Besides my family and my dogs, every tree in my compound means so much to me. We love them. They are like our family.Once we grow them in our area, we won't cut them down, even though they are short life trees like papaya trees, for example , which they normally die by themselves once they produce all of their papayas. Most people cut them down, but at my house, we don't do that. All the trees have their own lives, they have rights to grow and naturally die by themselves or when they are old - just like any other living creatures in my house.
The 2 trees stood at the back door of my house. The picture taken when the beginning. They were much bigger when they died yesterday.
But there are 2 trees in my house that just recently died. They were big trees that have been with us since the beginning. Both trees were destroyed by insects. We tried our best to help but they died anyway. My workers just chopped them down .
I have never learnt to pray for trees!! so just address here to say we are grateful for these 2 trees, for they provided shadow, made my house beautiful and cooled everyone in the family. They also tricked squirrels from somewhere to live on them and run around teasing my dogs.
These 2 trees were considered family and "gave" so much more to us more than what they received.
Joom, I am so sorry with you that your beloved trees died. People may not understand this kind of feeling but I do. For me, my trees are like my family so I do underdtand .
In my country,(China) We put thick cloth on trees around the streets to protect them in winter. I missed my trees at my home in my country since I'm living far away.
You may place some new trees instead but I know you will miss them forever./Mary
That is life!!
The 2 trees may be providing shadows for our past beloved dogs on heaven./Nancy
I know just how you feel, when any tree or plant dies in my
garden I feel sad, as though I have lost a friend. Since I
do not allow my garden man to spray pesticides in the
garden to kill insects or any other kind of living creature,
this does happen.
Dear Joom,
I am sad to see that your two trees died. Will you replace them for the squirrels and shade?
Ellisa Taylor
Thank you all.
I know some people think I'm "nut" to be sad for the dead of trees.
I'm happy there are some people feel the same way to me.
Ellisa, I 'll replace them this weekend.
Joom, I put my love and care here for you. I do feel the same way to you about the trees in our houses. They are families.
Hi Joom!
You are not "nut".... ;o)
You are a truley loving and caring person....
I said it before; If the world had more people like you!!
Oh! what a wonderful world! =o)
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