Ahhhh! Everyone, in Nikkie's birthday party, went home! They all had a good time! Roxana was tired BUT HAPPY!! She took a rest a few minutes before starting to clean up! LOL That's the mission of the great mommy! And look at her.... my sleeping beauty...
WOO!! Roxana is beautiful. I am jealous that you can be so much beautiful after working so hard!!! It might be because it was your happy task. You've been happy to do good things to your family,that's why you still looked lightheared after the hard work.
I really love this photo!!
Hello, Roxa, you looked so tired but darn very beautiful. Hope you are doing well after the nice party. Love to you all.
A wonderful photo of a wonderful mother.
Thank you..... About 30 mins after everyone went home I became so sleepy. I wanted to rest. I am glad I did because my brother-in-laws came over for dinner. We had a nice relaxing dinner. Then they watched the Soccer Match and I put the children to bed. It was a nice day.
Thank you all for sharing and enjoying this special day with me!!!!!
Where is Michelle (no singing???) Now there is a beautiful Mom, she looks like a super model and is a super Mom!!!!
Hugs to you all!!
Hugs to you all!!!!!
Michelle has been pre-involved with PTA meetings, getting school uniforms washed, ironed and laid out before schoool, packing lunches, doing homework, and trying to catch a breath of fresh air myself....not including working every day...getting my fall garden together, taking kids to religion classes, and dance class...
shall I keep going???
hahahaha Roxana you should know what this is all about???
OHHHHHH wait.........
and taking care of my doggies every day.....
now if ya'll aren't exhausted by listening to me you should!!!!!!.
Now how much do us mommies get paid????????
Roxana a little R&R never hurts anyone....
I have been in bed sleeping each night at 10:00pm ...I can hardly keep my eyes open anymore..
You look beautiful.......get your rest! Sleeping Beauty!!
Heheh, after a day like that, I can understand you are so tired.
Happy birthday Nikki!!
Roxana, eres toda una valiente invitando a 13 niñas a casa. Jajaj, yo no sé si me atrevería!!!
Michelle, I hear you! Oh my dear... I send you a big great Mommy hug!!!! And to all the other great Mommies on this Blog!!!
Love you all!
Gracias Jesus!!!
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