd sponsor. These favors help make Cash's ROM title come true, as he deserves, and also as deserving by the devotion of many.
I've always been, and always will be very thankful for Cash's parents.
Both of you are greater than you know.
Regardless of what happens, earth quake apocalypse or otherwise, the following people will go down in history as those who have helped Cash achieve his ROM:
Am.Ch. Fandango Drive-M Wild "Rebel"
Breeder: Karen L. Hamling
Thank you Karen Hamling, for breeding Cash and Rebel, and made them both American Champions. I cannot deny that Rebel and you inspired me to help Cash become a ROM.
Am.Ch. Fandango Lamar's Lucky Charm
Breeder: Karen L. Hamling
Owner: Hwan Sung Yang, Korea
Gayle Essex, who always has sharp eyes for dogs, picked Charm and finished him.
BISS.Am.GCh.Ch. Saiyai's Thai Little Florist "Malee"
Dam: Th.Ch. "Jimlim" of Saiyai Doghome
Malee is my first Cash's breeding to become an American Champion. She campaigned her specialty for 2 years.... by her second human mom, Erika Lanasa.
Malee has become the first Thai-bred long-coat chihuahua to become an American Champion. In the future, there may be other Thai breeders, or even Saiyai Kennel who have American Champions who are as, if not more, outstanding than Malee. But to be the first Thai-bred American Champion long-coat chihuahua, it will be the record that stays with Malee forever.
Malee was ranked as the number 6 long-coat chihuahua in America of 2009.
Malee was awarded the title of "Grand Champion" by the AKC on July 24th, 2010. The AKC email read:
Congratulations on your dog's attainment of the Grand Champion title. Being one of the first dogs to earn this new title is a great achievement.
Am.GCh.Th.Ch. Saiyai's Jumping for Joy
Dam: Th.Ch."Jimlim" of Saiyai Doghome
Joy is Malee's sibling.
Joy finished her Thai Championship when 9 months old
Joy finished her American Championship, and continued onto the Grand Championship.
She completed both titles at the end of 2010.
All credit of Joy's championships- Thai and American must go to Chic Chi, Thailand, Joy's owner.
Joy was shown to American Grand Championship by Erika Lanasa.
Am.GCh.Ch. Saiyai Fandango Cash's Dividend
Dam: Th.Ch. Saiyai & Bubaan's Minnie
Ellika and Peter of Sugarhills, Sweden, Divine's first owners, devoted a lot to earning Divine his great titles. I thank you two, from the bottom of my heart.
Congratulations, and thanks to Ben of Benrich Chihuahuas, Thailand, Divine's current owner. I congratulate you because you have a chihuahua with great titles as an important part of your kennel. I thank you because you always have faith in Saiyai Doghome's breeding. I see you are proud of your "Divine" very much . I will never forget this.
Divine was shown to American Grand Championship by Erika Lanasa.
Am.GCh.Th.Ch. Saiyai's Thai Celebritie for Sugarhills
Dam:Th.Ch. Misty Meadow Playing with Fire
Another one of Saiyai's breeding who was blessed with the devotion of Ellika and Peter, to become an American Champion. I'm glad to know that Celeb has repaid her beloved owners. Congratulations to Ellika and Peter who has been blessed with Celeb. Congratulations to Celeb for having a good life with her owners.
Celeb was shown to American Grand Championship by Stacia Ohira.
Am.Ch. Saiyai's Thai Blackberry of Tan & Grace
Dam: Th.Ch. "Jimlim" of Saiyai Doghome
BB can be classified as one of Cash's outstanding child. Congratulations to his owner, Mrs. Suchittra Sawatyanon, Thailand. I'm proud to say that BB earned his American Championship by Hiram Stewart.
Am.Ch. Saiyai's Masterpiece for Beautiful Valley
Dam: Saiyai's Dancin To Be The Star
Owner: Beautiful Valley, Indonesia
Once again, Erika Lanasa made this part of my dream to make Cash a ROM come true, by finishing Master as an American Champion.
Am.Ch. Saiyai's All That Jazz
Dam: Th.Ch. "Jimlim" of Saiyai Doghome
Owner: My dear friend, Carol McNeely.
I will never forget how you devoted to making our little Jazz an American Champion. You always cared about helping me achieve my dream.
These words, I want to give to Erika Lanasa as well. Erika was the one who finished Jazz as an American Champion.
Am.Ch. Saiyai's Classical Rocker at Brislin
Dam: Th.Ch. Fandango Moon Struct-L
Classic is one of Saiyai's Doghome pride, sired by Cash. I am very happy that Classic lives with and owned by Michelle Brislin. Michelle is one of my first American friends, who has become our family's friend.
Michelle showed and finished Classic as an American Champion by herself.
I'm proud to say that Classic and Michelle were the ones to help me reach the milestone needed to make Cash a Rom.
Thank you everyone so very much again for full filling my dream , for making the great honour to my "Cash" man 's biography!!! :-)
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Happy 2nd Birthday to Puen and Pang

Th.Ch. Saiyai's Love at First Sight (B) with her loving mom, Marja Kurittu
Th.Ch. Saiyai's Love at First Sight (A) while showing with her owner/handler, Stacia Ohira
Today is the 2nd birthdays of my loved ones "Puen" who lives with, and own and being shown by my dear friend Stacia Ohira in Hawaii
and "Pang" who lives with & own and is showing by my full respected friend Marja Kurittu in Finland
"Puen" and "Pang" were sired by my beloved Tommy : Am.Th.Ch.Believe in Tommy Boy
and the dam is my ALL TIME very beautiful bitch "Soyjumpa" : Th.Ch.Soyjumpa the Flower of Love and Friendship http://www.saiyaidoghome.com/c6.html
The two sisters had grown up beautifully at Saiyai Doghome and became Thai champions at their very young ages - 9 months old.
Faith has brought "Puen" and "Pang" to live in two different parts of the world , in the BEST hands that I have ever wished my dogs to go to. Miles and the sky have never prevented love and bond from EVERYBODY at Saiyai Doghome , especially the super parents : Tommy & Soyjumpa , to our precious "Puen" and "Pang".
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
a smile across the miles from Norway
Torild Lybekk of FDC chihuahuas in Norway is a one among many kind friends who has tried to comfort me during this difficult time by sending this lovely photo of the sweet & naughty "Coffee" with her daddy "OJ" ( Torild's husband who will show Coffee soon.)
Well, comforting my heart is not easy this time , but you 've tried and you know what? It works!!! :-)
This photo places a big smile on my face and in my heart.
Thank you Torild, OJ. I love you.
I'm also sending much love across the sky to "Coffee". Is she still naughty? Is she ready to start showing to become Norwaygian champion? ;-)
Friday, August 3, 2012
Am.Ch. Saiyai's "Pudding" the Sweet Heart
I know I promised to write a small tribute to all those contributed to Cash's ROM title. Once again, I face the really that one never knows what will happen tomorrow.
I arrived to my second home, yesterday, a day later than planned. When I arrived, I called for "Pudding." Pudding was pregnant with Cash's babies, and was due to deliver on the 8th of August. She has looked fine, always. Even yesterday, when I called her, she came to me, and ate the snacks I brought for her. We spent a quality hour together, in silent, before Pudding went down with a stroke. My husband, my staff, and I saw this happened together. We were shocked. It seemed like just a matter of seconds, when I picked her up, she had purple tongue, as if she couldn't breathe. Her eyes, looked at me lovingly, as they always do whenever she was with me. But it was filled was despair. At that moment, I felt like my heart would stop. I feel like I could read the message in her eyes, "goodbye Mom." It was sudden. It was inexplicable. I quickly took Pudding to an oxygen tank. We forced her mouth open, so she could receive as much of it as possible, but it was to no use. She was still in stroke, but her eyes never left mine. Her sad, and loving eyes. That was the first unbearable moment.
I called up the vet. My husband drove us. The vet lives 20 minutes away from our 2nd home. I held her close to my chest, and looked deep in her eyes. But only a few minutes after we left, Pudding eyes were shut, and she stopped breathing. Needless to say, I almost lost my mind. My husband drove, and turned to wipe my tears occasionally. When we arrived at the vet, he decided to open up Pudding. We found that her babies lost their lives just moments before we arrived at the vet. Their tongues in their mouth. Oh, how I hate the words, "too late - a little bit too late." These words didn't help at all, except to only hurt me more. This was another unbearable moment.
The bond I have with all my dogs, are all unique from one another. Pudding is another one that is so special to me. She was of my breeding. Her daddy was Cappuccino, who only recently just passed away, and her mother, Yardtip, is one of my pretty girls. Pudding grew up to be very sweet. She was the most outstanding one of her litter. She became the 2nd dog of my breeding to become an American Champion. She was shown by Stacia Ohira in Hawaii. There, Pudding and Stacia built a special, which made me very happy. I even planned that, once Pudding retires, I would send her back to Stacia. We've always discussed this.
I have been sick for a while. I had hope that I would recover just fine, just as "Malee" did. The constant diagnosis showed that I've improved. We made plans that if anything should happen, which one of my dogs would go to whom, to ensure that they have the same living standards. I spoke to Stacia about this, and we decided that Pudding would go live with Stacia, even before she retires, just in case anything happens in this unstable life. During this time, Stacia visited me twice. In her first visit, Pudding couldn't go, because she was still awaiting her rabies blood test result. During Stacia's 2nd visit, the test result was already a "pass." However, I didn't let Pudding go, because she was on season. I decided to breed her with Cash. That has always been Stacia and my hope. I didn't even tell Stacia, because I wanted to surprise her. I planned to keep two, and let 2 go to Hawaii with Pudding. It was a plan that went totally wrong. I should have let Pudding go with Stacia, when she last visited.
As I mentioned, Pudding was special. She had a special bond with me. Except for Malee, Pudding is my most talked to dog. I talk to them about my sickness all the time. I told them, "everyone will be okay. Whatever happens, Malee will go to Erika Lanasa, and Pudding will go to live in Hawaii with Stacia Ohira, where they will be no less happy than you are at Saiyai Doghome." Silly girl, Pudding didn't understand me well. She just knew mom was sick, and so she decided to go wait for mom in heaven. She decided to take all her puppies with her. Silly girl didn't know it was too soon. Mom can't take it. It was too soon. IT WAS NOT THE RIGHT TIME. IT WAS ABSOLUTELY THE WRONG WAY. This is the big unbearable point.
Last night, I barely got any sleep. Yesterday was an important religious day in Buddhism. I can only hope that when Pudding and her babies passed away, her babies and she, who had innocent souls, will go to top echelon of heaven, be in the presence of the Lord Buddha, and enter Nirvana, with the help of our prayers and our collective good karma. I miss them so much, but I do not want them to go wait for me in heaven. I want them to enter Nirvana and never be born and suffer again.
This morning, my husband and I went to offer alms, as always. I pray that all my merit, plus the ones I earn today, will help take Pudding and her babies' souls to where I already mentioned. Afterwards, we went to the market, and I cried while I was buying groceries. My husband, held my hand the whole way. Whenever I cried, we'd stop walking, and he would wipe my tears. People looked at us curiously, but no one said anything. One merchant kindly enough offered me a paper towel to wipe my tears.
I do not know how to end this post, except to say it was unbearable.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Cash has become ROM :)
Can't believe that I haven't written anything on this blog for so long, even though during my disappearance, so many things happened. Many worthy of remembering, and many should be forgotten. One thing that excited me, and means so much to me, is "Cash," Int.Am.Th.Ch. Fandango Wheel of Fortune, becoming a ROM.
This is something I've been hoping for for a long time. Unfortunately, I stupidly allowed my CCA membership to expire, due to not paying, even though 2 great people, Jane G. Kay and Erika Lanasa, sponsored my membership. The CCA still allows Cash to keep his ROM title. Anyhow, they asks that I find, again, two sponsors to renew my membership. Erika Lanasa kindly re-sponsors me. However, I don't want to bother Jane again. I feel that someone of the stature, once they've already helped you, you shouldn't, due to your own stupidity, have to ask them for the same favor again. I'm in the process of finding a second sponsor. Hopefully, I'll succeed, and Cash will keep his ROM title - a journey we have all supported him on - as he deserves.
On this occasion, I'd like to thank everyone who was involved in helping Cash become ROM, by helping his kids become American champions.
Tomorrow, I will be posting a small tribute to all those who have made Cash's ROM title possible.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
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