Kim Clijsters did a very good job. Her match was very entertaining, and she won, after she has stopped playing for two years.
I watch these games with happiness, on my bed. A TV at the end of my bed, a hot coffee beside me, and loving dogs on and around the bed. My two sons took turns to walk in and out to talk, and exchanged comments. It was a really happy Saturday morning.
Although it was my Saturday morning, the matches were played under a full moon, which the TV occasionally covered, because it was Friday night in America. The moon was fantastic and the competition was excellent.
Tomorrow, there will be a match between Roger Federer and Lleyton Hewitt. Of course, my heart will fly to Roger Federer, for my good friend, Roxana Hossli. hehe.
The picture below has nothing to do with Tennis. It came to me very early this morning, from Michelle Brislin. It was so touching, I couldn't keep it to just myself, so I'm sharing.
Hope everybody have a wonderful weekend.

Love the card from Michelle!
We are watching the games here also! Can't wait for tonights game! GO ROGER!!!!
I wish you all a WONDERFUL WEEKEND!!!
Hugs from Switzerland!
Heheh, I didn't know you liked tennis, Joom. You are a "suprised box".
Today it's a blue day in Valencia. After a lot of days with sun, now it is raining. Heheh, I would like to be in bed watching TV too. I love this!! But today I have a lot of things to do.
Roxana, I never thought there was a sport where we were rivals LOL.
Go Nadal!!! Jajaja,
Perhaps we can see us in the final!!
I wish you all a fantastic weekend too!!
I watched the game! Joom you know that I wouldn't miss!! My dogs were aroud me too but I had not kids to walk in and chat. Your family are so wonderful.
I also like the match of Dent and Navarro. And you know that how I was happy for Nadal's winning. He has many more matchs to come!
Jesus, blue sky is be able to become a beauiful one ,if your heart full of happiness. As I 've heard from Joom, youand your wife is a very sweet couple. Hope you have a wonderful weekend there. You may celebrate Nadal's winning!
My heart will fly to Roger Federer for Roxana as well.
I love the card of Michelle. It make my face shading smile. And yes, when you come to my mind, it shows on my face. Love you all.
WOW! wonderful activitiy on the nice weekend!
I love and cheer Nadal as well! But tomorrow I'll cheer Roger Federer up, of course for Roxana.
Happy weekend to you all.
Hi, I didn't watch the tennis ,but I am happy to know you enjoyed it. Whatever makes you happy, that makes me happy too.
Have a nice weekend.
Joom and Roxana.... Ohh so sorry to say this ...
I don't follow nor know a thing about tennis!!
but I hope you all enjoyed the game!
I'm a foot ball fan.... "Go Miami"...
Alright my team stinks but I still cheer them on every year.. Start of the season is on us now!!
Anyhow to each and all... Have beautiful holiday weekend!
Roxy ... I see you on facebook now??
Haha ... It's addicting...
Farmville is a blast to play.. I laugh every time a see all the chihuahua breeders here in states that play this game.. So so funny... Speaking of farmville..
I need to go harvest my crops before they die!!
See you all.
Also you can join facebook everyone!!!
It's a blast!
Joom is getting hang of it!!
Love your posts Joom.. See you making loads of American friends!!! Yeeeeaaaahhhhh!!!!!
Love you!
Hello Friends,
Jesus, I like Nadal as a person but on the court he is THE ENEMY!!! LOL!!!! GO ROGER!!!!!
Michelle, to tell you the truth I started Facebook but it was just taking to much of my time because it is soooo adictive. It was so nice to see all my old friends from ICS (International Christian School) in Costa Rica. But I kind of stopped. I checked in because my friends thought I hated them for not acepting them as friends.....silly people....its just that I perfer them to email me. Maybe I am old fashion!LOL
I will check in from now and then, but please don't think I hate you if I don't write back.... send me an email!!! SMILES!!!
ok, I am watching the Federer game now....I am stressed!!!!!!
Thank you Mary and Jennifer for supporting Roger with me! GO ROGER!!!
Alright.. Will cheer!!
Go Rodger !!! Hahahaha
yes Rox.. Facebook is certainly time consuming or a time passer... So if you don't have time!!!!
Wrong place!
But nice to see all the posts and everyones pix of family and some gorgeous Chi's lol
Michelle, speaking of facebook, I quite enjoy . You don't know this, but I am happy everytime to see you in there. But I am afraid of playing the games, especially the farm town you mention. Many people invited me, but I left it pending. I hope this friends don't think I hate them. I don't play any games, and I don't want to try. My secret is I won't try anything that might expose my intelligence. I don't play any games, cards, or any quizes. Like I said, I don't want to show my stupidity, hehehe. But I like dancing, and I am good at it. Whenever I dance or sing, my husband would look at me proudly, hehehe.
Dear Roxana, you must have recovered form your stress because Roger won, even though it was a battle. We must pay courtesy to Lleyton Hewitt.
You will be happy until the next battle.
Do you notice that I use your Roger (chi) as my profile picture on facebook?
Hehe.. Facebook addicting... And I love meeting like every darn chi breeder in states here !!!
It's funny!
I check in once a day... To be nosey and see who's winning where, who is showing off the chi babies!!
I love it!!
I making friends with people I have never spoke to outside of facebook .. Hoping to put names to real faces at nationals... Everyone is so nice!!
Roxy!!! You broke down today and checked in lol..
Seeeeeeeeeeeeee !! Hard not to!
Joom love Rodgers pix on your profile!! Looks handsome.. But liked your face better!!! Lol
joom you have to play Farmville.. I bought my first chicken today and planted strawberries, squash and beans!!
I see some peoples farms.... Ohhh jealous.. They have barns and houses and trees!!!
I waaaaaaayyy behind all that still the ameture farmer!
NEW WARNING ALERT sent to me from a friend
sorry to post to blog... But we ate taking about facebook games....
HERE IS WARNING.. Pass to all facebook friends playing farmtown...
Just received a message saying do not hire anyone named Tanner Dwyer(beef Jerkey Roxxx!!!! is his farmtown screen name). he is a hacker. Tell everyone on your buddy list because if someone on your list adds him, he'll be on your list too. He'll figure out your computer ID and address. So copy and paste this message to everyone on your buddy list, because if he hacks them, you're next.
Mrs. Joom, YES HE DID IT!!!!!
Boy, was it a battle! He had us on the edge of our seats!!!!!
My oh my!!!! But he did it!!!!
Is that Roger!!! Oh, I thought it was Baron, but was not 100% sure! What I did know is that in my heart I said "My that is a good looking Chi"! Now my heart is melting knowing that is Roger! Thank you!!! Smiles!
Michelle, thank you for the alert'!! I will tell everyone!
Mrs. Joom, I don't play games either!!!! I am not good at them either! I like dancing too!!!! Salsa!!! LOL
Have a great day my friends!!!
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