Saiyai took a picture with Malee on her first day in the States and I placed the picture here.

She is settling right in. She is walking around with her tail up and is enjoying he company of a couple of my girls. I can see that she is a bit shy, but I am encouraged by how quickly she is integrating into our family. She is eating and drinking well now and is curious about our home. She has investigated the toy box and likes a couple of the stuffed toys. I think that she will continue to feel more comfortable as she has already improved so much just overnight. I will give her a few days to settle in and then begin to take her with me. I stacked her on the table this morning and she was hesitant but stood so my kennel manager could examine her bite and her outline, all good signs. :)
Malee looks adorable! She will definitely be an American champion soon!
Malee the sweet girl with Saiyai, your gorgeous daughter, made my heart melts. Malee is in very good hand of Erika Lanasa, no need to worry , just wait to hear some great victories. /Jennifer
Best wishes for Malee and Erika. I hope she finishes her AKC Championship in record time to make you and her daddy "Cash" proud.
Rick Morgan
Morgan Chihuahuas
Hopefully ,she will show well ,for Erica, and do her Daddy(Cash) and all of us proud:)
I wish you, Malee, and Erica much good luck in your venture here in the States!!
Karen must have been thrilled to get to pick one of the dogs up from your mom at JFK.. I know the feeling I had picking up Tommy with Diana for Mai Thai..... Miss you...
I will be in NYC this weekend to see the broadway play Wizard of Oz.. Taking my grandmother for her birthday ...anyhow...
SWEET MALEE...... Cash's pride and Joy..I wish you many many blessings in the show ring...but have the stongest confidence in you and Erika to be HUGE star... being we are so close in distance..I am hoping to bump into both of you at the shows to get some pictures..and she can see Tommie agian! and of course Erika can meet her nephew..hahaha
Much much luck...and so happy to see she is setteling in so well after the long flight.
A very long trip for little Malee! I am so happy she arrived well. I like the picture of Saiyai and Malee. Malee looks relieved to be in loving arms again!!!
Great News!
rDear Michelle,
Yes, Malee was such a nice sweet girl! I picked her up from my mom's friend, who carried her on a plane from Thailand.
Anyway, how are you doing? Is Brina going to broadway show with you? I bet she would like it.
How is Tommie? I hope you and everyone in your family are doing great. Do you have any plan for easter?
Miss you. We should catch up soon! Take care.
Saiyai.. Brina is thrilled to be seeing her very first broadway play in Manhatten. I hope weather cooperates and the sun shines. New York is hosting a huge parade on Sunday..if you are not busy you should Ong over. All the girls you met at the meetup in October will be there...I will not be there unfortunitly
Tommie is growing wonderfully... more and more handsome every day. I adore him...he is such a charmer.. You will see him soon hopefully as the weather warms up.. I will bring him to the city to visit you.
Easter is a very big day for our family. I am coooking (gasp)...hahaha for a table of 15 people and then we are going to my mother in laws at night ! Long day
Dear Joom,
Wishing you, Erika & Malee the very best, with ALOT of victories in the show ring.
She is a very beautiful girl, you should be very proud.
Blessings, Gina
Malee is beautiful! What a great coat, too!!
With Erika Lanasa as handler, I think Malee will finish her championship in record time.
Joom, I am sending you some recent photos of Mai-Thai, on the day she visited the local mall. She walks on the leash with so much curiosity and pride!
I believe I told you she went to the vet, who approved her bite and checked her knees and heart, who also passed the exam.
And wait until you see her head. I will send the photos to your e-mail address.
Malee is a very nice long coat chi.
I like to hug her and kiss her.
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