Chui-Chai (her name was derived from a lady in a Thai myth, who was very good at dancing) belongs to my brother Tom. Tom has no intention of selling because Nourish is quite isolated, so Tom intends to keep Chui-Chai to keep her mother acompany. Tom said once Chui-Chai has grown enough and is good enough to show in America, he will send Nourish along with her as well. LOL.
Celeb is my girl. She's the one I intend to keep (again!) and make a big champion out of her in the future. I thought of keeping Shopper, Cash's son, but in the end I let Shopper go to one of my Thai friends, under the condition that the new owner must send Shopper to be shown in America. So, I intend to keep Celeb for myself.

Celeb, 40 days old
JOOM! You did it again!
And must say, Cach delivers everytime sooooooo BEAUTIFUL babies! We cant wait until we(Peter) can deliver Divine, Cash son of ours, to show with your good friend and handler Erika, in the US! We are so proud to have her show him!
And you make the best choise to keep Celeb and make her your Star!!!
And love the way your brother Tom thinks, when he will send Mom along to the Us aswell! LOL!
ahhhhhhh look at her!! She's special girl... You must keep this one Joom ...
After the email you sent I was looking for more pictures of angelina Jolie... Guess what Hun... I heard last night the break up is true. Hshah but that was first time I've heard of it... Just last night LOL
And yes she is beautiful..
For all you who have no clue what were talking about your most likely better off.. It's an Angie thing!!
Give pretty puppy a kiss for mr
Joom she is so precious and you should be so proud. Your puppies always make me smile...they are all so gorgeous! Thank you for sharing, you brought another tear to my eyes xo
OMG!!!, Joom. I can hardly tell the puppies apart. Cash really stamps his little ones. Congrats and good luck with those pretty twin
To Ellika,
I am very happy that you came in to make a comment during a time when you're very busy. Busy with the puppies, who just cleared quaruntine, and with the time-consuming taxes. This shows you're getting used to the taxes? Yes, I am proud for you that your Divine will be showing with Erika. Can't wait for when Peter will be flying.
To Michelle,
hehe, others must be confused what we're talking about. It's Angie's romur, and Michelle and I are fans of different actress, who both have the same sweetheart. Michelle please know that I am not happy that this rumor is true. As a mother, we know that children should have both parents. Brad Pitt should be there.
My son suddenyl interrupted that they're so rich, that their single parent can look after them better than many couples. I don't agree, but still. I thank you that you like my special girls. Hope I can keep them this time.
To Melina,
Thank your for your support. You always compliment my puppies and dogs. I really hope that one day one of my puppies will fly over the oceans to you in Canada.
To Rick,
Yes, Cash really does stamps his puppies. But I usually don't get to keep them. Hope this time will be different. I can't wait to see puppies from Gina and Cash. They will be a great match.
Joom! These little girls are gorgeous! I think they are worthy so that to show in America. I am sure they will be Winners very quickly. Good luck to you and a lot of Victories in the future with them!
OMG!! You did it time after time, Joom. You are like an angel who cast the spell to create great puppies. You always do it! Celeb and Chui-Chai are little darlings, like small pretty angels. Best wishes for the future, Joom.
Oh ... your diva girls look nice so far but puppies are such a trial...they can look so nice and then something changes...and our hopes are dashed. So hopefully they will hold together. /Gayle
Joom, the divas are ofcourse way too cute. But I do like your brother's attitude. He cares for Nourish. He is so kind.His intending to keep Chi-Chai to be her mom's accompany is so touching. Thinking of they fly to America together is making me smile. The daughter shows while the mother is seing with and supprting, Ahhh! How nice!! Joom, you and your brother are so great.
I like Celeb a lot!!!
I am here drooling over those 2 beautiful diva's You could really send one to me. LOL
Kandra..I fight you over Celeb...
I have VERY large hands...heheheh
Oh, these two divas of Cash are so charming!!!
I think, they necessarily will the BIG CHAMPIONS.
My congratulations to you - Joom and Tom!
Cash is such a great producer! He really is!!!! Look at these beauties! Congratulations Mrs. Joom!
These 2 melt my heart!
Both, Cash girls look very promising!!
Hopefully, they both will be show girls:)
so adorable I love them I want them I need them in my life... they are so cute and so "CASH" looking... I love Cash... I think they need to visit Pudding and run with Pudding on the beach
Wowwww!!! Love the 2 divas. Not surprise they were bred by Saiyai kennel and the sire is Cash. Cash always produces good puppies. And Joom you were born to be a great breeder.
Can't wait to see them in the show rings.
They are Cash's pattern.I can close my eyes and just to...any of them...can be my pick!Beautiful! Another great jobs of you Joom. CongratulationS! Are you sure you would keep them all??One of them may want to live in Singapore.!!??
To Marina and Jennifer,
Thank you for always supporting me and my dogs. It seems both of you never see faults in my dogs. It makes me over myself, LOL.
To Gayle,
Thank you for your warm warning. It always happen, but hopefully not to these two darlings. If it was the case, my heart would break. Please cross your fingers for me.
To Margeta,
Yes, my brother Tom is an emotional person. Perhaps because we (he and I our other siblings) grewup without our parents, so we couldn't stand when parents and children are apart. That's why both our hourse of full of mothers and daughters. LOL.
To Francesco,
Of course you like Celeb, because she's daughter of Masa. It your wonderful line. No surprise. LOL. Can't wait to see you and your family in August. When you come, you will meet Celeb in person.
To Kandra and Michelle, my two nicest friends in the USA,
You are always honoring me and my dogs. Thank you a thousand times. Kandra, I saw you wrote about me and my dogs on your show page. It was very nice. It's a commitment I can't refuse, right? And I don't want to refuse.
Michelle, you not only have a big hand, but a big heart as well.
To Natalia, Roxana, Karen, Stacia, Mary Lue, and Charles,
I can't imagine that if I don't have you guys as friends, how empy my life would be. Thank for being you, for being my friends.
Ahhhhh Joom,
Such very beautiful puppies, congratulations to you on them.
It's "Show Time!" I wish you blessings of nothing but happiness with these little ones and hope that they turn out to be everything you have hoped for!
Blessings to you now & Always!
To Gina,
You are the lady of good heart and taste. So, I believe in your wish. hehe.
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