This male puppy shown below belongs to Marina at Masway Chihuahuas ,Russia. I showed the puppy here because he has very nice marking.Hope we enjoy him together!
The parents of the puppy are Marina's beautiful chis, Am.Ch. Zuran's Man Of Destiny
& Song Armani Juliana.
The pictures taken yesterday, when the puppy was 7 days old. He was so cute with his mom and with Julia, Marina's daughter.

Oh! So cute! The marking is incredible charm!
Thanks for sharing Joom & Marina.
Everything in the pictures are touching. The puppy is sure cute...very cute! The mommy is beautiful. Julia is looking nice ,seems very kind.
Congrates to Marina for having nice kids (2 leged & 4 leged) around you.
The puppy is absolutely cute. The bitch is beautiful,even when after her giving birth. Exenlence!!
Julia has very beautiful hands, hehe.
Beautiful picture of holding a precious life in the hand of child .:)
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This breed is starting to grow on me. Gosh, this boy is way too cute.
So cute! The picture looked warm with the girl who was holding the puppy in her kind hands. The picture that the bitch kissed the girl was impressive.
He is ever so cute!! His mommy is beautiful.
Thanks for sharing Joom :) beautiful...look at that head!!!!!! Lots of heart has been stolen...
I think to myself...if I only had 100 acres of farm I'de be in good shape with a house full of chihuahuas.. Lots of luck, love and chi kisses to baby.
Thanks for sharing girls..
It is amazing what a new borm life can do to a persons spirit....
Mom is beautiful as well.
So nice photos of the little cute puppy in Marinas hand... =o)
Thanks for sharing!
Marina, if you were close to me or even if you were in my country, I would go to knee down in front of you and beg for tis cutest puppy.
You are so blessed to have him. Good luck with him in the future.
I agree with Michelle that It is amazing what a new borm life can do to a persons spirit..
This cute puppy has my heart./Selena
Congratulations on such a beautiful puppy, Marina. I hope he turns out to be the best for you. Send more photos as he grows. I would love to see more from him.
My friends!!! And of course, JOOM!!!
Huge thanks to each of you for your pleasant comments about two my main kids: on 2 leged and on 4 leged!
I wanted: you have seen what tiny MIRACLE was born from my red Chi's. Thanks again and I kiss each of you slightly! Marina S.
These pictures are touching my heart! So sweet! Thank you.
Good Luck Marina! He is beautiful.
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