Thursday, December 17, 2009

Special card from BL, our partner

This is a special card from BL's family. BL is my partner for Anton and Winky, the two precious black-tan cavaliers. Their card is special and of course, they are special friends for my family as well. But the card came to me on the day when Thai and Indonesia are competing in Sepak Takor at the Sea Games in Lao. At the moment, we're tied, so I can't say good luck to you, BL. What I can say, from my heart, is good luck to you at showing the cavaliers in Indonesia, next year.


Carina said...


Ihe card from BL and his family is very special.... SO nice!

It is a wonderful family,...
and the boys are so cute!

Thanks for sharing Joom!


Roxana said...

What a beautiful family! God Bless them!