"Prick", which means a chilly, came to stay with me with a littermate, a handsome male Chihuahua - Dunkin Donut. A couple years ago, Prink and Dunkin Donut became locally famous Thai Champions and brought names for Saiyai Kennel and also for the breeder. At that time, Angela, Prink and Donut's mother, was still with my friend, who was the breeder.
Faith brought Angila to me a year later.
Angela got bitten in the neck by a nursing mother dog, who was very protective of her puppies. She did not have any serious wound but the bite injured her main nerve. Thus, Angela couldn't move her neck normally. She walks with a bent neck since then. The breeder said Angela was fine but for me, a person who likes to find myself a trouble and likes to think for a dog, I think any living animal which has to walk with a bent neck all the time should not be "fine". Moreover, Angela was not in her fertile age anymore so it was considered time to find a new home. So I asked for Angela from the breeder.
I let Angela live with Prick. For years that they did not meet, they should not have remembered each other but because of basic instinct and mother-daughter instinct, Angela and Prick love and treat each other the way a mother and a daughter should do. Angela always let Prick eat first and she tries to lick Prick to clean her up (even though Prick ages many years already) with her bent neck. When it is a "party" time, Angela likes to play with Donut as well. I don't know if Donut can remember his mom or not but Donut never shows the sign of annoyance. This is hard to guess because Donut is always a nice, calm and polite dog.
I took Angela to a vet, who is an eye specialize. The vet found that Angela has an abnormal eye pressure. Due to her condition that she walks with a bent neck, the vet said that this might hurt her. So the vet has to prescribe an eye pressure control for her to take for the rest of her life!!
Angela is the white and brown and Prick is the brown one.

Wow...what a lucky Angela!
If it wasn't for your intervention, she would be dead. I wonder how many animals owe their lives to your kindness.
I don't think you will be "returning" to this world. Too bad, you do so much good here!!!
Prick is really handsome. He is a Thai Champion?
Dear Diana,
Prick is a girl. She is a Thai Champion and her page in my website is
And you may want to see "Donut",Prick's littermate,who is a champion as well.
You are a very caring person.Even the ugly and sick(people and animals) need someone, who loves them. God Bless you!!
Mothers never forget their babies.That bond cannot be broken:)
My older girls still play and clean their kids, here too!
I wish all animals had you for their guardian angel. Thank you for everything you do for the animals. You are a wonderful person to open you heart and home to all these little ones. Gorgeous little one! Thank you
Dear Karen,
I know you do the same. You once told me you've kept "Star",Cash's mom,even after her retired age. That's impressed by me.
Ooh.. that is one sad story Pee Joom.. but it had a good beautiful and happy ending, sweet reunion between mother and daughter!!
Kelly was reading this story with me and she almost cried too!! =)
That is a good thing you did, taking her back and that even though they have aged, we still give them good and happy home where they will spend most time of their lives being with their family... just like humans.. =)
You really have a kind heart!!
God bless you.
That is really wonderful!
Hi Joom!
Thank you so much for the beautiful card you sent me!!!
It is so nice to read this "story"...
it really has a happy ending.
Your heart is big and you are a ideal model for how to handle animals who needs extra care.
/Carina in Sweden
What a great story...Joom...you have an angel on your shoulder...
With Love
uggg 9sorry)
Dear Michelle, You 're too young to be forgetful.LOL
Anyway,thank you for droping the nice comment. I'm happy every time of hearing from you.
This is another very touching story! It was the eye presure casing her head to bend. Does this mean that she no longer has a bent neck? Either way it is a beautiful story and it touched my heart! /Roxana
The above is a letter from Roxana,Switzerland. Her question may be another persons question. So I put her question here.
Angela's neck is still bent.That cuases her an abnormal eye pressure. So the vet has to prescribe an eye pressure control for her to take for the rest of her .
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