Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Chihuahuas on vacation

This is a smile sent from Roxana Hossli , my dear friend in Switzerland who has many pieces of my heart with her - Richie , Nayla, Roger and Princes .

Roxana and her family were a few days in Germany for a vacation. They took all the dogs with them. They  had their bed by the window but the doggies decided that under this tiny table was much better! :-)

Thank you dear Roxana for this big smile 
Hugs to you all.


Jennifer said...

Aww!! Pretty babies! Oh! Look at the handsome Roger!!! Richie is still cute! Aww! All of them I love. The picture shows how happy they are and are to one another , perfect life. Thanks Roxana and Joom for sharing this.

Roxana said...

Hihi, yes they are cute and very spoiled. They make us laugh and smile everyday of our life's! They bring sunshine in our home! We are so thankful Mrs. Joom that you trust us with your piece of hearts! :-)
We love you very much!

Margeta said...

Hello Richie, Roger (the handsome American - Thailand champion:)) , Princess and Nayla. It's very very nice to see you again here, it's even nicer to see how you live happily and spoiled. You are lucky to share lives together and in that wonderful family.

Roxana and Joom, please share this kind of nice moment often. And thank you for this sharing. Love to you ALL.

Carina said...

So nice Roxana!
Thanks for sharing... they are adorable under the little table. =o)
I understand they make you smile everyday Roxana... and it's nice to hear that you spoil them. <3<3