Whether you own a dog or not, you must
appreciate the efforts of this owner to sell her dog.Read the sales pitch!!!
Free to good home. Excellent guard dog. Owner cannot afford to feed him anymore, as there are no more drug pushers, thieves, murderers, or molesters left in the neighborhood for him to eat.Most of them knew him as "Holy Shit."
you've really been helping a lot of dogs lately on your blog! maybe the woman with the "lost chihuahua" would want him!
What the gorgeous picture of beaty and the beast!
Anyway, thanks for offering. I don't think I can feed him. Poor dog, poor owner...
HAHA Nice giant!
I don't mean to be rude but the dog will never be welcome to my home. HAHA
His eyes look kind,anyway.
What a Massive Head, he has.
I think he is a Mastiff...
Probably very gentle...Just
his looks would scare away most.
Funny ad though.:)
This was realy amazing!!
What a BIG dog!!
And the sales text is realy fun!!
The owner must be feeling so safe with him... He must be a wonderful body gard..=o)
Thanks for sharing this Joom!
That is one supersized dog!
HAhaha Thank you Skyler for reminding us to the woman with the "lost chihuahua".HAHA
This giant dog is so cute and I agree that the woman with the lost chihuahua should adopt him. They will be a great matching.
Thank you Joom for making me laugh with happiness. You reaaly make my day.
Oh , my God! It is improbable!
Before I can buy such "doggie" I should construct the new HUGE house for us.
Thanks Joom!
I love the picture and the story. Wonderful ad.It made my face and my heart full of smile.Thanks for sharing Joom. You are wonderful friend. I am blessed to have you in my life.
HAHAHA i thought you would like this one....You can't add just one more little dog to your family??? Please ;) lol
That is a funny ad...... What a big dog!Thanks Joom.
I hope he finds a home soon! What a huge dog!!!!!
Dear Friends,
You made laugh me with yours the comments much more,
than the announcement of sale of this monster.
Interestingly, somebody weighed this monster?
The dog precisely does the demand to receive a place in the book of records Ginness.
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