Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Show Must Go On

The messy political situation in my country is continuing on, but there was still a dog show here this past weekend. As the airports are still closed by the mobs, no judges from another countries could come to judge even with the one year of planning ahead. The show host was forced to replace some reputable international judges so the show could go on. Mr. David Strachen, an international all-breeds judge, who has residence in Thailand was the only one judge who "looked international" in the show LOL

The Thai judges who worked as the replacements are all famous as reputable international judges, anyway. We're proud of them.

OK, My Beamer, the 8-month old male pug finished his championship at this show with 3 BOB,1 RBOB and very hot with 2 Reserve Best Puppy in Groups.

Patty, a 12-month old long coat chihuahua, which I purchased from Misty Meadow when she was a baby, did her first show with the 1st place of the class in every round.

Eve, the beautiful American champion from Lamars got 1st place twice and 2nd place twice.

Brooke, a smooth coat bitch that came out of Cash and an American champion dam showed only 2 rounds and she got 1st place twice!!!!

And "April", the naghty girl of my friend who some of you like a lot, finished her championship this weekend as well.
Eve on the table .

Beamer with the big winning.

Brooke in the ring

"April" the naughty beautiful girl finished her championship.

"Patty" in the ring of her first show.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your wins!!
It is nice to see Brooke, and Eve again.
I surely do miss my Brooke:)such a sweet,
girl, she is.Thanks for sharing their pics.

Anonymous said...

Dear Joom,
Patty's picture looks very well! W e have added her in our current contenders page!
As I said she is very slowly to mature but she will be very nice!
Thank you for the news!Another of your dogs are so beautiful as well.

Anonymous said...

Dear Joom,

I am very happy indeed to see that your dogs did so well at the
last show. Patty really has turned out to be a beautiful girl!
Ofcourse,another of your little ones are also wonderful in the rings. / Mary

Toy Wonder said...


Brooke and Eve are nice bitches.

I agree with Francesco. Patty looks very well now and will develop more as she matures.

Beamer is such a good looking confident pug.

More winnings to come!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Joom!

Yes, the show must go on and that's the way it should be.

It was so nice to wake up this morning and see all these beautiful show dogs on my computer screen.

Someday it will be you waking up in the morning and checking your screen...and Mai Thai will be there on a table, surrounded by ribbons and a judge that cannot take his eyes off her!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...



Unknown said...

I love Patty and miss Patty too she is so sweet and you can see it on her sweet face in the ring...

Yupayao - Saiyai Doghome, Thailand www.saiyaidoghome.com said...
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