Saiyai brought Than-Ong to dine out and shop around as usual but it's getting colder and more windy in NYC. Look at their clothes!!! My family and I haven't seen Than-Ong with that kind of clothes before. Ahhh!! Than-Ong has a special sweater. Saiyai wrote to complain about how expensive the sweather was.
Saiyai will come back home in Thailand in middle December for Christmas break. She won't bring Than-Ong back with her. Than-Ong will fly to spend the vacation with Skyler's family in Chicago!!!! Thanks Skyler's family for having Than-Ong. That means he will have a special Christmas break!!

I can't wait for "Than" Ong to come to Chicago! Hopefully, he won't find out that Saiyai went back to warm Thailand while he is stuck in the snow!
hahaha Sklyer unfortunitly we have the cold this time of the year...BELIEVE me I much RATHER be in warmer weather myself...hahah...Im sure Saiyai is thrilled to go home for a least a little while and get WARM!!!
my brother is in medical school in the Carribean on the Island of Nevis.. and I keep bugging him for a piece of his floor in his dorm so I can come vacation and get out of the cold!! hahahah
Saiyai ...than ong looks so warm so Im sure he cares little about the cold...and of course you always have that beautiful smile no matter what the situation is..
I guess you are going to miss New Years Eve in Times Square..
Dont blame you for packing it up and getting out of New York for that.
IT IS ONE BIG PARTY...and one I never choose to many crazy people...hahahahhaha
Dear Michelle,
It turns out ThanOng loves the cold!! he likes to wear the jacket and walks outside like he is a big super model..But we have to wait and see when it snows , he might hate it!! haha because he hates rain badly. When it rains here, he does his business so fast and runs back to the house. haha
I cant wait to go back home. But I'm just worried about the situation in Thailand right now and I'm not even sure if I can go back home or not. Hope everything gets better soon.
I'll miss the countdown at Time Square. I know it'll be crazy there but I kinda feel sad for not able to see it..haha i think i might stay and be part of it one year..
Take care and keep warm :)
I *HOPE* Saiyai still has the chance to go back, although I am jealous. So, I agree, a spot on a dorm room floor in Nevis is starting to sound REAL nice.
Nevis is an island that is mostly poverity stricken besides the medical school my brother is at.
Wild animals roam the island...not like we see her in US. He tells me the goats are grazing outside him dorm window...(LOL)
HE also claims to have spiders walking around bigger than his hand.. I laughed because I know he is deathly afraid of spiders!!
So to make light of the subject he had told me of a story a spider that was so BIG... He tried to kill this spider in his dorm so it wouldn't attack him at night while he lay in bed...anyways...
he tells me he sprayed this BIG spider with can of Raid and through the can at Im still laughing because I can still have this mental picture being drawn in my head..
So would LOVE the warm island and the beaches...but hmmm not the creatures that walked around...hahah
have fun Saiyai going back home and hope the situation clears before then. We pray for you..
Skyer enjoy Chicago and of course the family!!
That's a pretty coat on Than-Ong...but I much prefer the one Saiyai is wearing!! That is beautiful!
Yes, Than-Ong will be upset when he finds out that he won't get a warm vacation. Skyler, you better buy some doggy treats for Than-Ong!That will keep him too busy to think.
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