I would like to share that Cash's puppies, which I've presented as beautiful and so father-like, they are now 45 days old. Still gorgeous. As for their names, there have been some changes. I decided to change the female name to Saiyai Fandango Maiden Cash. I call her, "Maiden." As for the male, which seems to be a clone of his father, his name is Saiyai Fandango Cash's Dividend. I call "Divide." The two names were given to me by my friend, Simon.
Thank you Simon for being the god-father of the two of them. LOL.
Enjoy their pictures.
very nice names. it really compliment the pups! more power!
Cash's puppies are very beautiful. I hope that they can do a good showing like Cash and everybody can remember Cash forever from Cash's puppies showing.
I'm very appreciated with both messages.
Thank you so much.Hope you come visit again.
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