The past 2 weeks have been a great time for me. I have received good news from my friends, which make my heart full with happiness, leaving no space for any other things. So what is this news? It's special news is from Gina Markley.
The picture above is CH Deja Vu N Calmont's Mattinee Idol (aka-Butchie) Bred & loved by Gina Markley Owned, loved & handled by Jill Hopper.
Butchie won BEST IN SHOW at an ALL BREED SHOW in California on pasted Saturday!!!!!!!! He won against all of the big dogs, all different kinds, 300 entries.
Gina said it makes her happy, why wouldn't it be that way ? I'm also happy with and proud of you,Gina.
Congratulations! This is wonderful news! I am also happy with you!
What a gorgeous BOY!!!!
Many hugs,
GO CHIHUAHUAS!!!!! Great honor for the CHIHUAHUA Breed, thank you Butchie!!!!! Thank you Butchie!!!
From all the Chis in the world!!!!
Dear Joom & Everyone,
Thank you so very much for your kind words about Butchie, Jill and Myself.
We are tremendously proud of our little pack of dynamite and he shows like a dream.
Jill is a very dear friend and an exceptionally wonderful handler & home for Butchie, I am very glad that he has the best home & love possible. Butchie and Jill are true Gems! And so are you kind people!!!!! Thankyou!
Blessings, Gina
Roxanaa, Richie, thank you for making me laughed with your sense of humor. How come!! Richie made a comment !! LOL
Dear Gina,
As your friend and a breeder, who myself doesn't know how to reach Best In Show yet, I'm happy and very excited for you. This excitement will stay with me until you have your next Best In Show.
Dear Joom,
Thank you for your kind words!
And for Richie's too!!!!!!!!!!!
Blessings! Gina
A chihuahua won BEST IN SHOW among 300 big dogs!!! OMG! My heart beats with joyful!! Thank you Buchie for making it for all chihuahuas dignity and pride. Congratulations to Gina and Jill for the exelence breeding and showing. Thank you Joom ,for posting the great news of chihuahuas.
Yes, I agree with Joom, until you have your next Best In Show.!!!/ Jennifer
Gina and I were speaking on her cell phone when she received this wonderful news from Jill. It was very funny because when Jill told her Butchie had won BIS she said in disbelief, "Butchie won what"??!!. Jill told her again that Butchie had won BIS and she said again, "Butchie won what"??!!. "When"?? "Where"?? I of course didn't know what Jill was saying until after their conversation. I got tickled as Gina was very happy and surprised as she should be. This is a HUGE win for Butchie, Gina and Jill. Way to goes guys. Keep it up. You deserve it. Im very proud of you Gina.
Rick Morgan
Morgan Chihuahuas
"What?" "Butchie won what?" HAHA It's understandable for Gina's acttion that way. If I were her , my heart might stoped!! Even now, thinking of Butchie's wining, my hair stood on end!!
Gina deserves the best and Jill does as well. And ofcourse you do too, Rick.
When Gina wrote to me about the good news, she talked about your Carrie's winning first.
That is great! I always am happy for any Chi to get this honor. There are very few judges that will put up a Chi for BIS.But I know this boy has made his mark in the ring.He reminds me a lot of My Rebel.
Jill has come along way as a handler
from when I first talked to her, about 10 years ago.She is well known as a great handler now.
Congrats to Buchie and everybody involve./ Karen
Yes, Joom, I still get a chuckle from thinking about that evening Gina got the news of Butchie's BIS win. HaHaHa!!
Gina is a very kind person and it warms my heart that she spoke of my Carrie's wins before her own. That speaks volumes of her.
This win is remarkable!!! A chi beating all BOB dogs. More power to the breeder and the owner.
Keep it up!
Way to to, Gina!!!
That boy is so exquisite, ....you deserve everything good coming to you.
You must be sleeping in the clouds!
woo hoo...Gina Jill & Butchie...hahahah
WAY TO GO GUYS!!!!!!!!! so proud for you...300 entries...wooooooooooooooowwww...
gir!!!!!!!!!!YOU GET EM
Michelle Brislin
Congratulations to Gina!!
It must feel wonderful!! =o)
Good luck also in the future.
best regards from Carina in Sweden!
Thank you to everyone that posted such warm and kind comments on this blog about Butchie, Jill and myself!
I have been truly blessed by Butchie and Jill and all of you wonderful people, it warms my heart and is tremendously rewarding.
I am very grateful to you all for your words of kindness.
Blessings To Each & Every One Of You!
To Butchie, Jill Hopper and most of all to GINA. WAY TO GO!!!
HUGS//Ellika and Peter
Love Butchie. Congrats to Gina & Jill. Love your heart, Joom.
BIS for a chihuahua!! Buchie, I'm more than proud of you. Jill Hopper, you did a very very great job.Gina, keep up high breeding!! Show your talent more!!
Must say this boy is touching my heart. So adrable. Congrats to the woner &breeder./Charles
Wow!!! Congratulations =)
Amazing Chi you got there!!!
More winnings to come.
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