Fiona is so adorable, isn't she?
Irena said : Fiona was trying to be a boss of everyone and the " life of the party "at all times ;)). I can imagine that , Irena.That is what Cavalier King Charles are !!!
I don't think Irena's back yet, so I'm talking behind her back!! LOL
Love Fiona. Thanks Irena for sharing this beauty creation.

Too cute! Perhaps the next Cavalier I get should be a black and tan! I will have to talk to my husband.
Isnt she the cutest!!! I love her color. I wish I had more black and tan chihuahuas. I tried for years to breed away from the color and now wish for it back.
Way too cute Fiona!!
This breed is starting to grow on me now.LOL
Oh!Fiona is tempted.
Oh! my...
She is really the light of the party!
Oh!v please don't tempt me that way,Joom.
Kill me if you don't let me have her, Irena.
Cool down Margeta. Irena told me that she sold Fiona to her friend in Finland.
Stay alive, my dear.LOL
My heart is broken Joom.LOL
Hi Joom!
Fiona is so so cute!! =o)
I can emegine she will be very beautiful when she is a "big" lady! ;o)
Love the photos! =o)
....ops...I wasn't finished....
Congratulations to Irena for this beautiful litter.
( I also have visited Irenas website)
oh! my heart is stolen by little Fiona. She is the light of the party , the loght of my heart. Who is the lucky owner?/Selena
Oh! Fiona, you melt my heart...
Love Love, Big Hugs to Fiona./Nancy
Adorable, she steals all our hearts! Her face just melts us like butter!
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