Than-Ong became our family member 4 years ago qhen one of my staff members found him. At that time he was a only puppy, tied up in a parking lot at a shopping mall in Bangkok. A security guard was trying to feed him some soda water by using a straw. Of course, dogs can't drink water from a straw. Than-Ong's condition at that moment was weary because he was dehydrated. My staff decided to cut the leash and took him to a hospital.The vet said that Than-Ong had heat stroke and might not make it. But in the end, He survived. ( Of course, I was the one who paid for his medical fees which was more expensive than buying a new pet quality pug!) I told my staff to post a notice searching for his owner but no one showed up. My husband deadpan said " I'll take care of him" and then took possession and tried to make Than-Ong become his follower, but failed.
From all the dogs in my house, most of them love and " worship" me the most. But there are some smart dogs who consider already that the "biggest" person in the house is my husband. Those high I.Q dogs try to be his follower and some of them even think that they're really my husband's kids!
But I think Than Ong is the biggest genius among all of them, which totally conflicts with his appearance that looks as if "can you be any dumber?" Than-Ong probably knew that even though my husband is the family leader, he loves and adores his daughter so much that she can be considered the 'most powerful person in the house'. Thus, Than-Ong devotes himself in following and loving Saiyai without wasting his time looking at anyone else at all. The result is Saiyai loves him dearly and that's the reason that Than-Ong is about to fly
to be with Saiyai in New York.
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He's sooo soo soo cute!! I miss him so much! Cant wait to see him!! :)
He is ugly and beautiful at the same time! Look at that tongue! He can't even keep it in his mouth! But he doesn't care! I miss him!
His tongue is the most adorable thing... I have a friend who has a chihuahua whose tongue is always hanging....well that tongue got him famous.. he now models for Ralph Lauren Designer!!!. He is a cutie. I am assuming I will meet him soon with Joom :o)in New York...
Dear Michelle,
You will definitely get to meet ThanOng in NYC!! he's coming here!!
Hmmm... I think that he is cute!!!
And he looks nice in red shirt too!!! hahaha =)
What's with the tongue sticking out??! Does pug do that all the time?
Happy that Saiyai will now have company with a family soon... =)
Regards to you Saiyai!!
No,Lala ,another pugs don't do that all the time.It's Than-Ong's personal character.He can't keep it in his mouth!!!
It's funny that when I posted Than-ong's pictures in this blogspot,my friends around the world send me some emails talking about his tongue.LOL
OOOHHHH!!!! He is adorable!!! You said he was ugly!!! He is not ugly at all. I can see he is the happiest dog on the earth, having been saved from death in a parking lot. Now, he lives to be loved.
He will be much help to Saiyai's studies unless he drips his tongue all over the school papers!!! ha-ha.
Diana from Miami
Dear Diana,I have to insist he is the most ugly pug in the world.He's only pet quality-ugly pet-LOL
As I told you one time Saiyai and all my kids love dogs but don't study anything about dogs standards.So Saiyai once thought that Than-ong was good enough to show.She brought Than-ong to show at a big event proudly.A famouse Pug breeder here was shocked when she saw Than-ong in the ring.Ofcourse,the judge also invited Than-ong out of the ring.This is a joke for my family untill now.
Than-Ong is coming soon Yeah Yeah!! and I'm going to put him in a halloween competition this year since he failed on the real show!! but this time,it's for ugly dog. I'm sure Than-Ong will win!!! LOL
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