These are 2 nice cards from Marie Poulain , a nice friend in France and from Carina Anklev , my dear friend in Sweden. Thanks for sending me happiness on the days that the situation in my home country is very bed. Protesters want the government and sme of our King's consultant s to resign. They believe these people are behind the coup 2 years ago. Yesterday, they closed down many main roads which resulted in the traffic being paralyzed. International media reported this news around the world. Some of you might have heard it already.
10 countries have already announced travel warnings for their people not to come visit Thailand.
Also, today is the Top Asian Summit meeting, which will be hosted by Thailand. The mobs treated to block and close down the meeting.
Thank you again for nice cards. Believe me, they mean a lot to me.
How awful, Joom, that Thailand's political situation is again getting out of control.
Mobs in the street stopping traffic is something that can cripple any country.
The last time, airports in Bangkok had to close.
All this results in bad publicity just in time for the Asian Countries conference.
People need to find ways to voice their opinion in a manner that does not destroy the country's economy. That is only self-destruction.
Joom , the cards are very nice. I wish you the best everyday.
The situation in your country is scary. I 'll pray for it to pass quickly. I wish your beautiful land will come back to peace and full of smile again soon.
I'll pray for it indeed.
Lots of love,
The cards are nice.
I saw the news this evening and my heart went to you. I'm soooo sorry this happend to your country. Thailand is the land of smile, peaceful, beautiful places , nices people.
I visted Thailand 2 times at Chiangmai and Sa-mui. Those impressive moments have still been in my memories bank.
I'll pray for the returning of the harmony to Thailand.
It seems like the whole world is being tested,Joom.The economy is bad everywhere.So many people have lost their homes and their jobs.
This is the time to be thankful, for what we have ,and try to help those less fortunate.
I hope the situation gets better soon for you ,
in Thailand.
It seems that peoples from around the world are unhappy with the state of their governments. It is just too bad that some express their unhappiness in ways that are so injurious to the lives affected by this outrage.
Why do governments force these sorts of actions of change? If they would only listen to their citizens….?
Joom, I pray that you and your family stay safe and hope you all are not affected to strongly by this nonsense.
Are the monks responsible for this current upraising?
Rick Morgan
Happy Easter to you Joom.
We sent the e-card to your email address.
We still love Thailand, we enjoy living here. Everything will be fine soon,Joom.
You may come to visit us in Phuket.
Merie& Terry & Max
Thank you for your kind wishes to my country and me.
Rick, your questions are interesting, especially the part of : Why do governments force these sorts of actions of change? If they would only listen to their citizens….?
That's what the mobs and the opposition requests. It's sad that when the previous government was defeated and the opposition became government, they do the same thing- they ignore what people say.
Monks in Buddhist has a position not to involve with politics therefore they don't have part in solving problem. There are some monks that come out to warn through media but they choose to listen to only what benefits them.
Marie, you may have me at your door tomorrow morning.LOL I'm glad at leasr you're happy staying here. Phuket is like a paradise tho.
Joom, everything will be OK . I have heard about the the holy in your country that is very sacred. The Siamese holy will protect Thailand. Peaceful and smile faces will return to Thai people shortly.
Enjoy the cards. I send e-card to your email as well.
Love, Margeta & Micky
Margeta, you know about the Siamese Holy ? That's nice.
Thank you all friends for your kind words. It moved me a lot.
We are praying that the peace of God that surpasses all understanding comes upon Thailand and it's people!
Dear Joom!
We saw on the news last night about the Mobs.
We prayed for you and your family safety and your contrys future.
We hope that you soon will have PEACE and HAPPINESS in Thailand again.
We read above that you are welcome to are always welcome to us to!!!
LOVE Ellika And Peter
Dear Joom!
I heard about the demonstrations and bad thing that happens....
I am so sorry that this is taking place...
Why can't people just live in peace and help eachother insted of just fight and live in hate...
I just wich everything will turn out for the best and pray for peace.
Big hug and LOVE! =o)
My Dearest Joom,
I am deeply sorry to hear of this terrible news in Thailand.
I wish & pray for your family's safety, love & support.
I am certaintly saying prayer's for you, your loving family, and your beloved animals.
May The Lord keep you all safe from any harm.
Hopefully this will come to an end very soon, please take care & best wishes to everyone in Thailand.
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